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(to go directly to the National Consultation on Road Safety, click here)

Like many drivers, you are perhaps already flashed by a radar in a place that, obviously, was not dangerous.

Maybe even have you experienced a manifest excess of zeal of the police without you really understand why.

Communication government says this ultra-repressive system helps reduce road deaths. But what is it really when you look at the numbers?

Last year, 17.2 million contravention notice have been prepared (excluding parking), the picture is becoming heavier for those who take the road often. Why automated repression she continues to intensify, with ever more and ever more efficient techniques?

Faced with growing repression stifling, discontent grows and resistance was organized from the users side as police officers.

Who are these disgruntled road repression? Are they reckless drivers, or just responsible citizens, who discovered the pot with roses? ...

In this video you'll discover the hidden side of road safety: a growing business, which benefits large companies, the state and political leaders.

Investigation at the heart of the business of road safety.

April 2012. The authorities want to make it mandatory possession of a breathalyzer in every vehicle, under cover of road safety. The League for the Defense of Drivers publicly denounces the business behind this measure:

On the one hand, manufacturers that make their required products to ensure 100% guaranteed market of 40 million drivers,

On the other, politicians, who shot twofold: they think will make them popular pretending fight against drunk driving, and create new revenue by creating a fine of 11 € for failing breathalyser.

And in the middle, drivers whose safety has been improved in any way, but are condemned to checkout what!

Yes, it is shocking. And fortunately, this time, we managed to get rid of the measure. Unfortunately, these practices are commonplace in the middle of the road safety ...

2002 - Jacques Chirac decided to make road safety a "national priority" - a laudable goal, no one disputes as it is cruel to lose someone on the road. His plan: to stake everything on the repressive.

From the beginning, the government appealed to private companies to implement its new road policy of repression.

This is a huge market that opens for a few handpicked companies: Atos, Morpho (Sagem), SPIE, involved in the manufacture, installation, maintenance of these first radar, but also the Poste, through its subsidiary Asphéria, which is found to route PV tens of millions each year.

Since then, every year, these big boxes share a cake of 200 million euros.

Where is the rest of the money siphoned drivers?

Last year, about 1.7 billion euros has reported road repression, EUR 452 million went directly into the coffers of the State; the remainder was distributed to various administrative agencies (municipalities, AFITF, PvE, social cohesion, departments, driving license ...)

In short, a policy that pays a lot to a lot of people ...

To sit repression and make it difficult backsliding, state and large companies have set up a cumbersome and centralized administrative machine, which is becoming increasingly important.

This is the Offences Processing National Center (NTC) in Rennes.

A real factory of 11,000 m² PV, which deals every little speeding recorded by radar anywhere in France.

On this plateau, the operators seize 500 license plates per hour.

A higher validates the chain, then everything is printed by a machine that constantly spits out thousands of minutes. These documents batteries then pass on a carpet to be automatically folded, placed in envelopes and sent directly to your mailbox.

Nearly 60,000 PV and are shipped daily.

THE CNT, it is not only a treatment center: the keystone of automated enforcement

This is where it all happens. That everything is calculated. That everything is planned.

A policeman interviewed by journalist Denis Boulard example reveals:

"Here in the Basque Country, where cars do not come out for three or four days, people of Rennes call us' your radar is down? There is a problem?" We are being watched! "

The machine is started. The radars will multiply as fast growing number, more sophisticated ...

End of 2014, 4,200 speed cameras will be installed throughout the country.

Fixed, mobile radars, radar sections can calculate the average velocity over a given distance, discriminant radar can distinguish between light heavyweight vehicles, red light cameras, radar level crossing ...

Not to mention the latest generation of radar embedded in cars based in the flow of traffic, which can flash, continuously, all vehicles around them ...

Encouraged by companies operating radar, eager to spend for good Samaritans in "caring" for the safety of French, political leaders are in the process of setting up a road system of repression and control of citizens, a scale never seen before.

Consequence: in a few years, the number of points allowed withdrawn flies. 3 million in 2002, rose to 14 million today.

About 90,000 people each year lose their licenses, and too many of them lose their jobs in the process.

This is more than drivers who had real risk behavior, but mothers, nurses, shopping, delivery men, who drive a lot and are statistically more vulnerable to traps set by radar.

Because it does not believe that these machines really punish racers: last year, 95% of the flashes of the cameras were for speeding less than 20 km / h.

Today there are 29,000 Pv day, only for speeding!

To justify this unbearable hype on millions of people who need their cars to move, to get the pill to the most conscientious drivers who are still flashing, the state justifies its great propaganda reinforcement policy.

A budget of € 15 million was paid to a large advertising agency to promote the repressive policies - a colossal budget, which would be much more useful elsewhere!

The clinching argument of this propaganda: the decline in road deaths. Month after month, when the numbers of road deaths drop, our politicians welcomed the policy they have in place to protect citizens.

When the numbers are increasing, it is of course due to drivers who are "released".

Thus, since 2002, they attribute the decline in road deaths in the only road repression.

It is a shameful manipulation.


In reality, this decline is part of a virtuous circle that began in the mid 1970s.

- Constant improvement of roads, development of crossroads and risk areas

- Improved vehicles: generalization of airbags, improved protection systems, driving assistance, seatbelt ...

- More rapid relief

- Effective awareness and prevention campaigns

- The fight against drunk driving, measured and targeted repression dangerous behavior.


Unfortunately, most of these factors that led to the great drop in road deaths for 40 years are being phased out to stake everything on automated enforcement.

Maintenance budgets of national highways, for example, continue to decline since 2009. In recent years, we went from 424 million euros to 335 million only.

Yet it is on this type of road fatalities that take place 3 out of 4!


How many lives could have been saved if the state had maintained roads instead of putting money in the purchase of new radar?


Drivers are sent to the scene because of a nest-holes or rough roads

Entire families are well broken.

Yet politicians persist. Not only because they are pushed by companies that benefit from radars, but also because they are convinced by biased surveys, controlled by pro-enforcement associations, their repressive policies is popular with voters.

Caught in a trap that imposes financial profitability and security, politicians are quick to give up quotas for traffic tickets to police and gendarmes.


A police officer interviewed in Nantes Radar business book confesses "we do not put in accident-prone areas. People know it's dangerous and slow themselves. To go fast, make sales and to move on, we settle in areas "con traps." the CAP, as they say. "

"we are here to make sales. Our year-end bonuses depend on."


In Grenoble, a police officer, "Before, I was a" road angel "I was helping people, lent their help and if I verbalisais, I did it as a last resort I am leaving because I.. do not want to be a tax officer with grids to fill. "


These quotas are not just about speed, but all offenses. In Pau eg a directive requires the police to punish a specific number of non-compliance with a stop, a fire, or belt failure. And even verbalize exactly 51 people for "failure to comply".

This is not a joke: it's actually asked the police to "provoke" the drivers that they refuse to cooperate!


Gradually, road safety has been transformed into an unjust policy, aimed at profitability rather than the well-being of citizens, behaving with the drivers so odious, heavily treated offenders and murderers, and, worst of all, using the misfortune of the families of the victims of the road to establish a policy of repression which, as we know, has no results on road deaths!


Faced with these intolerable abuses of road repression,

resistance was organized.


May 11, 2011, the Minister of the Interior announced the withdrawal of signs warning radar, and the prohibition of alarms.


Immediately, drivers associations are mobilizing. The petition launched by our association collects 120,000 signatures in a few days, and we were part of the group that called for protests against these measures.


Given such discontent, the government had to back down. Let us not forget that for the policy, this is not just a matter of economics, but also popularity.


By appropriating the good results of road safety in France, a trend that we have seen, the date there much longer than the automated enforcement, politicians can give the impression to the French that they care about their safety.


This is much easier than to straighten a failing justice which leaves criminals and thugs outside and releases to repeat even a quarter of their sentence!


With the number of burglaries and assaults that explodes, and before the growing sense of insecurity in French, the answer is ready-made, easy, timeless: we take care of your safety on the road. Through our work, lives are saved.


Except that it's a lie, and that more and more people are realizing this. By the League for the Defence of drivers, I get more and more messages and calls from drivers who have never had an accident and are outraged at having lost points and fined for driving "normally ".


The results of our latest Survey on Road Safety are categorical: the 978,000 respondents, 82% say stop the all-repressive.


And believe me when I go see members in their office at the National Assembly with these numbers, they are willing to listen to our proposals!


For now, they are forty MPs from across the political spectrum, to support us in the Assembly. To convince others to show them what the French really think of this unjust policy of repression road, inefficient and odious, our association needs to gather the views of at least 5 million people.


That is why we have launched a major

National Consultation on Road Safety,

which you can participate here.


Gradually, the public and political opinion is changing. From a near-consensus in 2002, it happened to a number of resistance that continues to increase.


Many police and gendarmes join our association and support our fight because they believe that the racket of their fellow citizens is not the primary mission of law enforcement.


Our actions to mobilize against the new repressive measures we want inflict always collect more support

Against compulsory breathalyser 467 000 signatures

Against embedded mobile radars: 503,258 signatures

Against lower speed limits: 1.5 million signatures!


Gradually, the pressure mounts on policy.


Radar manufacturers will have beautiful lobby ...


Lobbies advocating an anti-car philosophy and anti-bike, whether by Hygienism or ecology can still claim more repression ...


Politicians can not knowingly continue this system if they see that the majority of the population is opposed to it, and they might be their re-election.


That is why it is important that as many people participated in the National Consultation on Road Safety. If we are able to provide politicians with results based on 5 million people for example, they listen to us!


Time to gather all these results, our association will continue to bring the voice of the drivers who want a return to a true road safety policy based on the improvement of infrastructure and equipment, prevention campaigns, targeted controls and measured truly dangerous behavior, and accountability of drivers.


It is not by lowering speed limits everywhere when the cameras are no longer sufficiently profitable, as the government makes on peripheral ring road and all the cities for example, or on many highways (A6, A36, A47 , A8, A9 and many others), we will avoid accidents!


Members of the League of Defense Drivers advocating instead responsible conduct, not an absurd and dehumanized repression.


One of our missions is information.


Disseminating such as videos, like this one on the internet for a majority of French people know the truth about the road repression.

By sending mails too, throughout France, for people who are isolated or have not internet. Because everyone has the right to know, when he gets his ticket, what is really going on behind.

By contacting journalists to relay our information.

And organizing advocacy campaigns at the national level, by petitions for example, when the government released a new sanction against drivers. We are the only association drivers have been able to raise more than 1.5 million people and our strike force that continues to grow.


Much of our work is to see again and again, parliamentarians. To try to file a bill or a written question, or simply trying to show them, figures and studies to support, how repression is senseless.


These studies, we want the most serious and scientific as possible, which is why we regularly make use of independent experts specializing in the world of the road.

For example, our last conference in the Senate "Speed: Stop to preconceived ideas" brought together a mathematician, a doctor, a lawyer, a police commissioner, an economist, a supplier and a former racing driver. They delivered an alternative analysis of the anti-speed government policy, and called to stop the all-repressive to address the factors that really affect safety, such as poor roads - in 40% of fatal accidents.


This is also to expose the dangers of certain infrastructure and force the government to take responsibility and maintain the network instead of putting money in radar that our association has launched Activ'Route, the first collaborative network reporting hazardous locations.


To finance all these actions, we will of course receive no public subsidy, or any other organization whatsoever. This allows us to remain completely independent, and it is vital for a fight like ours!


Fortunately, we can rely on our members to help us finance all this work.


It is they who have clubbed together to launch this video on the internet, for example. And I want to thank them especially for this.


Because without the participation of all, without financial support, our fight would never move forward.


Also, if you like, after responding to the National Consultation on Road Safety, you will have the opportunity to contribute also to the financing of all our actions.


You access our secure donation page where you will be asked to give 5 euros, 10 euros or 20 euros per month, or any other monthly donation whichever suits you best.


In general, people choose to give $ 15 a month, but it is a choice that belongs to you alone.


If you do not have the opportunity to contribute to the financing of our actions over time, you can also make a one-time donation, the preferred amount for you.


The important thing is that everyone participates within its means.


By helping us to advance our fight against the excesses of road law enforcement, you join the community of responsible drivers who refuse that road safety is misguided to fiscal or profitable purposes.


You will automatically become a signatory to our Charter of Conductors heads:

Art. 1: I adapt my behavior to the density of traffic, the road conditions, weather and my current form.

Art. 2: I'm not alone on the road. I keep my distance and checks regularly in my mirrors that I embarrassment person; I largely shifted me to pass or double the two-wheelers.

Art. 3: I do not drive under the influence of substances significantly affected my vigilance and my reflexes.

Art. 4: I maintain my vehicle regularly to ensure maximum security.

However you decide to get involved or not in the restoration of a just road safety and that really saves lives, thank you to respond to the National Consultation on Road Safety.


It's really important that we collect the views of all.


If you choose, in addition, help us by your donation to continue our work to stop the senseless repression inflicted and we are working for a political TRUE road safety, so thank you doubly.


Remember, we can only rely on responsible citizens like you to take action.




Good luck to you,


Christiane Bayard

Secretary General

Drivers Defence League

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