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Silly question


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You will probably have to undo a clamp holding the battery in place. Always good practice to disconnect the negative terminal first.

I would either disconnect or cover the solar panel first. Change of battery size will not have any effect on the solar panel in use.

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Just to add to Lennys post..absolutely disconnect the solar output FIRST ensuring you do not short the connections together, then reconnect it LAST, but also make sure to check the measurements of any replacement battery in all it's dimensions as well, sounds obvious, until you haven't. ;-)
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You may have to reset your control panel so that it knows what amperage to charge the battery to.

The process should be in your manual.

Mine is under the driver's seat, which is a pain.so I fitted a 12v socket while I was at it. This gives power for charging accessories even with the ignition off. I fused it for safety.

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....and make sure if it is a flooded wet battery at least one of the vent sealing plugs is removed. If you have a vent tube connected to your old battery then connect it to the new one and make sure the other vent hole ( other end of battery) is fitted with a sealing plug. There are a surprising number of people who buy batteries mail order and never remove a sealing plug and a surpising number with vent pipes fitted and unused vent holes left unplugged.

Rest is as others have said.


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