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Mad Cow

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pelmetman - 2015-01-07 9:35 AM


at least thrift equals a greener alternative to consumerism B-) ...................and once we have consumed everything..........what then? 8-) ............



So says the bloke who sells pelmets made out of dead trees!?... *-) (lol)


As I've said in the past, if you had the strength of your, supposed, convictions you would still be driving around in your patched up Amigo....


So, as you still haven't answered, I'll ask again;

Can you disclose how much your nearly new, "Top of the range" coach built would have cost "back in the day" ?....(as I'm curious as to how that figure would have compared to the average working man's wage, car price etc etc)


As for your reference to "aires" (yet another of your distraction tactics?),well there weren't any 25years ago ("Back in the day") either, so your point is?..... :-S

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2015-01-07 10:03 AM


pelmetman - 2015-01-07 9:35 AM


at least thrift equals a greener alternative to consumerism B-) ...................and once we have consumed everything..........what then? 8-) ............



So says the bloke who sells pelmets made out of dead trees!?... *-) (lol)


As I've said in the past, if you had the strength of your, supposed, convictions you would still be driving around in your patched up Amigo....


So, as you still haven't answered, I'll ask again;

Can you disclose how much your nearly new, "Top of the range" coach built would have cost "back in the day" ?....(as I'm curious as to how that figure would have compared to the average working man's wage, car price etc etc)


As for your reference to "aires" (yet another of your distraction tactics?),well there weren't any 25years ago ("Back in the day") either, so your point is?..... :-S


21k for Horace in 1990 ;-) .............and 9 years later 22k for Fanny the Tranny 8-) ..............kinda puts inflation into perspective don't it :D ...................


Did I say aires were around then? :-S................I thought I said that they'll unlikely to happen in the UK due to the vested interests :-| ..........


BTW the Amigo was a Fiat, so built in obsolescence was guaranteed (lol) ............



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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2015-01-07 10:03 AM


pelmetman - 2015-01-07 9:35 AM


at least thrift equals a greener alternative to consumerism B-) ...................and once we have consumed everything..........what then? 8-) ............



So says the bloke who sells pelmets made out of dead trees!?... *-) (lol)



I do use a lot of recycled wood when I can ;-) ..............partly because it's usually free :D ...........


Plus I make stuff to last for generations......... no built in obsolescence from me B-).............



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pelmetman - 2015-01-07 12:34 PM


21k for Horace in 1990 ;-) ...........



So, WAY back in 1990, and only a year or so before you had it, your "non-aspirational" MH would've still cost £21,000 !?... 8-)


According to this, (*just picked at random from 'net) the average wage was only around £13,700!? :-S

(* source: http://www.abcdiamond.com/average-uk-wage-and-salary)


So on those "average" figures there's probably little difference between that and someone spending 40K+ on a van nowadays?....


..and I do know that about 5 years or so prior to that, I had only paid around 15-16k for a three-bed semi(garage, decent garden etc) in a leafy suburb of a market town in Shropshire. So I can assure you that someone of your age, owning a "camper" costing that much,would have seemed pretty "flash" to many like me.... :-S


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The spare steering wheel, was I thought a reasonable comment, seems not. If I were to be a person who exchanged wheels as the need arose I would be suspicious of the air bag failing. I also doubt any insurance company would agree to modifying said design. Surely a notifiable entry.



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Will85 - 2015-01-07 2:24 PM


The spare steering wheel, was I thought a reasonable comment, seems not. If I were to be a person who exchanged wheels as the need arose I would be suspicious of the air bag failing. I also doubt any insurance company would agree to modifying said design. Surely a notifiable entry.




Will.. it's was probably more "surplus", rather than a "spare"...


I agree that, with some of the more modern vehicles, as there seems so much "techy" stuff involved(air bags, various "on-wheel" controls etc)swapping a steering wheel nowadays would probably need some careful looking into..... :-S

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2015-01-07 2:12 PM


pelmetman - 2015-01-07 12:34 PM


21k for Horace in 1990 ;-) ...........



So, WAY back in 1990, and only a year or so before you had it, your "non-aspirational" MH would've still cost £21,000 !?... 8-)


According to this, (*just picked at random from 'net) the average wage was only around £13,700!? :-S

(* source: http://www.abcdiamond.com/average-uk-wage-and-salary)


So on those "average" figures there's probably little difference between that and someone spending 40K+ on a van nowadays?....


..and I do know that about 5 years or so prior to that, I had only paid around 15-16k for a three-bed semi(garage, decent garden etc) in a leafy suburb of a market town in Shropshire. So I can assure you that someone of your age, owning a "camper" costing that much,would have seemed pretty "flash" to many like me.... :-S


Did I mention the yacht? :D ...............



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pepe63 - 2015-01-07 2:12 PM


pelmetman - 2015-01-07 12:34 PM


21k for Horace in 1990 ;-) ...........



So, WAY back in 1990, and only a year or so before you had it, your "non-aspirational" MH would've still cost £21,000 !?... 8-)


According to this, (*just picked at random from 'net) the average wage was only around £13,700!? :-S

(* source: http://www.abcdiamond.com/average-uk-wage-and-salary)


So on those "average" figures there's probably little difference between that and someone spending 40K+ on a van nowadays?....


..and I do know that about 5 years or so prior to that, I had only paid around 15-16k for a three-bed semi(garage, decent garden etc) in a leafy suburb of a market town in Shropshire. So I can assure you that someone of your age, owning a "camper" costing that much,would have seemed pretty "flash" to many like me.... :-S

The reason Dave keeps banging on about 40k vans is that he can't afford to replace the one he's got. Like Frank said a while back, if he came into 100k tomorrow he'd be hot footing it to a dealer to get a new modern van for sure. (lol)
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People like the resident idiot should be glad people go out and buy a new "anything" otherwise there would be no drip down effect, and no 25 year old bargain bangers to buy for people who have never had a pot to piss in. ;-)


Still he must be having a hell of a time, he hasn't posted on these forums since he left the UK.

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He's still posting. Have a look 2 posts up. :D

Further up there's a couple of pictures of the mobile slum he's erected. (lol)

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peter - 2015-01-07 10:51 PM


He's still posting. Have a look 2 posts up. :D

Further up there's a couple of pictures of the mobile slum he's erected. (lol)


How can that be a"mobile slum"? All I can see is a van two chairs and a seperate "tent", which a lot of people errect. Part of the picture is the next pitch. Those pitches at Calpe are long and narrow, hence the van is backed on to the length of pitch,

Why all the name calling?

I thought it was meant to be women who where "Catty", but there is more on this forum from the male posters, In fact a lot of the women posters have left the forum, there used to be far more, who posted useful info, and had a good rapport on Chatterbox, even Mel B does not post so often now, and she has good knowledge re all sorts of queries!

Lets have less "bitching" in 2015, please. This can be such a useful forum for good info, let's not lose any more useful posters please


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Guest pelmetman
Joe90 - 2015-01-07 7:14 PM


People like the resident idiot should be glad people go out and buy a new "anything" otherwise there would be no drip down effect, and no 25 year old bargain bangers to buy for people who have never had a pot to piss in. ;-)



Aaaah but will they? ;-) ................


Seeing as the base vehicles are becoming evermore complicated with DPF, CATS, EGR etc etc........


I believe Nick Euroserv is starting to keep his old vans for spares?.................


So in 25 years time there might well be a glut of 4 wheel caravans :D .............



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Guest pelmetman
peter - 2015-01-07 6:45 PM


The reason Dave keeps banging on about 40k vans is that he can't afford to replace the one he's got. Like Frank said a while back, if he came into 100k tomorrow he'd be hot footing it to a dealer to get a new modern van for sure. (lol)


You really don't want to believe everything thing Frank say's about me Peter *-)..................I'd of thought HE's habit of character assassination, of anyone he doesn't agree with would've of been obvious to all :-| ..............


BTW there's no need to worry about my financial situation ;-)...............As we have sufficient capital and income to live comfortably............but more importantly I have the time to enjoy it B-) .............


As I knew when I had enough :D .............

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PJay - 2015-01-07 11:53 PM


All I can see is a van two chairs and a seperate "tent", which a lot of people errect. Part of the picture is the next pitch. Those pitches at Calpe are long and narrow, hence the van is backed on to the length of pitch,




Firstly, apologies for my part in continuing to steer this OT(and yes, it should probably be somewhere else but the "conversation" is where it is.....)


Secondly, a slight correction PJ'..

What you think is the "next pitch", is in fact Dave's(Pelmetman) trailer and, presumably, his bike..and that "tent" is his drive-away awning(which most people would have next to their van) and as he does like to spread out(understandable if there for a few months),heaven knows what else he's got out of view! (lol) ..and to think this is the bloke who had the gall to slag off a CC site when someone walked over his pitch!? :-S


What you also need to bear in mind is that the vast majority of this flak that Dave gets is, as I've said a few times recently, a bit of "returning fire"....


Don't be fooled by the miriad of little smilies that he peppers his posts with; because more often than not, they're just masking the fact that he's sneering at others.

Be it how they choose to book sites, how they MH in the UK , their use of "Clubs" or even if they have chosen to have a "Flash camper" etc

...And whether it be someone asking advice on parts, sorting out a fault or thoughts on a newish model they're considering etc, no matter what the topic he barely misses a chance to trawl out one of his silly "Progress eh!" responses and to once again tell us all how old his van is..and how it isn't depreciating anymore..blah blah..and.basically implying that anyone who isn't driving a similar vehicle and/or indeed motor homing in the manner that he does, is a fool.


Which is a shame because if he dropped all this silly persona that he's built up(which only detracts from, not adds to,any points being made) and he ceased all of the condescension of others, then I'm sure he'd be in a position to offer loads of useful, balanced info... :-S


Crossed posts Dave..



The fact that your (or anyone's) "income" is now being discussed on a public forum, is somewhat distasteful..However YOU only have yourself to blame!

If you are constantly sniping at what other's may or may not spend and constantly brag at how little tax you pay etc etc..then what can you expect!? *-)


Although personally, I never did buy all this "Average Joe/I drive an old van/Anti Capitalist" malarkey.. *-)

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2015-01-08 9:30 AM


..and to think this is the bloke who had the gall to slag off a CC site when someone walked over his pitch!? :-S




Get your facts right Pepe *-) ................It wasn't because someone walked over my pitch...........It's because the CC thought a right of way through my awning was acceptable................It's just as well I pitched athwart the peg or the right of way would've been through my cab! 8-) .................


I suppose you think that's perfectly acceptable? :-S ...........



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pelmetman - 2015-01-08 9:39 AM


pepe63 - 2015-01-08 9:30 AM


..and to think this is the bloke who had the gall to slag off a CC site when someone walked over his pitch!? :-S




Get your facts right Pepe *-) ................It wasn't because someone walked over my pitch...........It's because the CC thought a right of way through my awning was acceptable................It's just as well I pitched athwart the peg or the right of way would've been through my cab! 8-) .................


I suppose you think that's perfectly acceptable? :-S ...........



I someone's dumb enough to insist on erecting their *cough* awning over a footpath, then yes :D

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2015-01-08 9:30 AM


...And whether it be someone asking advice on parts, sorting out a fault or thoughts on a newish model they're considering etc, no matter what the topic he barely misses a chance to trawl out one of his silly "Progress eh!" responses and to once again tell us all how old his van is..and how it isn't depreciating anymore..blah blah..and.basically implying that anyone who isn't driving and/or indeed motor homing in the manner that he does, is a fool.





In 25 years time we should have a good idea whether I was right to point out that the over complication of today's base vehicles, has reduced the likely hood of them being around in 25 years time? ;-) .............


If they are, I'll admit that would be progress......eh :D..........



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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2015-01-08 9:44 AM


pelmetman - 2015-01-08 9:39 AM


pepe63 - 2015-01-08 9:30 AM


..and to think this is the bloke who had the gall to slag off a CC site when someone walked over his pitch!? :-S




Get your facts right Pepe *-) ................It wasn't because someone walked over my pitch...........It's because the CC thought a right of way through my awning was acceptable................It's just as well I pitched athwart the peg or the right of way would've been through my cab! 8-) .................


I suppose you think that's perfectly acceptable? :-S ...........



I someone's dumb enough to insist on erecting their *cough* awning over a footpath, then yes :D


It wasn't a footpath, it was a pitch............and the first we knew about it, was when people started walking through our awning space.............I raised it with both the warden and the CC but it was clear they didn't give a toss *-)................



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pelmetman - 2015-01-08 9:51 AM


It wasn't a footpath, it was a pitch............and the first we knew about was when people started walking through where our awning space.



Oooh! So no one has ever actually walked through your awning then?...but just across a patch of grass where your awning could have been?...


Glad we've finally got the "facts right" on that long standing myth...


I must say your objection to someone walking across your "awning "space", does appear a bit "Little Englander" and "...get orf my land..", especially for such a self proclaimed, free spirited, "independent traveller" like your self... (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2015-01-08 9:30 AM


Crossed posts Dave..



The fact that your (or anyone's) "income" is now being discussed on a public forum, is somewhat distasteful..However YOU only have yourself to blame!

If you are constantly sniping at what other's may or may not spend and constantly brag at how little tax you pay etc etc..then what can you expect!? *-)


Although personally, I never did buy all this "Average Joe/I drive an old van/Anti Capitalist" malarkey.. *-)


Your right I'm not average ;-) ................according to my school reports I was well below average :D ..........


If I was average I'd still be clock watching for the next 10 years waiting for my pension 8-) ...........


BTW I only bring income into the discussions to show that you don't need to spend a fortune to enjoy moho'ing or life........... as I've been cash rich and time poor, now I'm the other way round, and I know which I prefer B-) ...............


Must be annoying to hear people bragging about how poor they are..........it ain't normal :D................



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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2015-01-08 10:10 AM


pelmetman - 2015-01-08 9:51 AM


It wasn't a footpath, it was a pitch............and the first we knew about was when people started walking through where our awning space.



Oooh! So they no one has ever actually walked through your awning then?...but just across a patch of grass where your awning may have been?...


Glad we've finally got the "facts right" on that long standing myth...


I must say your objection to someone walking across your "awning "space", does appear a bit "Little Englander" and "...get orf my land..", especially for such a self proclaimed, free spirited, "independent traveller" like your self... (lol)


Well if you've ever had a dog, you'd know that having other people walk their dogs through your pitch is asking for trouble *-) .................


Let me know next time your on a CC site and I'll come over and wander through your pitch every 5 mins ;-) ...........



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I think you perfectly illustrate the shortcomings of being so poor, you've somehow managed to get where you are, the sunny med ( allegedly ), but are so strapped cannot do anything than sit on your pitch posting on this forum morning, noon and night, hardly a recommendation for being so poor if that’s really all you can find to do.


The pattern is repeated when you are back here as well, hardly any point in going anywhere is there, nothing changes.


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Guest pelmetman
Joe90 - 2015-01-08 10:34 AM


I think you perfectly illustrate the shortcomings of being so poor, you've somehow managed to get where you are, the sunny med ( allegedly ), but are so strapped cannot do anything than sit on your pitch posting on this forum morning, noon and night, hardly a recommendation for being so poor if that’s really all you can find to do.


The pattern is repeated when you are back here as well, hardly any point in going anywhere is there, nothing changes.


Your right, the picture I posted could be in sunny Wales ;-) ...............


It also appears those who are better of than me have nothing better to do than post on here............


So maybe I'm really just keeping up with the Joes's :D ...............



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Guest pelmetman
Mad Cow - 2015-01-08 10:33 AM


I am sorry I posted now.


Why? :-S ...................think of it as care in the community (lol) ................





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