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Tesco vouchers - phantom use?


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Like many, we save our vouchers for a channel crossing. This year we had a surplus so decided to use some over Christmas only to find that one was not accepted, the clubcard system was showing that the voucher had been used. Now we knew that was not the case and the voucher was also shown 'on-line' as still available for use.


On contacting clubcard customer service they confirmed the voucher was shown as "reserved" and without further question re-instated it. The speed at which they rectified the problem would suggest they had met the situation before, though when I asked what may have caused the problem they suggested that perhaps their system had been overloaded!


Load of twaddle.....humans make mistakes when overloaded computers only do what the code instructs them to do.


The point of this is to say that if their system won't accept a voucher you think you haven't used then get on the blower and challenge it. Certainly looks as if their system has a bug in it, 8-)

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That happened to us recently. Having saved vouchers for a Tunnel crossing, when I logged on to exchange them, I found they had been spent. Customer service quibbled not a whit, but re-instated my points immediately. They knew there was a problem and it seems this is still happening.
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We do not shop in Tesco either, but accumulate points through using a Clubcard Credit Card to build up points for Tunnel crossings.


I am surprised that they did nothing as our lost points were promptly re-instated and there are accounts elsewhere that the same has been done - Tesco accept there is a problem. We were able to show that we had not shopped at the store at which they were exchanged.



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David Dwight - 2014-12-21 8:45 PM


We had the same problem, some of the coupons had not even been taken of the original sheet, one sheet had only come in the post that morning. Tesco said there was nothing they could do about it. So they went in the recycling.


Not shopped in Tesco for months. Their loss not ours.


You have to phone Clubcard the number is on the back of the card, not Tesco But if you login to your clubcard account the first list will show all your available vouchers below that is a list of the used vouchers and where/when they were used. Worth checking

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bolero boy - 2014-12-22 11:18 AM


I seem to remember that the tesco system was hacked recently.....a year ago....?

my wife went to the store to redeem vouchers and they had already 'been spent' even though she still had them with her.....

I think she had to change her password etc......


Yes there as a problem a while back with vouchers not being available in the accounts, can't remember the reason but I think it was a hacking issue.

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