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Bonterra Park and dogs


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Hello everyone

We were recommended to Bonterra, and are staying for 4 weeks in January.

I am very concerned with their stringent dog policy, and other guests.

I totally accept and agree with a stringent dog fouling policy, however whilst I have spent hours training our Springer, I can not train her not to pee on the way to pee off site. I have read some nightmares where other guests shout at dog owners, I really do not want to spend my time with dog hating radicals.

I can not see anywhere if they have a "dog" area, and I gather even in the winter the beaches are out of bounds. Is it really this bad? :-(

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When we stayed there I never once heard anybody remonstrate with a dog owner so think you are being told a tale. If I can recall there is a gate at the rear of the site to allow dog owners out to a dog walk area.

As far as the beaches are concerned I would suggest this may be the wrong way round as it tends to be in the summer dogs are banned.

I think you are listening to too many stories and creating hurdles, just go and enjoy yourself. :-D

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we have just returned from Bonterra Park after about six weeks there.

there is a dog area up at the top of the site, near the gate described above. dogs can 'dump' in a purpose built sand pit and owners, presumably, clear up behind....

I cant say that i really heard many dogs on site, although we did see some, it was (seemed) far less, and as a result much quieter than on, say, a Club site.

perhaps this is because they are all 'dog hating radicals' i dont know.....to us everyone was really nice, just like last time.

i do think its strange that those with dogs feel that its perfectly ok to subject those that dont have dogs (or worse, are intimidated by them) to listening to a continuous racket and watching them dump and pee even if the owners 'clear up' behind.

we had a springer for 14 years bit didnt get into MH ing until he had gone, thank goodness.

dog owners, like any other person with a passion for something, just need to be aware that not everyone shares their feelings for dogs.

its not being radical or a dog hater.....different folk like different things in life....

the policy is obviously there for you to see, there are dogs on Bonterra, they seem to be well behaved, this might be due to that policy.....

the site is great, the beach is lovely, the town is still Spanish, the staff are wonderful.....just go and enjoy , you'll love it.

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Yes, I hear what you are saying.

I was just concerned if my dog did not "make it" off site to do her "thing", as I understand you have to sign a document stating that your dog will not even pee on site, I understand the poo position.

I too do not like dogs making a racket, or being intimidating. Often not the dog but the owners are the problem, thanks so much for taking the time to respond.

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Guest Peter James
Other people's dogs often jump in my van when I am preparing food. I don't make a fuss of them and shoo them out because I don't want to get my hands dirty when preparing food. I suppose some people would think this means I don't like dogs. But nothing could be further from the truth. I had a Jack Russell myself for 18 years. She was always pleased to see me, never asked any awkward questions. You couldn't have a more agreeable companion than a dog B-)
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Fionadb1 - 2014-12-21 8:49 AM


Yes, I hear what you are saying.

I was just concerned if my dog did not "make it" off site to do her "thing", as I understand you have to sign a document stating that your dog will not even pee on site, I understand the poo position.

I too do not like dogs making a racket, or being intimidating. Often not the dog but the owners are the problem, thanks so much for taking the time to respond.


For goodness sake you appear to believe anything you are told. How on earth can you control when a dog needs to pee and who in the right mind would ask you to sign this fictitious document. Get real and just go and enjoy. Benicassim is a super spot and you will certainly enjoy.

I am no dog lover but respect responsible owners.

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What you have been told is rubbish. We take our dog very year. The receptionist will even make a vets appointment for you if you are going home. You can get a key to the rear gate on payment of a deposit.

Go for it and enjoy, it's great.

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mikejkay - 2014-12-23 11:15 AM


Fionadb1 - 2014-12-21 7:52 AM


dog hating radicals.




How about selfish dog loving zealots?

give it a rest ffs.
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We have stayed there many times on the way south, had no trouble, we have two dogs in motor home, you sign a doc saying you will keave if dogs cause problems, you pay deposite for a key for rear gate to go out, same key lets you in to another park to walk your dog ( its a old camping site) there are bins for dog waste to be put in, i have seen dogs peeing on site on roadways / pathways within site, im not aware of any problems, its a well run site, watch the resin drips from trees on to roof or canvas awnings, its a prob to get off.dont worry go their enjoy your selves.
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Zydeco Joe - 2014-12-27 4:27 PM


Dogs are now not allowed on the beach at any time summer or winter.Signs are displayed with this on them.

Dogs on a leach are allowed on the wooden walkways but not on the sand.


They will be fine on the Beach then. I love things that get lost in the translation. *-) Ray

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Unable to answer your question, however, its January you are going and I do not think for one moment the Spanish police are going to be patroling the beach for such a dreadful offence. In the time I was there only saw police down at the beach once and they had no interest in dogs or me on my bike cycling on the wrong side down a one way street. As I have said, stop creating hurdles and just go and enjoy.

Plenty cafes up town with free WiFi ( weefee)

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