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My MH has wind!


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Have any of you experienced a strange noise? Let me explain. On a recent trip abroad my wife and I heard a noise like ( I am sorry ladies) f***ting while we were settled in in our bed. I assured my wife it wasn`t me and she returned likewise but sure enough there it goes again. It was coming from the front of the MH on the nearside and closer investigation seemed to suggest it was coming from the fuel filler cap area. It repeated every half an hour or so but was unheard during daylight hours due to the noise of daytime, but was/is loud enough to keep us awake whilst in our bed. I will in due course get it checked out, but in the meantime let me give my theory as to what the cause is and I would like any other possible causes or experiences of it from you knowledgable lot. Firstly I think the noise is fuel vapour venting from the tank and I would like to know what to look for as regards venting holes in the fuel filling system. NB I have an IVECO based MH. In my youth as a HGV driver the fuel tank filler cap had a vent hole, but I can see no such hole in my cap. Also during my former HGV days I was flagged down by a pedestrian to discover that my fuel tank had been sucked in like a paper bag. On visiting the workshop I was told that the fuel pump had sucked the tank in because the fuel vent on the cap was blocked. I was a bit sceptical but he assured me it was true. Could this happen today? I wonder with modern technology and is my little noise something that needs urgent attention? I wonder if it has any connection to the fact that I seem to have a problem getting fuel into my tank as the outward rush of air/vapour when filling always triggers the pump to shut off, and I have to just place the filler nozzle at an angle and only insert it a few inches or I could end up with a blow back and get diezel all over my clothes. Anyway should I be concerned, is it a familiar problem let me know what you think. Regards
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Diezel You could start by releasing the fuel cap after a run if there is a rush of air inwards you have a potential repeat of the truck problem you had and you need to have it dealt with quickly. If the rush of air is outward the problem is not so acute but releasing the cap before going to bed at night will stop the van fa*ting. It would appear as though you have a blocked breather or return pipe. Never been under an Iveco so cannot heklp you further. Good luck Docted
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I would tend to agree with Colin. I'm not sure but I would imagine that the breather has a one way valve to let in air at a certain vacuum level and as the contents cool down at night they are contracting and increasing the vacuum to the point that the valve operates to let in air and stop the tank from imploding in on itself.
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