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Ducato - funny electrical fault- advice sought


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I agree about Nick's advice and have no intention of ignoring it.


But if it isn't the instrument panel it IS something else, and I would like to know what that is. My MOT man has said he wouldn't consider it a fail as it is. However he has hooked it up to his diagnostic machine and it has produced an error code (I think 171A) so he is enquiring after the weekend as to what this may point to. ~Apparently Fiat have an advice line.

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was having a look at mine today, have 4 lights that faintly illuminate, 'seat belt' 'parking sensor' 'glow plug' and one other which I've forgotten. they light up if door is opened, lights switched on and/or ignition switched on. If it fails a MOT I'll worry about it then.
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  • 1 month later...

Sad to report that the Sevel 'instrument panel lights glowing dimly' problem still exists even in the new version of the chassis.

We have the temperature warning light on all the time even for several seconds after the ignition is switched off..


You really would think that they might have sorted this by now, 8 years after the X2/50 hit the streets but apparently not.

New panel being fitted next week.

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  • 1 month later...

Thought I'd resurrect this thread -


Just discovered that on my recently acquired 2011 Adria Sport, I too have a faint warning light displayed - ASR. It appears to activate in the same fashion as others have described, staying on with the ignition, or being temporarily booted into life with opening the door.


What is really strange though, is I don't appear to have ASR fitted!!!


I've read on other forums that instrument clusters are being replaced more than once, and it's doubtful my 6 months AA warranty would cover this, so if Nick says not to worry I don't think I'll bother.


After all it is Italian, and in my experience they excel in automotive electrical glitches...

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  • 9 months later...
globebuster - 2015-03-18 11:19 PM


Thought I'd resurrect this thread -


Just discovered that on my recently acquired 2011 Adria Sport, I too have a faint warning light displayed - ASR. It appears to activate in the same fashion as others have described, staying on with the ignition, or being temporarily booted into life with opening the door.


What is really strange though, is I don't appear to have ASR fitted!!!


I've read on other forums that instrument clusters are being replaced more than once, and it's doubtful my 6 months AA warranty would cover this, so if Nick says not to worry I don't think I'll bother.


After all it is Italian, and in my experience they excel in automotive electrical glitches...


Well, one could be knocked down with the proverbial feather.


A resurrected thread relating to a common (if you own a Ducato) or not so common at all (if you are a representative of Fiat) instrument panel fault.


Have no fear chaps, all will be revealed in the fullness of time !


My motorhome was purchased in May '13.

The first occurrence of the mysterious dim warning lights happened at about 5,000 miles and eleven months later. One of the dim lights was for a system that was not even fitted to the vehicle.

A local dealership replaced the unit under warranty.


At about 11,000 miles and a further 11 months down the road, yet more dim warning lights appeared, this time for systems that were fitted to the vehicle.

The same local dealer replaced the unit again under the warranty.


I asked at the time, what would happen in a further 11 months time, if/when more dim warning lights appeared. I was told that it would cost me about £750 for a new unit.


Well to cut a long story short,................. no, why spoil the fun,............ following several instance of what I considered to be poor service from Fiat, including a rip-off by a French Fiat dealer after a breakdown at Narbonne, and being charged, .... wait for it £99 for front wheel tracking adjustment by a dealer in Preston,(while the vehicle was still under warranty), not forgetting the twice failed dash unit, they came up with an offer of £200, not cash-in-hand, but off my next service by a Fiat dealer.


Not a bad result,.................................. BUT the F****ing instrument panel has just revealed another set of dimly glowing warning lights.


Tomorrow I am going to ring the very nice lady on the other end of 0080034281111 (Option 2) and see if anything can be done about this latest failure of this questionably dysfunctional dash unit.


I have communicated with MMM and the experts all seem to think it is an earth issue ?


I am too old to be crawling around under a grubby engine compartment, and I am certainly not going to be fiddling with anything electrical on one of today's modern "designed to frustrate the D-I-Y mechanic" vehicles. At the end of the day, the vehicle is still roadworthy, and these dim warning lights seem to be totally spurious.


I will communicate further when I have owt to report, ................... maybe when Hell Freezes Over, to quote The Eagles.


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Hi, I have only picked up your post today and have to admit to not reading all of the replies. However I had a very strange electrical fault and your 'driver's door' comment caught my eye. Below is the information I posted after successfully fixing it. This may not be able applicable to your problem but the symptoms are a little similar.


“I recently had a very intermittent fault on the off-side indicators – the front one would work, the dashboard repeat would work but the rear indicator would not. I checked the usual suspects bulb, poor connection, fuse etc. but to no avail. The problem worsened a few days ago when the key fob and separate alarm fob became ineffective. I eventually found a blown fuse in the alarm unit – changed it and all the faults cleared. All was OK – or so I thought!!

On rechecking that the fault was indeed cleared I saw that a different fault had manifested itself - neither of the indicators were working properly – a completely different problem.

Further investigation found that the wiring bundle from the doorjamb into the driver’s door had chaffed on the metal work. So much so that bare wires could be seen in two distinct areas – hence the blown fuse. I repaired this and covered the wiring bundle with plastic tubing.

I then checked the passenger side and again there were signs of chaffing. So I resorted to the tubing again."

Might be worth investigating if you have not yet cleared your fault?

Cattwg :-D

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Heres my ten pence worth.

If the instrument light cluster has a warning lamp for door open as most cars will have, and that circuit has a bad earth, it will draw its earth from other sources. Like why we see brake lights flashing when an indicator bulb is corroded in its holder and has a poor earth.
So look at the earth to the interior light and supply a fresh new one, even just temporary to see if it makes a difference.

Also is there a timer on the interior light, so when the door closes it goes off slowly. As this then would indicate it has to do with the ECU.

Just fishing and hope it helps.

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aka4ajax - 2016-01-15 3:45 PMHeres my ten pence worth.

If the instrument light cluster has a warning lamp for door open as most cars will have, and that circuit has a bad earth, it will draw its earth from other sources. Like why we see brake lights flashing when an indicator bulb is corroded in its holder and has a poor earth.
So look at the earth to the interior light and supply a fresh new one, even just temporary to see if it makes a difference.

Also is there a timer on the interior light, so when the door closes it goes off slowly. As this then would indicate it has to do with the ECU.

Just fishing and hope it helps.

My thoughts are that it's a bad earth for the instrument cluster, or one of the circuits within it, probably caused by a bad solder joint. My van is now nearly 5 years old has AFAIK always had the fault and it's never been a problem
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The experts at MMM (The motorhomer's Bible) all say that this is an earth issue.



The original unit failed, and Fiat replaced it, then that replacement failed and Fiat replaced it, now the second replacement unit has failed.


Surely if it was an earth issue, then when each of the replacement units was fitted the dim warning lights would still be present, and subsequent logical analysis would lead any decent auto-electrician to discover any related earth fault ?


Similarly; surely any half-decent Fiat main dealer, who has come across the problem of dim warning lights on several occasions, would examine all the options, including faulty earths, especially when a warranty is invoked,


Maybe I have just been unlucky ?


Regardless, following several conversations with Fiat customer services, and a trip to the local main dealer, it has been agreed that the unit is knackered and they are going to replace it yet again.


They have contacted me to let me know that they have ordered the unit and it will be fitted some time next week.


Now that they are going to foot the bill for another unit, (8 months outside the 2 year warranty period)surely if they were aware of a possible earth issue then they would fix it, ......................... or maybe it's just easer and less hassle to replace the unit, ................... buggered if I know !.


All very disconcerting in many ways. Suffice it to say that I may well avoid SEVEL based motorhomes in any future purchase.


The Fiat forum, which I dare say many of you have already visited has pretty much followed the same pattern as has this thread.




All good fun, init ?

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monty 205, when your van goes in tell them to replace the original earth then tell them to put in another earth strap to a differant part of the chassis, this takes minutes and the cost of 2 earth straps £10 may be,then ask em to look at the wiring loom connectors under the fuse box they will be corroded, if they are the loom needs extending to under neath the wing where it is drier, it will just be the earth or said connector,i had all this done in the 1st year when my ECU blew up! no probs since.....touch wood.



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The unit has been replaced, free of charge, as a "Good Will" gesture.


So in the space of less than three years, this vehicle has had four Instrument clusters fitted, one 'as new' and three to replace subsequent failures.


I guess that FIAT are well aware of this problem, but as ever, they are quite prepared to muddle through without addressing the root cause, whatever it may be.


I spoke to the technical fellow at the local Fiat Dealers and he claimed to be unaware of any issues with the earth strap, and stated categorically that the issue was within the unit itself, and was not related to any earth issue other than a possible earth/continuity fault within the sealed unit itself.


They have agreed to check the earth strap and the wiring loom/fuse box situation when the vehicle goes in for servicing in a few weeks time.


Thereby ends the tale , ........................ for the time being.


:-D :-D

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Monty205 - 2016-01-20 11:18 AM



Thereby ends the tale , ........................ for the time being.


:-D :-D


My guess is that if you keep the vehicle it will 'fail' again, whilst it might be seen to be annoying that Fiat can't/won't find the root cause and fix the issue, my experience is that it makes no difference to the operation of the vehicle, if you have time to spare by all means get it changed whilst in warranty, but once this runs out don't worry about it.

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last year my new fiat globecar started to play up. when I put on the side lights the odometer started flashing, and the air bag warning light came on. I took it into the main fiat dealer. they found that part of the wiring loom behind the dashboard centre storage box was showing bare wires and shorting. the service manager said that the wiring used by fiat was so poor quality that it accounted for many of the faults they came across even in the large HGV,s. its not even copper wire, just some alloy they use. anyway all sorted now. but like most if not all new cars and vans they are all being made down to a cost. and the faults are just brushed over.


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  • 3 months later...

Hi Everyone, i would like to introduce myself first of all, not only am i a proud owner of a 2014 FIAT DUCATO AUTO TRAIL FRONTIER Motorhome but i am am also the director of Cartronix. We are Specialists in repairing instrument clusters on motorhomes as well as other vehicles.


Two of our biggest customers in the uk are Motor home dealers. The Faults that have been described on these forums are extremely common and we see them every day.


Dimly lit LED warning lights and draining of the battery are the most common faults as well as the gauges sticking.


The LEDs Fail for 2 reasons, jump starting flat batteries and Cheap unreliable components.


Solution: We Replace all the LEDs with Superior European Quality ones and give a lifetime warranty.


The Gauges often fail when they dry out inside and seize up when the vehicles have been left over the winter months.


Solution: We Replace the Motors with upgraded European Motors which have a protective coating inside and again give a lifetime warranty.


We have a solution for all problems and charge a fixed rate of £150 inc vat to repair these instrument cluster faults.


We have a next working day Postal service if you would like to remove and send us your instrument cluster to us for repair or failing that if you fancy a trip to our workshop in Hampshire we can remove repair and refit your instrument cluster while you wait. Our telephone number is 02392 265986.


You are more than welcome to take a look at our website. www.cartronix.co.uk


Hope to save you all some money and stress.


Happy Motoring.






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