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All The Aires France 4 Edition 2013/14 for sale


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malc d - 2014-12-22 12:34 PM


lennyhb - 2014-12-22 11:26 AM



Camping sites are for tents & caravans real Motorhomers use Aires or Wild. (lol)





REAL motorhomers don't kid themselves they are " wild " campers when they have all the comforts of home on board.



Very true. (lol) (lol)

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lennyhb - 2014-12-22 11:26 AM


rupert123 - 2014-12-22 10:57 AM


lennyhb - 2014-12-22 9:30 AM


rupert123 - 2014-12-21 10:36 PM


I have the original All the Aires, was going to put it on ebay but it must be a collectors item by now so anyone want it for 50 quid? Really useful for the poor souls who cannot afford proper camp sites I believe :D ?


Caravans are for tents & caravans real Motorhomers use Aires or Wild. (lol)

Sorry Lenny you will have to explain this one, 'caravans are for tents' and wild what?


Brain & fingers not co-ordinated but you know what I meant:-


Camping sites are for tents & caravans real Motorhomers use Aires or Wild. (lol)

Fair enough. Am off to put my old All the Aires on eBay as no one took up my great offer of 50 quid. Hopefully Rich will not spot this so no noble gestures on his part will be required.

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rupert123 - 2014-12-22 3:19 PM

Am off to put my old All the Aires on eBay as no one took up my great offer of 50 quid. Hopefully Rich will not spot this so no noble gestures on his part will be required.


I would be able to make you a gesture Henry if you wish - but one would hardly call it a noble gesture!

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Gwendolyn - 2014-12-22 10:41 AM

I don't know Tracker personally and we have exchanged "cross words" on here in the past, but I bear no grudges; as he was being pleasant to me, I saw no reason to be unpleasant to him. And exchanging pleasantries - especially about Pembrokeshire beaches - is more fitting for the season, I think. Do not you?

Nadolig Llawen,



'Tis true, Gwen and I had words many moons ago and we have never met, but fortunately both the good lady and I are able to move on and treat each posting on it's own merits - or otherwise.

In so doing may I say Gwen that you show considerably more common sense than quite a few of the other allegedly male members on here who behave more like - dare I say it - grumpy old women!!

Happy Christmas and safe travels to you and yours too Gwen.

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an grumpy old fart, Stuart by name

is known for his stirring, mostly inane

if only his one cell was part of a brain

he might have become much less of a pain.


but that's how it is, with most of his kind

delusional of course, quite out of their mind

incapable of words ever gentle or kind

and derisory of those who happiness find


by having a laugh and a joke upon here

instead of the pub just swilling their beer

and happy to help out anyone near

in need of a hand or a wee bit of cheer


never to flog all my crud to a sucker

just happy to give it for free for their succour

no grudges are carried from one to another

unlike poor Stuart, the ignorant ???????????


Sorry couldn't find a rhyme?


Oh yes - trucker - that's it!


Now do you want to give it a rest, or do you want to keep prodding away and getting responses in kind because you are really getting to be an even more tiresome and pompous little weasel than usual - quite an achievement!!










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Robinhood - 2014-12-22 10:06 PM


If you must, I'd stick to insulting each other in prose, chaps.


Then at least the rest of us will suffer less.





So sorry if you are getting bored old chap!



I thought it had ended but silly SO


does not not seem to want to let it all go


I too am bored we want him to know


so give a break you silly SO

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Guest pelmetman

As the OP tag line states.......


"Engage brain before typing is a good rule."

Doesn't apply on here

To many old fools

Who have been on the beer


Its a wonder though that such a topic

Should illicit posts less philanthropic

But I have an up to date copy

Of this shiny floppy


It's just a shame its at home

Along with our mince in the freezer

Although we will still roam

She'll blame it on this geezer :-S............



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In case anyone has forgotten, this Stuart v Tracker spat arose because Tracker responded to a post announcing that a used item was being sold on EBay (common enough of course) by Tracker saying that he gives such stuff away rather than selling it - or rather stooping to sell it, as he was implying the OP was doing. In other words Tracker was parading his self-important image, as of course he does. He posts a lot and self-congratulation is a recurring theme; he enjoys the glow of projecting himself in this way. All a bit, well a bit un-English for me.


You live with it of course, and I've learned that people who do this sort of thing are also likely to be incorrigible - indeed some of them will call black as white indefinitely rather see the problem, or rather than admit it. No humility, no sensitivity and too much concern with loss of face.


So they go on the attack against anyone who stands up to them, resorting, as Tracker has done here, to crude personal insult. The contestant is "too thick" to understand, and no-one listens to them anyway, for which of course there is no evidence. Anything rather than wind their neck in, let aone say sorry.


Or they use one of those weasel word apologies, as Tracker did on this thread; he was sorry that anyone misunderstood him. It is our fault for misunderstanding his truly noble aims; for being too thick. And on reflection Tracker did acknowledge that both he and the OP could have played it better. Easier dragging the OP into his pseudo-apology; it couldn;t be all Tracker's fault.


Regulars will know that Tracker has done this many times with many people, so I'm merely the latest to get the treatment for criticising him. Threads don't run for ever so he probably reckons that if he just keeps going, accussing even more outrageously as necessay, everyone else will get fed up and he will get the last word. Which is why I've taken to emphasising his insensitivity; he can't be so stupid as to misunderstand, when several contributors make adverse comment; he can't believe what he's writing. It's just noise, thrown up in an attempt to avoid loss of face.


Why do I bother taking issue? Well normally I don't. But this time Tracker was blowing his trumpet (about giving his old stuff away, him being noble and generous) and I felt irritated by his insensitivity and arrogance, so I chipped in. I gave him the opportunity to wind his neck in early on but but he preferred to brass it out, resorting to the usual sort of petty, crude insults.


Personal spats generally add no value to a forum and I'm aware of that, so there is usually no point in continuing once the plonker has committed himself to brassing it out - and if you know he's the type maybe no point in starting at all.


But it's only a short while to Christmas, so in this case I decided early on to keep going and to keep reminding Tracker, as now, as he tries to distract and obfuscate rather than lose face, why his behaviour attracted attention. So I've kept going, and kept rubbing his nose in the mistake he made.


Until Christmas Eve, then I'll stop and wish him well. Hopefully he will have learned by then than it would have been much better to have wound his neck in early on and much better in future to blow his own trumpet a little bit less.

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Derek Uzzell - 2014-12-23 1:05 PM


StuartO - 2014-12-23 10:25 AM


...Hopefully he will have learned by then than it would have been much better to have wound his neck in early on and much better in future to blow his own trumpet a little bit less.


Dream on!!!



:D :D

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Oh Gordon Bennet - just when you think it's all died a natural death SO pops out from under his pile of logs to regurgitate - give it a break for heavens sake!


No Stuart, you are wrong again, this spat began because you just had to poke your oar into an original difference between the OP and myself that would have resolved itself much sooner without your self opinionated big headed and well rehearsed imitation indignation.


Self importance - well you would know all about that as the self appointed arbiter of everything according to SO


Ye gods you silly little man it was a tongue in cheek alternative to selling - why won't you see that instead of being blinded by the red mist of your personal dislike so much so that you are determined to turn around anything I say to justify your own agenda - why else would you keep repeating the same old rubbish?


I am not proclaiming or parading or self congratulating myself on anything - I never was - I just related what we do to recycle old guides and it is you who is choosing to do all the proclaiming - again and again - and I do think that once again you do protest too much in your own self justification?


No humility eh - well you would know all about that too as your own record of upsetting people on here is nothing to be proud of and now, ever in search of more dung to be flung, you conveniently choose to 'misunderstand' my apology to the OP - but perhaps I should not mention that as it might be construed as self proclaiming?


Double standards and being two faced are your stock in trade Stuart as others have also noticed.


You chose to start this and every time you have another self justifying whinge I will respond so it is unbelievably simple - all you have to do is simply stop bitching and I will not respond - how hard can that be for you to grasp?


And then you play the Joker, again - the big 'O' word - obfuscate - should we be impressed? For sure applying it certainly lies well within your sphere of knowledge of that there is no doubt!


If I have learned one thing from this it is that you are a nasty little man with an ego the size of Oz who will go to extraordinary lengths to justify his own stance and rarely has any pointless difference gone on as long as this simply because having had the first word you also want the last.


The phrase you rant on to use is 'rubbing his nose in it' and that sounds more like the language of a vindictive know all that cannot accept that had he not poked his oar in and continued to do so this would have died down ages ago than someone looking to re-establish harmony?


I am sorry that other readers have had to endure this misery that you initiated but I will not be intimidated by your attempts at bullying and neither will I be so two faced as to wish you well again as, like everything else, it is a waste of time with you.


Grow up, wind in your own neck, and move on.


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Tracker - 2014-12-23 5:24 PM


.....I am sorry that other readers have had to endure this misery that you initiated but I will not be intimidated by your attempts at bullying and neither will I be so two faced as to wish you well again as, like everything else, it is a waste of time with you.


Grow up, wind in your own neck, and move on.


Tracker, you'd like to escape by discrediting me but that's not working is it? You aren't seeing what other contributors are saying in this thread properly at all are you, or at least you are playing blind to it?


No one is shouting insults at you of course, but where are the contributors who are endorsing your critical view of me or what I'm up to? There are none.


Where are the contributors who are supporting your view of your own actions or expressing sympathy for your current position? There are none.


No one wants htis thread to carry on any longer, including me, because it's a sorry spectacle. The only reason it's still continuing is that you are still gobbing off and avoiding the issue by slinging more mud, so I keep reminding you what it's really about.


Consider the possibility that you are wrong. It looks prtty much like everyone else thinks that. You have a considerable track record of aggressive responses and the way you have responded this time, whether you like it or not, makes you look plain foolish rather than helps. No amount of blustering and name calling of me, or anyone else, is going to help you in this situation. You have dug a bigger and bigger hole for yourself at every turn, to the extent that you have no credibility left. Man up and recognise that. It's staring you in the face.


Say sorry for blowing your own trumpet and disrespecting the OP as you clearly did, then shut up, that's all you have to do.


We can all then let this matter drop and live in hope that you might actually have learned a useful lesson. Your future behaviour on this forum will tell us.


Your track record suggests you can't do that and some contributors are saying as much but I think you can, if you want to. You're stubborn but you're not completely stupid. Take your head out of the sand if that's what's still driving you because this problem isn't going to go away. If you can't cope with saying sorry yet then at least shut up - Dennis Healey's Rule of Holes, remember?

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Guest Had Enough

The above post from Tracker exemplifies the real man, that so many of us know.


A man simply tells us that he's selling an unwanted book. Tracker criticises him but later claims that he's just putting another perspective. If that's all he wanted to do why did he say this? "I couldn't be that tight to try and sell an outdated book, so we pass all our used Aires books on to other campers we meet and chat to on our travels."


Tracker isn't just putting another perspective of course, he's saying that, because Curtisden doesn't do as he does, he's tight, which by definition, is telling us how generous Tracker is. It was an unpleasant jibe, but of course later in the thread, after he's been taken to task, we get Tracker Excuse No. 1, in which he claims that it was just a 'light-hearted comment'. No it wasn't, there was no humour or banter (another favourite Trackerism) in his post at all.


The hilarious thing here for those who know Tracker, is that he's one of the tightest people on this forum and has spent years bragging about every opportunity that he takes to save money. But perhaps because selling a used book would involve a little effort it's one thing that he chooses not to do. This of course now elevates him in his own mind into a philanthropic giant! You really couldn't make it up.


His malice is also exemplified in this comment: "So bragging about selling outdated books isn't drivel then?"


He uses the word bragging more than once. Where did Curtisden brag? He simply informed us that he was selling a book and further informed us that he sells as many unwanted items as possible and gives the rest to a hospice.


If there's any bragging at all it's from Tracker, who tries to convince us that he is a generous and unselfish person, when all the evidence over many years proves him to be just the opposite.


Ultimately of course, as always, it comes down to the same thing. It's all light-hearted banter and he's simply misunderstood by all those people who actually know that he's really the slyest, most two-faced man who ever graced a forum.


StuartO is a relatively recent member here but it's not taken him long to work out what many of us have known for a long time, and his comments about Tracker trying to bluff his way out of his mean and spiteful incursions are proven by the post above. It doesn't wash Richard, no matter how you squirm and try to shift the blame on others, most of us know where it really lies.




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I'm sure Trackers very first post in this thread, and the very first line from him was nothing more than a bit of fun. ;-)


" I couldn't be that tight to try and sell an outdated book" 8-)


Anyway he's come up with some good poetry with his new Nomme de Plume...... :D


Which is some more fun.


Just as calling me the sick bag of Machynlleth was yet more of his fun. ;-)



He's just a misunderstood fun guy. :D

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Think Richard is getting a lot of stick here for no reason. We also can not see why anyone would want to sell old Aires guides, as the very notion surerly goes against the whole spirit of the Aires concept itself. We simply pass ours on to fellow vanners we meet on the Aires, British or French, as we only buy the French Language guides and find it a great way to get to know other vanners and exchange places visited. So Richard we think you are right in what you say and wouldn't it be nice if the original poster, particularly given the time of year, donated the proceeds of the sale to charity (we will gladly match the amount).

Seasons greetings to all, Jean and Robert.

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Guest Had Enough
robertandjean - 2014-12-23 9:19 PM


Think Richard is getting a lot of stick here for no reason. We also can not see why anyone would want to sell old Aires guides, as the very notion surerly goes against the whole spirit of the Aires concept itself. We simply pass ours on to fellow vanners we meet on the Aires, British or French, as we only buy the French Language guides and find it a great way to get to know other vanners and exchange places visited. So Richard we think you are right in what you say and wouldn't it be nice if the original poster, particularly given the time of year, donated the proceeds of the sale to charity (we will gladly match the amount).

Seasons greetings to all, Jean and Robert.


This is hilarious! The whole spirit of aires? Who is kidding whom here? So people who use aires are by definition generous and kind and enjoy a special camaraderie where they cheerfully give things away to their neighbour. Yea, of course they are!


And here's me thinking that people who are happy to have a motorhome four feet on either side of them, rather than pay for a spacious pitch on the municipal camp site next door, are in fact just the opposite and are tight as a Christmas goose's arse.


But we live and learn. The romantic 'spirit of aires' is alive in the land and the next time you're desperate to save a few bob and use one of what are, in effect, just small and crowded camp sites, you can look forward to your neighbours showering you with gifts. They won't need to come round of course because if you open a window they'll be able to pass them to you from their 'van parked within an arm's length.


But once more, who are you or Tracker or anyone to tell Curtisden how he should dispose of his used items? And it wasn't exactly an 'old' book, it's actually this year's. Not that old!


Finally, I've stayed on many aires when in transit, which is all they're good for, and no one has ever offered me a used book. In fact I'd find it a bit insulting. "Here you are old chap, you look a bit poor, would you like this hardly-used 2012 Aires Guide?"


Ps He didn't get a bit of stick for 'no reason'. He was insulting and called the OP tight and accused him of bragging. You should read the whole thread properly.

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robertandjean - 2014-12-23 9:19 PM


Think Richard is getting a lot of stick here for no reason. We also can not see why anyone would want to sell old Aires guides, as the very notion surerly goes against the whole spirit of the Aires concept itself. We simply pass ours on to fellow vanners we meet on the Aires, British or French, as we only buy the French Language guides and find it a great way to get to know other vanners and exchange places visited. So Richard we think you are right in what you say and wouldn't it be nice if the original poster, particularly given the time of year, donated the proceeds of the sale to charity (we will gladly match the amount).

Seasons greetings to all, Jean and Robert.




As the OP my I thank you for your posting? I disagree.

But I am sure you will understand that I will happily keep my ill gotten gains for myself in this instance, thank you.

I fail to understand why anyone else has the right to object to my selling my own property in whatever manner I chose and what I do with the profit. We don't live in 1984 yet!

How does it effect anyone on this forum if I chose to advise members of a listing on E Bay so they can make their own considered choice, to look or ignore the notification. It was not sold via this forum. I find E Bay a excellent way of recycling unwanted items and will continue to do so as I have for over 10 years.

In passing but not to justify. Over 20 people started watching within 2 hours of the forum post. Over 90 visited the entry in that 2 hours and it was sold to one of those that evening. I would suggest the vast majority of them were forum members as the listing is in a obscure area under maps, away from any link to motorhomes or the like. So you can not say there was not a real interest in the listing from within the forum. There most surly was.

I did this 2 years ago with the preceding Aires guide and other CC Guides have all sold well over the years.

I will choose who I support or not, what charities I donate to or not and that will be between myself and the beneficiary. You won’t hear me talking about a warm glow I get from a successful donation or e bay sale or belittling any anyone who chose to go another way with their own property.

But I find some of the post on here frankly intentionally objectionably and pompous. Which is sad as a deep well of knowledge is degraded by the actions of a few. Resulting in experienced members like myself, avoiding replying to requests where we could offer helpful advise, because of the regular flaming that takes place from the usual suspects.





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Had Enough - 2014-12-23 10:11 PM


robertandjean - 2014-12-23 9:19 PM


Think Richard is getting a lot of stick here for no reason. We also can not see why anyone would want to sell old Aires guides, as the very notion surerly goes against the whole spirit of the Aires concept itself. We simply pass ours on to fellow vanners we meet on the Aires, British or French, as we only buy the French Language guides and find it a great way to get to know other vanners and exchange places visited. So Richard we think you are right in what you say and wouldn't it be nice if the original poster, particularly given the time of year, donated the proceeds of the sale to charity (we will gladly match the amount).

Seasons greetings to all, Jean and Robert.


This is hilarious! The whole spirit of aires? Who is kidding whom here? So people who use aires are by definition generous and kind and enjoy a special camaraderie where they cheerfully give things away to their neighbour. Yea, of course they are!


And here's me thinking that people who are happy to have a motorhome four feet on either side of them, rather than pay for a spacious pitch on the municipal camp site next door, are in fact just the opposite and are tight as a Christmas goose's arse.


But we live and learn. The romantic 'spirit of aires' is alive in the land and the next time you're desperate to save a few bob and use one of what are, in effect, just small and crowded camp sites, you can look forward to your neighbours showering you with gifts. They won't need to come round of course because if you open a window they'll be able to pass them to you from their 'van parked within an arm's length.


But once more, who are you or Tracker or anyone to tell Curtisden how he should dispose of his used items? And it wasn't exactly an 'old' book, it's actually this year's. Not that old!


Finally, I've stayed on many aires when in transit, which is all they're good for, and no one has ever offered me a used book. In fact I'd find it a bit insulting. "Here you are old chap, you look a bit poor, would you like this hardly-used 2012 Aires Guide?"


Ps He didn't get a bit of stick for 'no reason'. He was insulting and called the OP tight and accused him of bragging. You should read the whole thread properly.


Well said.

Peter OP

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Can we suggest this to BBC Radio 4 as a topic for discussion on The Moral Maze?


- Person wants to sell a book on ebay. Person posts said book on ebay. Someone buys it.

- Should he give the proceeds to a Charity?

- Some say he should. Do they know he doesn't otherwise support a charity?

- Others say he should give away the book.

- Are we talking here of a really valuable edition of a rare title?


Yes... I can see this fascinating subject becoming one of the most profound ever explored in the programme.


Get a grip! Man sells book..... end of topic!




[Who would be most grateful if someone would announce on the Forum that they are putting up "On Stage Please" by Joan Selby Lowndes on ebay. BIN for £15. Oh ok, £20 then.]


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Had Enough - 2014-12-23 10:11 PM


robertandjean - 2014-12-23 9:19 PM


Think Richard is getting a lot of stick here for no reason. We also can not see why anyone would want to sell old Aires guides, as the very notion surerly goes against the whole spirit of the Aires concept itself. We simply pass ours on to fellow vanners we meet on the Aires, British or French, as we only buy the French Language guides and find it a great way to get to know other vanners and exchange places visited. So Richard we think you are right in what you say and wouldn't it be nice if the original poster, particularly given the time of year, donated the proceeds of the sale to charity (we will gladly match the amount).

Seasons greetings to all, Jean and Robert.


This is hilarious! The whole spirit of aires? Who is kidding whom here? So people who use aires are by definition generous and kind and enjoy a special camaraderie where they cheerfully give things away to their neighbour. Yea, of course they are!


And here's me thinking that people who are happy to have a motorhome four feet on either side of them, rather than pay for a spacious pitch on the municipal camp site next door, are in fact just the opposite and are tight as a Christmas goose's arse.


But we live and learn. The romantic 'spirit of aires' is alive in the land and the next time you're desperate to save a few bob and use one of what are, in effect, just small and crowded camp sites, you can look forward to your neighbours showering you with gifts. They won't need to come round of course because if you open a window they'll be able to pass them to you from their 'van parked within an arm's length.


But once more, who are you or Tracker or anyone to tell Curtisden how he should dispose of his used items? And it wasn't exactly an 'old' book, it's actually this year's. Not that old!


Finally, I've stayed on many aires when in transit, which is all they're good for, and no one has ever offered me a used book. In fact I'd find it a bit insulting. "Here you are old chap, you look a bit poor, would you like this hardly-used 2012 Aires Guide?"


Ps He didn't get a bit of stick for 'no reason'. He was insulting and called the OP tight and accused him of bragging..


Nice to see you've resisted the urge to be insulting about Aire users, or "brag" about using sites, and after reading through your post you obviously agree insults like tight as a Christmas goose's arse should have no place on the forum, be they about sellers of old Aire books, or Aire users. ;-)


Or do you see some inconsistencies there ?


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