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Getting My van through Bolton Abbey Arch


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Hi there,

Does anyone have experience of getting a Bailey 760 Approach through the archway to access the Bolton Abbey Caravan Club site please? I just want to know if anyone has managed to get one through before I try! The figures seem to indicate it should be possible but I'd like confirmation if possible from another driver. Thanks!



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What are your outside measurments, not you personally!

If you are the same or smaller than a single decker bus , you will fit through, as its on a regular bus route. As long as you line up with the gap before reaching the arch, you may have to tuck your mirrors in. If your larger, there is another route through Embsey that is good for any size of van.

Its a lovely site, with great walking from it.


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Caravan Club website under 'Directions' says the Bolton Priory archway has restricted width of 2.8 metres and height of 3.3 metres. I've been through the arch quite a few times in my last van with a total width, including wing mirrors, of 2.75m which gave me an inch either side at the wing mirrors. My current van would be an inch too wide with wing mirrors extended.


I presume your Bailey is 2.412m [7'11"] wide plus wing mirrors and 2.785m [9'2" tall] unless you have accessories on the roof. My wing mirrors add another 48cm to my width which if your Bailey is the same, would make you three and a half inches too wide.


Some of the local buses may be narrower than your van and go through it several times a day.


I suppose you should measure the width of your van with mirrors extended and with mirrors folded back and see how much of a gap you have. I'd also post on the Caravan Club Together Discussion page as quite a few CC members have Bailey motorhomes.


Please bear in mind that if it is a squeeze how often will you want to go through it during your stay?


It's a good site in a good location. The site itself is quite tight though and often very busy at peak times. There are few better CC sites in Yorkshire but several that are nearly as good with much better access.


I don't know if you are new to motorhoming but if you are, you'll find many motorhomers stick a note in the cab with the vehicle dimensions and other useful information.

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I took my Burstner Ixeo through the arch - just!!. I had to fold in my rear view mirrors and creep through. I guess your Bailey will have the same Ducato cab and extended mirrors so it should be possible. Not a lot of room for error though. My suggestion would be if you have someone travelling with you ask them to stand outside ahead of the vehicle and guide you through.



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Thanks for your reply. What Autotrail do you have? We have a large Luton overcab bed which increases our height. I too have made the longer journey and it was very hairy for our wide van! Glad to hear you got through the arch. The Bailey is a bit wider than the Autotrail. (we used to have a Cheyenne which I loved!) Further research indicates that we may be able to get through and I will have to fold my mirrors in. We may have a trundle out and give it a try!
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Thanks for your reply. I will try the CC website. I have been through before with a car and caravan. It is a nice site. We love the walks from there. I think the 7' 11" may be with mirrors extended. I found a measurement of 7' 4" with mirrors folded on another website.We may have to have a trundle out and give it a go!
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