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peter - 2015-01-09 10:27 PM


Me neither. But I won't be opening the link provided either.


Don't worry about the link....that's simply a screenshot uploaded to Tinypic.


Here are rucks of Google sites about it and it appears to targeting Forums.



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woody. - 2015-01-09 10:32 PM


Im not going to open it either but give it a scan with adaware or spybot , from filehippo.com


PC been fully scanned.....twice and there was nothing. It's 'clean'. Also Windows Defender is always on.


Looking through that list of Google sites many posters are saying it's NOT malware or a virus but appears to prioritise forum sites (i've been knocked off this once already whilst posting).


That Tinypic link was nothing more than a screenshot of what the monitor screen looks like before it redirects to stupid sites such as Beauty or MumsNet. I've no idea why anyone would feel nervous about opening the link i gave to the Google page either as it's simply a Google search page listing numerous complaints about it.


Anyone who is THAT nervous......how do you cope when coming on here??

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Guest Peter James

If its just a photo can't you upload it here?

I will upload a photo I took with a camera of an infected computer screen. As its only a photo there is no possibility of the virus being transferred. You can download the picture to view it in full size.

(I formatted the hard drive and re installed Windows to be sure of getting rid of the virus)


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Peter James - 2015-01-10 9:35 AM


If its just a photo can't you upload it here?

I will upload a photo I took with a camera of an infected computer screen. As its only a photo there is no possibility of the virus being transferred. You can download the picture to view it in full size.

(I formatted the hard drive and re installed Windows to be sure of getting rid of the virus)

Pretty much all i did with that Tinypic link. Photo uploaded to Tinypic (image sharing site), copy n paste here....job done.


Same as the Google page i posted with endless folk complaining about it. I posted a link to that page.....a bit like this here listing motorhome forums;




Nervy folk please look away as you might catch a "disease!" :D :D


FWIW my PC is 'clean'.......also i've never heard of an infected monitor!


I wonder how some folk ever connect to the internet at all and imagine they must spend hours trawling through Risk Assessments before pressing the power switch. Anyone would think they are about to launch a nuclear device. *-)

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colin - 2015-01-09 10:34 PM


The shooting forums have had this problem for several days, chrome seems to be the main culprit, but then chrome has been criticized of late for being full of security holes.


Appears to have targeted forums. Easy i suppose as most use adverts to finance the running. I don't mind the ads as long as they aren't with audio and one forum i use had a problem over that as their agreement was 'static ads' only (no audio). But companies abused the forum and stuck audio ones on which would 'kick in' the minute your mouse scrolled over the ad. The forum owners kicked 'em off as they were getting cheap advertising, but they still sprout up every now n then.

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Now that I've seen the photo its a nasty bit of malware that's been about for ages. I got it from a fake web site some time ago on my old now defunct computer. At the time there was nothing available to get rid of it. Fortunately I knew the date and time it arrived so I went through the computer and deleted all the files with that date. Had to do it three times to get rid of it as it tries to protect itself. I understand that the likes of PC World can get rid of it.


Do most searches on the IPad now. If I use the PC I only go on sites that have been approved by Norton. I also use Spyware on a regular basis and Nortan scans making sure any updates are installed before running the scans.


One nasty aspect of this malware is that you can think you've got rid of it but it retains enough of a presence to come back

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Colin Leake - 2015-01-11 7:10 PM


Now that I've seen the photo its a nasty bit of malware that's been about for ages. I got it from a fake web site some time ago on my old now defunct computer. At the time there was nothing available to get rid of it. Fortunately I knew the date and time it arrived so I went through the computer and deleted all the files with that date. Had to do it three times to get rid of it as it tries to protect itself. I understand that the likes of PC World can get rid of it.


Do most searches on the IPad now. If I use the PC I only go on sites that have been approved by Norton. I also use Spyware on a regular basis and Nortan scans making sure any updates are installed before running the scans.


One nasty aspect of this malware is that you can think you've got rid of it but it retains enough of a presence to come back



You'd best not read through some of the comments on the sites listed on Google! I always thought iPads were 'virus exempt' but someone posted they'd had the same silly Phising alert and they were running an iPad.


I've used Malwarebytes in the past. It's like everything else.....good but not faultless. Similarly i've run pc's with Norton installed yet once had one of the worst virus attacks ever experienced. Absolutely everything shut down to a blank screen. At the time i was relatively new to computers so a friend came and looked at it. Took an entire day to get it sorted and had to format the drive and do a fresh install of windows. So don't take Norton as the 'dogs doo dahs' because i'm afraid it's not!


There are numerous AV apps that claim to do this 'n that and give armour plated protection. As long as folk accept 'anything is better than nothing' whilst acknowledging nothing can ever give 100%......they are ok.



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I also have had stuff getting through norton etc , one easy way to find stuff that has installed on your computer is to install CCCcleaner , open it up click on tools and all the installed programmes come up , look for the one you want to delete , highlight it right click and delete , then clean the register , works for me .
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