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Sheep Attack

Grumpy Grandad

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Hi, Happy New Year to everyone. :-D


While our Hymer B544 motorhome was parked at my brothers farm it was used by the ram (male sheep) as target practice. It damaged both the front bumper and the plastic wheel arch trim. i have been advised by a plastic welder that the bumper is repairable, but he would prefer it if the bumper and wheel arch trim were removed. Has anyone ever attempted this job, and if so,how did you do it please ? The van is a 2007 model.

Believe me this is not a wind up, didn't realize that a sheep could be so strong. >:-(

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I suppose you could see a Hymer B Series as a giant rival if you were a hormone-driven ram, which is presumably what this one did, hence the tupping attack. If it had decided the MH was a ewe you would presumably be replacing the exhaust pipe.


I haven't removed the bumper on mine (which is probably different, 2006 model anyway) but I think the same principles will apply. Peter Hambildon, the expert, told me it only takes 20 minutes to remove the bumper to reset the LHD headlights to RHD. The fasteners are underneath the rubbery strip above the plastic mudguards; just lever it aside to reveal the fasteners. There are additional fasteners lower down, which are visible.


Good luck.

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Grumpy Grandad - 2015-01-12 8:08 PM



Believe me this is not a wind up, didn't realize that a sheep could be so strong. >:-(


Believe you !!!!.......I certainly do. In the early 70's I was driving a concrete mixer and was grossing off at 24 ton and a sheep run straight under the front nearside wheel, the damage it caused was unbelievable. It knocked the bottom half of the mudguard off which inturn twisted the n/s door. The sheep carried on into the battery cage and knock that off complete with the battery, into the diesel tank and knocked the bottom bracket off which punctured the tank and lost all the diesel.........It didn't end there :-S


The sheep had been tore in half by this time, Half hit the back mudguard and ripped that off and the guard bu**ered one of the twin tyre's. The other half hit the prop and center bearing and the exhaust.....bu**ered them up also. Three days loss of work being off the road, towing in fees. altogether £1,500..........'DON'T HIT SHEEP'.



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If they are ABs plastic and untorn, just dented then the dents may come out with the aid of a heat gun.


It may be easier to get at both sides of the bumper with it off but worth a try in situ.


I have recently tidied up my sons bumper after a moderate collision. Most heat guns have a two settings and I used the higher. Keep the gun about three or four inches from the dented area and on the move all the time. As the plastic heats up the stresses caused by the impact are released and the dent eases back to shape, obviously don't overdo it. The crazy paving look is out of fashion.


A bit of a push from the inside of the dent with a gardening gloves or a lump of rag as a heat insulator may help.


There was a small tear and I used the heat gun to smooth it a bit and then a soldering iron to weld it up. its nowhere near perfect but its a bit of a banger and far better than it was.


Have you ever seen film of mountain rams discussing mating rights head to head. They stand on tier back legs and dive in. The G forces on the brain? must go through the roof.



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This beats my hitting a Stag (no, not a Triumph a big real live one) in my old VW, killed the stag and did £600 of damage, the insurance claim form was interesting, the question "who in your opinion was to blame/" was answered with " the stag, who jumped out without indicating and had no lights on!"



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Guest pelmetman
pkc - 2015-01-13 12:11 PM


Did he sound his horn?


Sorry I will get my own coat. :-S


Perhaps it was Ramadan? :D ..............



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pelmetman - 2015-01-13 1:26 PM


pkc - 2015-01-13 12:11 PM


Did he sound his horn?


Sorry I will get my own coat. :-S


Perhaps it was Ramadan? :D ..............




Butt out with the religious jokes please Dave, the time of year has no bearing on this incident.

However the the time of day may have, the Highway Code states that ;

'Ewe may not use the horn between the hours of 11pm and 7.30 am.'


Sorry I'll get my own fleece.




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Butt ewe have'nt told us what happened to the sheep?

Ewe can't pull the wool over us.

Wether or not he survived is worth more than tup..pence.

Did he get the chop?

Make a clean breast of it ..don't be Mutt..'n Jeff


.... or is he standing patiently next to the wheelbarrow waiting?





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Some years ago in my old VW van conversion we were wild camping in the Lammermuir hills. Got wakened in the morning by very alarming crashing on the van front door. Found a tup (or ram if you prefer) attacking it's reflection in the door panel. Most stop polishing the van if camping in such areas (lol)
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Grumpy Grandad - 2015-01-12 8:08 PM


Hi, Happy New Year to everyone. :-D


While our Hymer B544 motorhome was parked at my brothers farm it was used by the ram (male sheep) as target practice. It damaged both the front bumper and the plastic wheel arch trim. i have been advised by a plastic welder that the bumper is repairable, but he would prefer it if the bumper and wheel arch trim were removed. Has anyone ever attempted this job, and if so,how did you do it please ? The van is a 2007 model.

Believe me this is not a wind up, didn't realize that a sheep could be so strong. >:-(


Hi Grumpy ( always wanted to say that to the wife )

It does sound like a great deal of damage for one ram.

I asked a farmer friend for his opinion, he said it sounded like a load of bullocks to him. :-)


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Guest pelmetman
pkc - 2015-01-15 12:09 PM


Hi Grumpy ( always wanted to say that to the wife )



You sound like a Mutton for PUNishment :D ............



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Only motor related in that it happened at a Dartmoor filling station, when a ram, feeling that the forecourt was part of his territory, was incensed at seeing another ram looking back at him from outside the shop.

He put his head down in best ram tradition and went full tilt for the other ram, who, as it turned out, was his own reflection in the glass doors to the shop and which, on his approach, obligingly opened, leaving the ram to pile into the refrigeration display cabinets at the back of the shop at top speed.

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On a different note many years ago I left my trials bike parked in a friends garden while we went to the pub,imagine my joy on returning to find his mum's jack russel terrier had eaten the plastic front mudguard, and I mean really eaten it nearly all the way to the forks where the brackets held it on! Had it replaced but not until I'd ridden it home in the rain with a lovely arc of spray in my face all the way home.!
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On a completely different note a onetime colleague of mine previous worked in the claims department of a well known car insurer. Claim forms include a place to "draw a sketch of the incident" . The claim in question contained a meticulous sketch of the insured's house with his car sitting outside followed by a sketch of the insured's house with no car. It was of course a theft claim. He was unable to work out whether the insured was taking the mickey or not !
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Years and years ago my parents spent a night in their caravan on a CL which was a farm. The farmer put them in a corner of a big field and put a temporary fence around the caravan to keep the cattle away. In the middle of the night my parents were woken by strange rubbing sounds and the caravan started rocking around a bit. The cattle had found a way past the temprorary fence and were using the caravan as an interesting new scratching facility.


No serious damage but my Dad spent the rest of the night on cow altert, going out to shoo them away whenever they came back. My parents moved on the following morning.

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HymerVan - 2015-01-16 9:21 AM


.. Claim forms include a place to "draw a sketch of the incident" . The claim in question contained a meticulous sketch of the insured's house with his car sitting outside followed by a sketch of the insured's house with no car. It was of course a theft claim. He was unable to work out whether the insured was taking the mickey or not !


(lol) (lol) That's tickled me! (lol)

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