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Fiat Ducato wing mirrors...contd


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Following on from previous posts about wing mirrors for the Ducato, I damaged the casing on the passenger side long-arm mirror of a rental motorhome whilst on a charity bike ride. As this is electrically heated, motorised and houses the radio antennae, the replacement cost was £385 + VAT (I had no choice about where they sourced it) which more or less wiped out any money raised.

Anyway, I digress. When replacement mirror glass alone costs £36, is there a 'salvage' market for components, or the unit as a whole as spares/repair?

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I had the same problem when I was swerved to avoid a collision with a boy racer and my n/s mirror hit a metal post. The collision left a large hole in the mirror casing and crazed the lower mirror. Amazingly the main mirror and the electrics etc were OK. The mirrors just pop off so I replaced the lower one with a unit sourced from eBAy very cheaply. Having picked up all the casing fragments that I could find I put the casing back together like a jigsaw. I bridged the remaining hole with perforated zinc sheet and made good with plastic padding. Once sanded down all that could be seen was the grey of the plastic padding. I got round this by fitting mirror guards. These were white and much more easily seen that the black covers underneath. Especially after I had stuck panels of hi-vis reflective tape on them. The mirror guards have provrd their worth on several occasions and I would recommend them.
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