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We noticed a lot of frost and condensation on the inside windscreen. Worried us silly but remembered that last time out it was raining cats and dogs and may have left some damp stuff inside, however it could also be the dreaded L*** word!!!

thinking about investing in a damp meter, does anyone have any advice?

Cheers all



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Pat&Lynn - 2015-01-01 3:53 PM



We noticed a lot of frost and condensation on the inside windscreen. Worried us silly but remembered that last time out it was raining cats and dogs and may have left some damp stuff inside, however it could also be the dreaded L*** word!!!

thinking about investing in a damp meter, does anyone have any advice?

Cheers all



It has been VERY cold, condensation on the inside of the screen is normal, especially if the van is heated inside, and you are sleeping in it. We have exterior Silver Screens, and we are lovely and cosy inside, with NO condensation. Ray

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Thaks so much for the reply but I should have mentioned the van had been standing in our garden - we only noticed the problem when we got in it to go away just after Christmas. It had been standing for a month. It was Mid November when we were last away and that is when we may well have left damp stuff in because it was a mad rush to unload everything in the torrential rain....

Agree with you re silver screens they are brilliant and always use them when we are away


Mant thanks

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Not sure on the age of your van, if its new and has a leak, return to dealer pdq. If not dont leave damp things in the van. Be aware that the very act of living in the van, breathing, cooking, etc. will all cause water vapour. As your cab is not double glazed the vapour will condense on the inside there first, especially in cold freezing weather. If your van is parked at the house you could think about running some heating in it.
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Condensation is caused when comparative warm air comes in to contact with comparitive cold objects. So it is possible you could have condensation on the inside of the windscreen if the sun had been on the van during the day and then when the sun went in the windscreen would get cold quicker than the air inside of the van causing the condensation. The more damp retaining materials left in the van will create more condensation. We put our van in to storage for 5 months during the winter we take out any thing we can that absorbs water or contains a liquid and we have never had condensation (that we have seen).


We have never had a damp check in the five years we have had the van and it is now 10 years old so I am interested in any advice on which damp tester people recommend so I can put my mind at rest or frighten myself, depending on the result of the tests.

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Mine stands on the drive. no heating and certainly no condensation, mist or frost frozen water on the windscreen.


Ventilation is important but from what you describe I think a careful examination for the dreaded leak is on order.



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