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ford insignia herald 1998


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Hi folks just wondering if anybody on the four got one of these motorhomes as I have an issue with the motor battery its pretty new but runs fine when started but goes down overnight is there away of fitting an auxiliary batterry or some type of charge system that will keep it charging just wondering , cheers pickle (lol)
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Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums.


If your Herald’s starter-battery’s voltage is dropping a lot overnight, either there's something wrong with the battery itself or there’s an electrical load being placed on the battery that’s producing the current drain.


Before you think about fitting another battery or some means of maintaining the present battery’s charge, it would be sensible to carry out basic tests as described here:



(I owned a Ford-based 1996-built Herald for 6 years and I never had the type of problem you’ve got.)



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Hi Pickle and welcome.


The simplest and cheapest test to do for starters would be to disconnect the battery negative terminal when you park up and then reconnect in the morning.


If the battery is flat in the morning then the battery is FUBAR!


If the 'van starts OK then follow Derek's advice and start looking for the drain.


Question... Has this always happened, just started happening or is the 'van new to you? This may help ascertain the cause of the drain if this is indeed the problem.



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Glad you're sorted on that respect but I don't see how water in the fuel could be causing the battery to go flat overnight, or am I missing something here (?)


Did you have starting or running problems that you hadn't mentioned (?)



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