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Orkney in mid May


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We fancy having a look up here using Kirkwell as a base, Rupert123 {Henry} suggested Orkney in my earlier thread about places to go in GB


Looking for sometime between mid May and mid July. These seem to be the drier months although we won't avoid the wind. Probably will only be there for a week, just enough to have a look round.


If you've been up to Orkney, which of the three months you would recommend and which ferry to use.



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We were in Orkney for 5 days in May 2013 on our way to The Shetland Islands. The weather was very changeable - T shirt & shorts one day, followed by fog & drizzle the next! You would need to cater for all weather conditions me thinks!!


We based ourselves at Point of Ness campsite in Stromness and a CL at Evie.


When we visited we had to use the Pentalina catamaran service as the Northlink Ferry was out of action. As far as I know both are pretty similar in costings & timings. The Pentalina goes from Gills Bay to St. Margarets Hope which is best for Kirkwall. The Northlink Ferry goes from Scrabster to Stromness [right in front of the campsite].


If I can be of any further help you only have to ask


Phil R

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We have been to Orkney several times at the end of May for the Orkney Folk Festival. The weather has at times been great other times not so good. There is a superb music scene in Orkney and the festival is well worth going to so check out the website. Full programme not finalised yet for this May

One big advantage is that if you pay £20 for a Patrons` ticket you get 30% discount on Northlink fares. This extends for about a week either side of the festival. We have used both crossings. Northlink is longer but a much more comfortable boat. You also get a superb view of the Old Man of Hoy (sea stack)

We have found it very easy to wildcamp in Orkney and have stayed at some greatl spots.

Orkney is a wonderful place lots of interesting places to visit.


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We went in April last year as part of tour round Scotland. used the Pentalina ferry, efficient but you have to reverse on. The guy guiding me was Scandinavian with no English which was interesting, especially as I didn't always understand his hand signals , I think they were also in Scandinavian language of some sort. If you take that route be sure to stop at the Italian POW chapel, step through the door and WOW.


When we went it was mixed weather and cold so stayed at the campsite in Kirkwall. It's part of a brand new leisure complex with swimming pool and cinema plus good wifi. hard standing with electric which helps with the heating.

End of April was too early for Puffins and were told mid May is good



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