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Over the last 10 years we have had several TomToms as it is often more cost effective to replace than to update so I can't speak for other makes, although I think now that many come with a lifetime's updates for free - aka included in the price.


None have ever failed and although our 'current' one is now 5 years old it still works well, as does it's predecessor as a back up, but you do have to apply a good dollop of common sense to any navigation AID when it tries to send you down a country track with a low bridge or a ford!


I mount ours on top of the instrument binnacle where it also serves as a very handy kph speedo, albeit slightly time delayed at times.

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Another vote for tom tom here,easy to add POI's, easy to load updates online.got a go live 1005 camper, which means you can enter your vehicle type,then it sends you via main roads only but can still send you down an unsuitable lane because they don't have a database of road widths.so be aware.this is true for all sat-navs.



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Bought a Garmin a couple of years back, it's aDezl 560 has lifetime updates for both mapping and traffic info. You can input height,weight and width, which works well as it soon told me when I was going to go left down a road with a low bridge when Garmin had routed me To turn right.. With the GPS given a quick speed readout and telling you if you are going quicker than the current limit, GPS is actual speed as your vehicles speedo is normally 5% higher than true.

Easy to update mapping and Garmins own software.


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