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Breathalysers and the Dorset Police.


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Just read the article but not followed up on the rest of the related stuff about the Dorset police saying that a lot of the D.I.Y. shop bought kits are not much good and fail tests? I know full well that you should NOT drink and drive, even the following morning you can be over the limit in this country. So where does that put Alco-Sense kits? get them date stamped and carry them in the motorhome when out in France and the police will accept them. I was stopped once some where along the Loire last year and a very pleasant English speaking officer checked mine and sent me on my way with a smile, this was after looking the van over with interest. Is this the police in this country being 'jobsworth' at Xmas? because we all know you dont drink and drive dont we, at any time of the year?
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Be aware of the new limits north of the border. It basically means no alcohol at all and even the morning after can easily put you over the limit. Plus the Plods are being ever more rigorous in checking motorists. Yes, if it saves lives of course it is worth it, but sometimes one does wonder if the ends fully justify the means. It came into effect at midnight on the 4th December and some poor sod was caught just after midnight. It means an automatic ban and a fine, so probably job is on the line.


It puts Scotland in line with all Europe but.....in most EU countries a low level above the limit does not result in a ban. Here it does.

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Guest pelmetman
Dave225 - 2014-12-12 9:22 PM


Be aware of the new limits north of the border. It basically means no alcohol at all and even the morning after can easily put you over the limit. Plus the Plods are being ever more rigorous in checking motorists. Yes, if it saves lives of course it is worth it, but sometimes one does wonder if the ends fully justify the means. It came into effect at midnight on the 4th December and some poor sod was caught just after midnight. It means an automatic ban and a fine, so probably job is on the line.


It puts Scotland in line with all Europe but.....in most EU countries a low level above the limit does not result in a ban. Here it does.


Indeed they get to drive those little put put cars that are limited to 30 mph ;-) .................and apparently I've been told free road tax 8-) .....

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I understand from the local paper that last weekend 7 people were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol , that answers your question , we all know you shouldnt drink and drive but some do , and the ones that do are the ones that are a danger to the rest of us . So i say carry on mr policeman get them off the road .
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pelmetman - 2014-12-12 9:26 PM


Dave225 - 2014-12-12 9:22 PM


Be aware of the new limits north of the border. It basically means no alcohol at all and even the morning after can easily put you over the limit. Plus the Plods are being ever more rigorous in checking motorists. Yes, if it saves lives of course it is worth it, but sometimes one does wonder if the ends fully justify the means. It came into effect at midnight on the 4th December and some poor sod was caught just after midnight. It means an automatic ban and a fine, so probably job is on the line.


It puts Scotland in line with all Europe but.....in most EU countries a low level above the limit does not result in a ban. Here it does.


Indeed they get to drive those little put put cars that are limited to 30 mph ;-) .................and apparently I've been told free road tax 8-) .....



Is that what they are. I thought they were disabled buggies, bit lke the old ones we used to have here made by AC cars. Must admit parking the thing looks a doddle. However, it does at least keep you on the road I guess. We seem to have a policy of '1 strike and you are out'. I do not condone drinking and driving but to lose your licence and your job is pretty harsh, especially on the family. Some form of gradation would seem more sensible.


But the bottom line is the Law is what it is, so just do not drink and drive and do not leave a campsite after a hefty night before.

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Guest pelmetman
Dave225 - 2014-12-12 9:34 PM


pelmetman - 2014-12-12 9:26 PM


Dave225 - 2014-12-12 9:22 PM


Be aware of the new limits north of the border. It basically means no alcohol at all and even the morning after can easily put you over the limit. Plus the Plods are being ever more rigorous in checking motorists. Yes, if it saves lives of course it is worth it, but sometimes one does wonder if the ends fully justify the means. It came into effect at midnight on the 4th December and some poor sod was caught just after midnight. It means an automatic ban and a fine, so probably job is on the line.


It puts Scotland in line with all Europe but.....in most EU countries a low level above the limit does not result in a ban. Here it does.


Indeed they get to drive those little put put cars that are limited to 30 mph ;-) .................and apparently I've been told free road tax 8-) .....



Is that what they are. I thought they were disabled buggies, bit lke the old ones we used to have here made by AC cars. Must admit parking the thing looks a doddle. However, it does at least keep you on the road I guess. We seem to have a policy of '1 strike and you are out'. I do not condone drinking and driving but to lose your licence and your job is pretty harsh, especially on the family. Some form of gradation would seem more sensible.


But the bottom line is the Law is what it is, so just do not drink and drive and do not leave a campsite after a hefty night before.


Rules are rules ;-) ...........and you can count on UK PLC to apply them to the full *-) ...........where as in La la land they're application seem's a bit lackadaisical :-| ..........



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Dave225 - 2014-12-12 9:34 PM

Is that what they are. I thought they were disabled buggies, bit lke the old ones we used to have here made by AC cars. Must admit parking the thing looks a doddle. However, it does at least keep you on the road I guess. We seem to have a policy of '1 strike and you are out'. I do not condone drinking and driving but to lose your licence and your job is pretty harsh, especially on the family. Some form of gradation would seem more sensible.


But the bottom line is the Law is what it is, so just do not drink and drive and do not leave a campsite after a hefty night before.


I have been told that to drive one of those on anything other than a quiet back road requires no sense of fear. As for the effect on your job of losing your licence, for whatever reason.....surely if your licence is that important you should be extra careful?

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pelmetman - 2014-12-12 9:49 PM


Rules are rules ;-) ...........and you can count on UK PLC to apply them to the full *-) ...........where as in La la land they're application seem's a bit lackadaisical :-| ..........


In September in Souillac the Gendarme had a check point on a back road (main road would have meant too much work) they stopped a woman driver and gave her a breathalyser, it was the blow up bag type, she took two light puffs the bag didn't even move they glanced at it and sent her on her was.


Much more serious offense in France is to have a meal without a drink. (lol)


Some years ago on an Autoroute saw a lorry driver have his lunch (a baguette) down a full bottle of Red wine and then drive off in his 40 tonner.


Most dangerous time on the road in France must be the couple of hours after lunch time.

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This is all very fine these reply's to my original post, but if various police forces across the country are going to insist that 'DIY' breathalysers are not accurate enough and dont rely on them, where does that put the likes of Alco- Sense and the others on the market?
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