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All The Aires France 4 Edition 2013/14 for sale


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Frankly I post very little because of the likes of Tracker and other bullies on this forum.


Would it be nice if you could list a objection to a contribitor and after say 20 he was banned from posting for say a month?


That would make them think hard about what they send down the line?



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In finalisation of this sad matter. You may like to see the post from the buyer.


Tracker said:


"t never fails to amaze me what people will pay good money for on Fleabay"


Well in response said:


"Thanks Peter - been watching these for months.... Looking for picnic

spots for my young family... Looking forward to using it. Great deal all I need.


Have a good Christmas,"




I think they are happy!


By All



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Fifer - 2014-12-21 6:04 PM


Frankly I post very little because of the likes of Tracker and other bullies on this forum.


Would it be nice if you could list a objection to a contribitor and after say 20 he was banned from posting for say a month?


That would make them think hard about what they send down the line?




Yes it would and you have had three so far today!


So you don't consider your blatant unprovoked attack on me to be an attempt at bullying me into your point of view then?


I never bully anyone but I do post my views which some people who are not otherwise involved choose to respond to in an antagonistic way.


Has it not occurred to you that had you posted in a more pleasant fashion my response would have been more pleasant and if you take the trouble to read back through the past you will find plenty of polite discussion and appreciation both from me and from others who have benefited from those discussions.


So you be a good boy and post politely and you will get polite responses - how hard can it be for you!!


You post very little? That would be in your other persona then?

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Curtisden - 2014-12-21 6:12 PM


"Thanks Peter - been watching these for months.... Looking for picnic

spots for my young family... Looking forward to using it. Great deal all I need.



It's true, some Aires do make a good picnic spot but unless the user has a motorhome, you do not say, they are not strictly for other vehicles and many Aires are totally unsuitable for either children or a picnic unless you like tarmac and gravel! I hope you told him that! Far better to go into any local tourist office in France and ask for picnic locations maybe?


Had I known he could have had my old book for free!

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Oh good grief Gentleman ... someone said he had a book for sale; someone bought it..... what a shock....


I have paid heaps more than seems to have been paid for the one under discussion here for out-of-print books - usually schoolgirls' fiction or crime fiction. Some would no doubt scoff if they saw what has this week arrived for me .... editions of hard- to-get Michael Gilbert crime novels.... and a rare schoolgirls' title all the way from Oz .... I'm pleased! Buyer happy; seller happy. Ditto the sale of the book being discussed here.


Why the heated debate over something quite innocuous?


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There's no debate. No one except Tracker thinks there is anything wrong with selling on EBay and announcing the item on here. Tracker announced his own superior approach, implying criticism of the OP, is determined not to apologise and is trying to sidetrack and obfuscate instead .


Tracker probably thinks the thtread won't last forever and he will get away with it. He's used that approach before.


Everybody except Tracker probably thinks he's making a fool of himself. I certainly do.

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StuartO - 2014-12-21 6:59 PM


There's no debate. No one except Tracker thinks there is anything wrong with selling on EBay and announcing the item on here. Tracker is determined not to apologise and is trying to sidetrack and obfuscate instead . Everybody except Tracker probably thinks he's making a fool of himself. I certainly do.


Oh geez Stuart - I cannot believe you really are that thick - or are you?.


Work it out in easy stages as it will be less taxing for you!


Someone posted about selling an old book.


I posted a different point of view.


And ever since people like you, who were not involved have taken it upon themselves to wade in and be rude and whingeing and are then 'surprised' and offended to get a response in the same tone that they initiated in their own unprovoked bitching.


I've said it before but as you are so darned thick I'll say it again - respond to the message not the messenger and that way if you don't bitch and whinge at me I won't get back at you the same way.


How hard can it be even for you?


I notice that ever since Frank first used the 'O' word on here some time ago it keeps cropping up from those who have no idea what it means - nice one Stuart!


Here's a little help for you as it sums you up perfectly!


Obfuscation (or beclouding) is the hiding of intended meaning in communication, making communication confusing, willfully ambiguous, and harder to interpret


It's been a hoot but you are getting really boring now so please grow up, move on, and get on with having fun there's a good chap!

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Tracker - 2014-12-21 7:22 PM


Gwendolyn - 2014-12-21 6:46 PM

Why the heated debate over something quite innocuous?


Quite so - don't ask me - all I did was post an alternative point of view!


Ask those who deliberately chose to turn it into a have a go at Tracker day!


Mwah, poor old Tracker. There, there.... have a cwtch ....

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StuartO - 2014-12-21 8:57 PM


The internet suggests that giving a "cwytch" means providing a place of safety, so perhaps it's being suggested that you wind your neck in.


So you are not a Welsh speaker I gather? And it's cwtch. Never mind what the internet says. It's all to do with usage. And the word has many usages in the vernacular!!!


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Gwendolyn - 2014-12-21 9:20 PM


StuartO - 2014-12-21 8:57 PM


The internet suggests that giving a "cwytch" means providing a place of safety, so perhaps it's being suggested that you wind your neck in.


So you are not a Welsh speaker I gather? And it's cwtch. Never mind what the internet says. It's all to do with usage. And the word has many usages in the vernacular!!!


Gwen, don't take any notice of Stuart - nobody else does - but that was a really unpleasant, unexpected and uncalled for thing for him to say.


Although I suspect you are well able to cope with any of us on here, he's just a sad grumpy old git always looking to be unpleasant whilst contributing very little of any value to any discussion!


Happy Christmas to you in deepest Pembrokeshire - some of my happiest, and saddest, years were in Sir Benfro and I still miss my Christmas walks along Fresh East and Fresh West Beaches - and my all time favourite beach anywhere - Barafundle.

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Tracker - 2014-12-21 12:05 PM


I couldn't be that tight to try and sell an outdated book, so we pass all our used Aires books on to other campers we meet and chat to on our travels.


So we take our old copies with us and don't worry about the payload!


Well strange to say another sale for another All the Aires France 4th Edition 2013/14 has popped up.

Could it possibly have something to do with the publishers deal (who Tracker is so fond of?) producing sales of the old books (that he is not?) What a quandary for him. How sad!

No doubt Tracker will have a go at her right to sell her own property to who ever she pleases.

Seller name seen familiar.

God forbid she might be a member of this forum???





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For crying out loud get a life.


I don't care how many wretched books you sell or where you sell them - why would I - it makes no difference to me either way and I really don't understand why you are so hell bent on trying to justify your own actions?


All I did was put forward an alternative and less penny pinching alternative to used book re-cycling and if you disagree I have no problem with that either.


What does bore me beyond all reason is the ongoing unpleasantries from you and the other band wagon jumpers used not to put any case as such case but solely to be unpleasant - hardly the language of reasoned discussion is it.


Now for heaven's sake will you give it a rest and move on.

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Oh pack it in all of you.


FAO Stuart O: "cwtch" can mean: the glory hole [under the stairs]; the outside lav; the coal hole; being 'cwtched' up next to someone on a sofa; having a cuddle;.... and so on, but, most lovely of all... this image>>> Grandma, wrapping a huge Welsh wool blanket around herself and cwtching a baby in her arms, inside the blanket, and singing baby to sleep. In that context, it is a lovely, and loving, and untranslatable, and precious word.


FAO Tracker: Barafundle is just down the road from us [well, add on a step or two!] and we walk regularly on Fresh West. So I will pay your homage soon. BTW I was driving past your part of the world yesterday... had a ticket to see The Shoemaker's Holiday at Stratford. Went up and back in a day - a tiring day - from here. It IS do-able - just about. Not planned that way - we should have been staying nearby in motorhome when I booked, but stuff happened. As it does. But I didn't want to miss seeing the play. Often in Stratford, seeing plays.


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rupert123 - 2014-12-21 10:36 PM


I have the original All the Aires, was going to put it on ebay but it must be a collectors item by now so anyone want it for 50 quid? Really useful for the poor souls who cannot afford proper camp sites I believe :D ?


Caravans are for tents & caravans real Motorhomers use Aires or Wild. (lol)

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Tracker - 2014-12-21 11:24 PM


For crying out loud get a life.


I don't care how many wretched books you sell or where you sell them - why would I - it makes no difference to me either way and I really don't understand why you are so hell bent on trying to justify your own actions?


All I did was put forward an alternative and less penny pinching alternative to used book re-cycling and if you disagree I have no problem with that either.


What does bore me beyond all reason is the ongoing unpleasantries from you and the other band wagon jumpers used not to put any case as such case but solely to be unpleasant - hardly the language of reasoned discussion is it.


Now for heaven's sake will you give it a rest and move on.


So you recognise that multiple contributors are less than impressd by you and your contribution to this thread but it "bores you beyond reason" that this is happening, rather than causes you to wonder what you've been getting wrong.


Why continue, when all you are doing now is slinging irrational crude insults around? How is that going to impress anyone who is already thinking that you are a bit of a plonker? If you haven't got he sensitivity, humility or even the common sense to handle this situation better why don't you at least stop contributing for a while, in the hope that we'll all forget your silliness? You must at least have heard of Dennis Healy's Rule of Holes?

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Gwendolyn - 2014-12-21 11:52 PM


......FAO Stuart O: "cwtch" can mean: the glory hole [under the stairs]; the outside lav; the coal hole; being 'cwtched' up next to someone on a sofa; having a cuddle;.... and so on, but, most lovely of all... this image>>> Grandma, wrapping a huge Welsh wool blanket around herself and cwtching a baby in her arms, inside the blanket, and singing baby to sleep. In that context, it is a lovely, and loving, and untranslatable, and precious word......


I had got the idea fom the internet that cwtch had mutliple meanings and there was no equivalent English word. Sorry I could even manage to spell it.


Could it mean "to bosom", as in to put a wailing, otherwise inconsolable put-out child to the breast, to comfort and calm him down, so he starts to see reason? You seem to know Tracker personally, do you think that would help? It would at least shut him up for a while.

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StuartO - 2014-12-22 10:09 AM


Gwendolyn - 2014-12-21 11:52 PM


......FAO Stuart O: "cwtch" can mean: the glory hole [under the stairs]; the outside lav; the coal hole; being 'cwtched' up next to someone on a sofa; having a cuddle;.... and so on, but, most lovely of all... this image>>> Grandma, wrapping a huge Welsh wool blanket around herself and cwtching a baby in her arms, inside the blanket, and singing baby to sleep. In that context, it is a lovely, and loving, and untranslatable, and precious word......


I had got the idea fom the internet that cwtch had mutliple meanings and there was no equivalent English word. Sorry I could even manage to spell it.


Could it mean "to bosom", as in to put a wailing, otherwise inconsolable put-out child to the breast, to comfort and calm him down, so he starts to see reason? You seem to know Tracker personally, do you think that would help? It would at least shut him up for a while.


No, it has never had that connotation. To say "there there .. have a cwtch" does tend to be the kind of thing one might say to a child who is upset. But you and Tracker can interpret what I said, in whichever way pleases you both.


I don't know Tracker personally and we have exchanged "cross words" on here in the past, but I bear no grudges; as he was being pleasant to me, I saw no reason to be unpleasant to him. And exchanging pleasantries - especially about Pembrokeshire beaches - is more fitting for the season, I think. Do not you?


I do not wish to get drawn into the antagonism between you two.


Nadolig Llawen,



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lennyhb - 2014-12-22 9:30 AM


rupert123 - 2014-12-21 10:36 PM


I have the original All the Aires, was going to put it on ebay but it must be a collectors item by now so anyone want it for 50 quid? Really useful for the poor souls who cannot afford proper camp sites I believe :D ?


Caravans are for tents & caravans real Motorhomers use Aires or Wild. (lol)

Sorry Lenny you will have to explain this one, 'caravans are for tents' and wild what?

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rupert123 - 2014-12-22 10:57 AM


lennyhb - 2014-12-22 9:30 AM


rupert123 - 2014-12-21 10:36 PM


I have the original All the Aires, was going to put it on ebay but it must be a collectors item by now so anyone want it for 50 quid? Really useful for the poor souls who cannot afford proper camp sites I believe :D ?


Caravans are for tents & caravans real Motorhomers use Aires or Wild. (lol)

Sorry Lenny you will have to explain this one, 'caravans are for tents' and wild what?


Brain & fingers not co-ordinated but you know what I meant:-


Camping sites are for tents & caravans real Motorhomers use Aires or Wild. (lol)

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Gwendolyn - 2014-12-22 10:41 AM


....To say "there there .. have a cwtch" does tend to be the kind of thing one might say to a child who is upset. But you and Tracker can interpret what I said, in whichever way pleases you both.


I don't know Tracker personally and we have exchanged "cross words" on here in the past, but I bear no grudges; as he was being pleasant to me, I saw no reason to be unpleasant to him. And exchanging pleasantries - especially about Pembrokeshire beaches - is more fitting for the season, I think. Do not you?......


Quite right, it will soon be the time of peace and goodwill to all men, so I will be wishing Tracker a Happy Christmas and let this matter go. But not yet, he's not shown much potential for realising that his self-congratulatory indulgences sometimes imply graceless criticism of others, as on this occasion, I'll keep rubbing his nose in it this time, at least for a couple of days. I doubt that he's as bright as he thinks but he must surely realise that he's not coming out of this very well so far - and that resorting to gratuitous personal insults won't improve things.


It's quite simple really (in case anyone has lost the plot because Tracker has been so gobby) and when the OP posted a harmless announcement about an EBay item, Tracker stuck his nose in by crowing that he gives his old books away. This was irrelevant to the subject and was clearly intended to show what a noble chap Tracker was and to imply criticism of the OP, which I (and others) thought Tracker should get pulled up for.


That would have been it if Tracker had had the sense to wind his neck in and make some light comment about not intending etc, but instead he winds himself up into a frenzy of self-justification and insult thereby, in my view, making himself look really silly. The more he keep banging on and pretending it was something different, the more I'll keep pointing out that it wasn't and crafting other ways to highlight his foolishness.


In the meantime Nadolig Llawen to those in The Principality and Happy Christmas to everyone else except Tracker, who I'll get around to on Christmas Eve.

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