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Caravan Club - well done


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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-12-03 10:33 PM

But I don't sneer at people because they aren't adventurous enough to go to Morocco or Croatia or Greece and just go to France.



But you just did ;-) ............8 posts up :D ...........

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Had Enough - 2014-12-03 10:33 PM


Joe90 - 2014-12-03 10:09 PM


Had Enough - 2014-12-03 9:05 PM


Joe90 - 2014-12-03 8:58 PM



I've no wish to enter endless banter with you, and if you had taken the time to read my post fully I ended saying it was a pity if folk didn't think outside their comfort zone.


By the way I don't give a monkies where you've been, but I do think it a pity that some don't venture much further than their front door, or a CC club site, their loss not mine though. ;-)


P.S I believe Syria is the new hot destination, why don't you give it a go, let us know if you get back eh.


Well of course you don't want to engage in banter with me. That's because as usual you're being made to look as silly and as nasty as ever.


Have you been to Morocco, have you been to Croatia? Or are they out of your comfort zone?


What the hell does the comfort zone of others have to do with you? Why is it that what you do is right and what others do is wrong?


So come on, which exciting places have you travelled to in your motorhome? What's your comfort zone?


And perhaps you could also tell us if you never eat in restaurants because you have cooking facilities in your motorhome? That after all is the entire basis of your argument re using site facilities.


Still, now you're on the spot you probably don't want to engage in any banter.





Do you really think anyone is interested in either where you've been or anyone else has for that matter, my point was and is it is a pity if people stay in their comfort zone rather than try something new.


I'll take your advice on board though, and try a public lavatory ( do I need my own paper ) , and a cafe,or should I say restaurant, as I've never experienced either and see what I'm missing,


exactly what I was advocating for folk that hadn't used their motorhome outside of the UK.


This is like shooting fish in a barrel! No, I don't think that anyone is interested in where I've been and I couldn't care less where they've been either.


You just don't get it though - you're the one who's interested in where other people go. If someone chooses to holiday in the UK or use CC sites you sneer at them You sneer at them because you're an arrogant and nasty piece of work who has always thought that what he does should apply to everyone else.


From your reticence in telling us where you go I suspect that you don't go beyond your comfort zone and mainly go to France. But I don't sneer at people because they aren't adventurous enough to go to Morocco or Croatia or Greece and just go to France. Good luck to them if that's what they want to do.


But not only do you sneer at their destination, you sneer at their choice of campsites and fabricate stupid and exaggerated epithets about the typical CC site. How do you know about them though if you never use them?


And getting back to your silly attitude about not using site facilities because you have them in your 'van I ask once more, do you use restaurants?


Either you do occasionally eat out and your policy of only using your own facilities is total bolloxs, or you never eat out and prove yourself to be a boring person who is afraid of venturing out of his own home-cooking comfort zone. Either way you've boxed yourself into another corner and once more proved what a total idiot you are.


I don't expect a sensible response as you simply can't furnish one. Once more you're deep in a hole but I've no doubt that you find some silly little comment in order to divert from your dilemma.


No wonder you don't like bantering with me.







I have no dilemma, how difficult can it be to understand, I don't frequent public lavatories, the fact that you seem to prefer them to your own private facilities is a matter for you.


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Guest Had Enough
Joe90 - 2014-12-03 10:45 PM


I have no dilemma, how difficult can it be to understand, I don't frequent public lavatories, the fact that you seem to prefer them to your own private facilities is a matter for you.


Actually, the fact that people choose to eschew their facilities occasionally to use camp site ones seems to be a matter for you and you're always banging on about it. Why do you worry so much about what others do?


So going anywhere where you can't get back to your camper to use the facilities is scary for you? I don't frequent public lavatories very often either, but I go to restaurants and theatres and if I'm on a nice camp site and I've paid for facilities, and they're good and handy, why wouldn't I use them?


You really should experiment and try eating out occasionally. It might irk you knowing that you can cook in your motorhome, but you'll experience some gastronomic delights. I'm guessing that using restaurants and cafes is out of your comfort zone and that you worry about what you'll do if you need to use a lavatory but honestly, you won't catch anything. It's really very safe.


Perhaps you could have the odd holiday in the UK and use British restaurants and when you've conquered that you could then try doing the same in France? The food is really nice there. Having realised that you don't always have to use the 'van facilities, just because they're there, you will find a whole new and exciting world of dining and exploring.


I hope that this helps.






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Had Enough - 2014-12-03 11:00 PM


Joe90 - 2014-12-03 10:45 PM


I have no dilemma, how difficult can it be to understand, I don't frequent public lavatories, the fact that you seem to prefer them to your own private facilities is a matter for you.


Actually, the fact that people choose to eschew their facilities occasionally to use camp site ones seems to be a matter for you and you're always banging on about it. Why do you worry so much about what others do?


So going anywhere where you can't get back to your camper to use the facilities is scary for you? I don't frequent public lavatories very often either, but I go to restaurants and theatres and if I'm on a nice camp site and I've paid for facilities, and they're good and handy, why wouldn't I use them?


You really should experiment and try eating out occasionally. It might irk you knowing that you can cook in your motorhome, but you'll experience some gastronomic delights. I'm guessing that using restaurants and cafes is out of your comfort zone and that you worry about what you'll do if you need to use a lavatory but honestly, you won't catch anything. It's really very safe.


Perhaps you could have the odd holiday in the UK and use British restaurants and when you've conquered that you could then try doing the same in France? The food is really nice there. Having realised that you don't always have to use the 'van facilities, just because they're there, you will find a whole new and exciting world of dining and exploring.


I hope that this helps.






yes thanks a lot.................just what I've been advocating for others..........get out and find a whole new world that doesn't begin and end with a Caravan Club site in the UK,............ glad we're agreed at last,


I'll be in Morrisons Cafe first thing tomorrow. ;-) And Moules and Frites at Leclerc in the spring, who knows I may even venture into their bog, or use one of those fascinating rural stoop over ones and try out my aim, wowI feel like I've been reborn.


Night night, off to dream of all these new adventures. ;-)

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I've never understood CC baiting. I've been a member for 24 years and I like what I get.


Quite happy that those who don't like the CC to go elsewhere. We all have our preferences but I do wish people would leave off those who are members of the CC.

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Brock - 2014-12-03 11:38 PM


I've never understood CC baiting. I've been a member for 24 years and I like what I get.


Quite happy that those who don't like the CC to go elsewhere. We all have our preferences but I do wish people would leave off those who are members of the CC.


Yes...even in my relatively short time on here, from the off it was pretty clear that some sneer at those who use the likes of the CC or C&CC or even just sites in the *UK in general...


(*..although for some reason, booking a pitch on the Continent many months in advance and then pitching up the MH for weeks at a time, seems to be exempt from such ridicule.....Hmmm...? :-S )


And these sorts of exchanges are nearly always started by the "Anti" camp.... Odd that, seeing as they are so keen to tell us that UK sites and Clubs are of no interest to them.......


Even more bizarre, is that some of the main protagonists don't seem to have the strength of their own convictions...as they have told us in the not too distant past, that they are in(or have even "re-joined"!) one or both of the main clubs anyway!..(lol) (lol)



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Brock - 2014-12-03 11:38 PM


I've never understood CC baiting. I've been a member for 24 years and I like what I get.


Quite happy that those who don't like the CC to go elsewhere. We all have our preferences but I do wish people would leave off those who are members of the CC.


Agreed. My original post was to praise the CC for getting it right this year.


Some p misconceptions though about the CC.


You have to pay in advance. No. (Perhaps on affiliated sites, never used one though )


All the sites miles from anywhere. No.


Offices closed. If you're running late, ring, they'll accommodate where possible.


As for folk going to Spain for 2 or 3 months for £3.92 a night, smashing. However, there are some folk in this life who enjoy our leisure differently.


Note - differently, not better.


Colin responded to the thread subject, he wasn't, as far as I'm concerned, boasting that he could both afford to and was able to book 115 nights with the CC, merely that he had. That's the thread subject.


Having an opinion is fine, but funny enough, for it to be taken seriously, respecting other viewpoints is essential.




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CC club sites are clean, well-equipped,well run and not particularly expensive. It's quite nice to know what to expect at the end of along journey. Our van is small and we would rather use the site facilities than our own, we are not so precious as to reject using someone else's toilet. We've driven round a good few sites in France and then left. We have had excellent service from CC insurance and the fare prices are OK.


Is there some plan to make CC membership compulsory? :-D

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Guest JudgeMental
Muswell - 2014-12-04 8:59 AM


CC club sites are clean, well-equipped,well run and not particularly expensive. It's quite nice to know what to expect at the end of along journey. Our van is small and we would rather use the site facilities than our own, we are not too precious to reject using someone else's toilet. We've driven round a good few sites in France and then left. We have had excellent service from CC insurance and the fare prices are OK.


Is there some plan to make CC membership compulsory? :-D


Plus any sites that we have used in the past few years the staff have been lovely..it was not the same years ago though! Clean, basic and quiet is all that most people require.....

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Colin Leake - 2014-12-03 7:25 PM


pelmetman - 2014-12-03 7:18 PM


Colin Leake - 2014-12-03 7:07 PM


Tracker - 2014-12-03 7:03 PM


Colin Leake - 2014-12-03 6:54 PM


So that's 50 nights for you against 115 for us with no crossing fees. Seems like a bargain to me.



Fair comment Colin - there is no way I could get half a dozen return ferry crossings for under a grand - or is there ?


And the sunshine is a bonus - along with diesel at under a fiver a gallon!


So that leaves me about a grand in pocket - which covers a big slice of the cost of the diesel.


On that basis alone it is unlikely that we will be holidaying in the UK in 2015.


How much would it cost you if you had 115 days rather than 50 and how does the price of food compare?


Supermarkets are about on par with UK now, except the wine is cheaper............eating out is also cheaper and far better value especially at lunch time B-) ..................and if you went a bit further South to Spain then everything is cheaper still :D ...........and you get this funny yellow thing in the sky in winter 8-).............



Out of interest how much cheaper is the wine. In the past living in Kent we always used to pop over through the tunnel using Tesco vouchers for a cheap crossing and buy our wine in bulk twice a year but began to,find it was no longer worth the effort. Indeed we could sometimes buy the same wine cheaper in the UK. Now the pound has gone up perhaps we should,take a look at starting that again.



We buy Chevalier Fauvert Merlot for everyday drinking





It's about £4 a bottle over here, but in French Lidl it's 5.49€ for a 3l box, so the equivalent of 1.37€ (just over a pound a bottle).


We bring enough back to last until our next trip, a dozen boxes last time).


The other thing we stock up on is coffee beans. Less than 5 euros per kilo in France and Italy, about a quarter the price of the UK.


The savings on wine and coffee more than pay for our ferry/diesel getting to France.


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What a strange lot the CC knockers are and very narrow minded, although most have not stayed on a CC site for years so how they know about them anyway is mystifying. It is narrow minded to dismiss the CC sites as they are the best around, even worst to dismiss the UK which has some of the best scenery and attractions in Europe. OK the weather is not always the best but if all you require is a beach in Benidorm and some sun then that is pretty sad. Personally sitting on a beach even in the sun becomes boring after about five minutes for me and as for spending three months on the same site in Spain this is beyond boring. So come on you 'never use CC sites or tour in the UK types', open your minds a bit and try, you may even enjoy it. I admit we mainly tour in Europe but still take breaks in the UK, am off to York CC site in about ten days to do our Christmas shopping, far better than any of the euro places for this. The truth of this though is that the knockers do not like spending money, would rather stay in a layby, as long as the sun is out.
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I agree. We have just tried our first Cc at Southport, after reading all the comments on the forum I was a little nervous on checking in and asked which way to park, the lovely lady who had given us a really warm welcome, laughed and said " anyway we wanted but not sideways", the park was beautifully kept and the shower block immaculate. We could walk into Southport and had a wonderful couple of days in our new van we had just collected from marquis in Preston. You are so right, as long as we are all enjoying what we do and where we stay it is fine. We are carers for my elderly parents, and only have short respite breaks, CC club at Shrewsbury for 1 night between Xmas and new Year our next break. So we cannot travel to France and far flung places, and when I get a couple of days I have no wish to spend it on a car Park for free, the £17 a night I paid at Southport was worth every penny.
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rupert123 - 2014-12-04 2:42 PM

OK the weather is not always the best but if all you require is a beach in Benidorm and some sun then that is pretty sad. Personally sitting on a beach even in the sun becomes boring after about five minutes for me and as for spending three months on the same site in Spain this is beyond boring.



Having a go at the CC knockers as you put it is fair enough but it does seem rather strange that you should use such terminology regarding others?


I will not insult your intelligence by assuming that the above description fits you so why would you make such an assertion that it fits others?


I think that you can rest assured that most of us know that there is much more to mainland Europe than beaches.

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Lynneroy, we've had limited time during the year to get away and what we wanted was to go somewhere which we could book easily [online], was within two hours drive of home, and provided a hassle free few days. The CC provides consistent sites so we always know what we are getting. Motorhoming with the CC makes for great stress relieving breaks which has suited us to a tee.


We have toured abroad and thoroughly enjoyed it but for us, to justify the cost we'd need to spend weeks away on the Continent and that has not been possible of late. Next year is looking good for us in that respect.


The CC, or the C&CC, should suit you well.



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Tracker - 2014-12-04 3:58 PM


rupert123 - 2014-12-04 2:42 PM

OK the weather is not always the best but if all you require is a beach in Benidorm and some sun then that is pretty sad. Personally sitting on a beach even in the sun becomes boring after about five minutes for me and as for spending three months on the same site in Spain this is beyond boring.



Having a go at the CC knockers as you put it is fair enough but it does seem rather strange that you should use such terminology regarding others?


I will not insult your intelligence by assuming that the above description fits you so why would you make such an assertion that it fits others?


I think that you can rest assured that most of us know that there is much more to mainland Europe than beaches.


He's only having a bit of "banter".... ;-)

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Guest JudgeMental

Shame H don't know how to read a book, relax a bit and chill. But then not much opertunity to do anything at all on a cc site! :D





(couldn't resist (lol))

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Thanks John, I really think it will suit us at the moment as it does you, they allow us to arrive late and depart late too. I hope you have a brilliant 2015 enjoying your motorhome, we still enjoy the little breaks we have and you are right, it is lovely to know the cc site will be clean and well kept. When visiting our daughter and travelling overnight we do stay on car parks where permitted and enjoy this too, but when lucky enough to get a couple of days off it is nice to stay on a nice site.



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Joe90 - 2014-12-03 8:17 PM


To be fair I think the surprise comes from knowing there are many people prepared to pay well in advance to stay invariably miles from anywhere worthwhile that one can walk too, regimented to park "on the peg" that are greeted with scorn and derision dare you arrive after the office has closed, pay God knows what for their onboard facilities, yet rave about the sites loo block and share it with total strangers possibly after a dodgy curry, or verrucas .

Just as well we are not all the same I guess, but I can't help believing they have never experienced the sheer delight of getting over the water with no preconceived ideas where to go, and finding wonderful places with each new day an adventure, a pity really, but what ever pushes you button I guess, but I would urge anyone to cross the channel, it really opens up a whole new world of doing things with your motorhome, and it really is nothing to be fearful about which I suspect prevents many trying it.


I hate to be the one to tell you this Joe90 but with the caravan club one only pays on arrival at the site. Unlike most commercial sites no deposit is required and no advanced payments. All that is required is to let them know I think it's 72 hours in advance if you need to cancel a booking.


You are naturally entitled to opinion and good luck to you as you obviously enjoy your style of motorhoming but please do,take the trouble to,get your facts right.


I might also add that in all the years we have been using the club sites we have nothing but praise for the wardens. There was one exception some years ago where the warden was so officious it was like being in an episode of Faulty Towers with his wife scuttling round behind him trying to make good. Hugely entertaining and enjoyable. Shame the Club saw fit to get rid of him.

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Guest JudgeMental
Think prospective wardens must attend compulsory charm school these days before being let loose on us...... It has def changed for the better. Have meet some real barstewards in the past, one particular nasty example, furiously telling of a couple of 3/4 year olds on their bikes...I had a word! it was unbelievable....
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Each to their own Colin, I'm well aware that you only pay on arrival, much the same as any site I've ever been on, the difference being in the UK it seems to be centered around "office hours" on the few occasions we used club sites and arrived late we felt suitably admonished by the warden, we gave up on the UK long ago, so I'll bow out and let the rest of you enjoy the CC and the UK, my point was and is, for anyone that has not ventured out of the UK it may be a revelation that things can and are often done differently that's all,no pre planning, no pre booking, and arriving past the witching hour isn't a hanging offence.
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Sophie2 - 2014-12-04 3:11 PM


Not sure why the CC Booking System requires details of a "Towcar Registration No" when the database has the Motorhome details already.


I wasn;t able to complete the booking until I'd put a number in-and we don't have a Towcar!


I made the same mistake on the first booking then discovered if I selected the little box to tell them we were using the motorhome it would put the registration in. What's more on subsequent bookings it did it all for you.

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JudgeMental - 2014-12-04 6:16 PM


Shame H don't know how to read a book, relax a bit and chill. But then not much opertunity to do anything at all on a cc site! :D





(couldn't resist (lol))

Well I have been known to sit and read Ed but threes months on same site in Spain would need a lot of books. Not referring to you incidentally but a couple of other posters on this thread.

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