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Denmark-Stockholm and Finland-Estonia-Poland


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Denmark-Stockholm and Finland-Estonia-Poland and home in May June 2015.


I've done a search of the forums, and come up with very little info.

Mrs B is trawling through a couple of blogs; "The Barkers on MagBaz travel.com" and "Richard andJoanna.com".

We are planning a visit to our daughter again, in Stockholm in May/June 2015.

We shall probably investigate Harwich-Esjberg again, hoping that the route will be confirmed, otherwise it's a long drive.

We did Denmark-Sweden-Norway-Denmark last year and this time plan Denmark-Sweden-Finland-Estonia-Latvia-Lithuania-Poland-Germany -Belgium ( The clockwise route) and a Channel Ferry home.


If you've done any of the route we'd be interested in any campsites you risk suggesting, and places to visit, that we might miss through lack of a recommendation. We'll be away for about 6 maybe 7 weeks.


Any experience shared will be appreciated, and I'll do a journal when we get back


alan b

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Hi Robin; seen your journal, and will have another read.

I don't expect us to be going above Kuopio; if that far.

Looking a little uncertain on the Esjberg ferry front, so may well be going Poland-Finland and Stockholm for a week. We'll see!


alan b

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We did Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Calais in 2013. Took ferry from Helsinki, economical with vehicle length, and spent 4-5 days in the Marina Aire which was our first paid camping since leaving UK. Talinn was very nice and we cycled everywhere but after leaving there wasn't much to see or do. We wild camped beside The Gulf of Riga shortly after crossing border into Latvia. From there we went to Cesis, very nice, and then on to Riga where we stayed for a couple of days. Leaving Riga, Latvia has the worst roads in Europe, we went to Jelgava, to see the Palace, before going to Rundale Palace where we stayed on a site, someones back garden, free of charge with ehu along with a couple from Spain.

On to Lithuania where we encountered 3 speed traps in first 20 miles so beware. Oncoming drivers did flash lights so you do get a warning, First night we wildcamped in the car park for The Hill of a Thousand Crosses, permission sought and granted by staff only paying car park charge. Well worth a visit as was our next stop Vilnius where we again used our bikes to get around.

Poland. We travelled across Poland trying to avoid toll roads which had just been introduced. There are plenty of signs when you enter the country but it doesn't tell you where to get the box. On leaving Poland we were stopped by the police, standing 500 metres from the border with a set of binoculars stopping foreigners, who took our papers and scrutinised a computer for 5 minutes before letting us go. I believe it is easier to get the toll box now but please get it as fines are horrendous.

PM me if you have specific questions.




You can go from Immingham to Gothenburg using DFDS

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Hi Snowie,

We were thinking of using the new Harwich-Esjberg ferry due to start easter according to their website. Have you heard anything to put this in doubt ?

Re the Immingham - Ejsberg DFDS, they have now said on their website that due to their stopping the Harwich route and the subsequent increase in freight demand, they will not now accept private users on the Immingham ferry.


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We Googled "Ferry service Harwich-Esjberg 2015" and found some references to Regina Line, including some suggestion that they were having trouble sourcing a ship!!

We've emailed Regina Line direct and are waiting for a reply.


I calculated approx £530 for our 6M PVC via Immingham, which I think I'll pass on. I'd rather drive through a bit more of Eastern Europe ( I think).

However; if Poland Latvia, Lithuania Estonia and Finland really don't get too many positive votes I could look a bit more at Sweden, or just get the ferry from Stockholm to Finland for a look. Ticking boxes just for the sake of it doesn't appeal.

We'll post the reply when we get it,


alan b

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snowie - 2015-01-13 11:31 PM


We Googled "Ferry service Harwich-Esjberg 2015" and found some references to Regina Line, including some suggestion that they were having trouble sourcing a ship!!

We've emailed Regina Line direct and are waiting for a reply.


I calculated approx £530 for our 6M PVC via Immingham, which I think I'll pass on.





We too are watching the Regina line website for more details as we're travelling on to Iceland in the summer.

At the moment we have Harwich to Hook of Holland booked for approx £200 return (and can cancel up to 24 hours before sailing for a £20 fee).


I also looked at Immingham to Esbjerg on the freight ferry but it seemed to be around £700 EACH WAY for us as a sub 7 m van. This did not seem viable as it would only save us around £90 of fuel each way.


I'll be really interested if you get a reply from Regina line.



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snowie - 2015-01-13 11:31 PM


.......However; if Poland Latvia, Lithuania Estonia and Finland really don't get too many positive votes I could look a bit more at Sweden, or just get the ferry from Stockholm to Finland for a look.....

alan b


....if Stockholm is an immovable, and discovering more of Sweden is of interest, then (as we very much enjoyed Finland) I would certainly recommend an itinerary something similar to ours. One-way ferry to Finland from Stockholm, and then return to Sweden with a leisurely drive round the top of the Gulf of Bothnia, and back down the length of Sweden.


With a few more weeks (which it would seem you would have), we would have taken time to see a little more of Southern Finland, and also the "wilderness" West of Vilhelmina in Sweden.


Such an itinerary might also prove more practical if the ferry crossing is to be a short sea one, as visits to some of (say) Munster, Lubeck, Schleswig and Copenhagen en route would all be viable (and good stopovers and places to visit).




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