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House Insurance

starvin marvin

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While we are stuck here for family reasons, I decided to sort out our home policy. We are currently covered with the Nationwide who have changed underwriters to UK Insurance, they now only cover for 60 days away from home, which for us is not enough.


So I've now tried the CIS (Co-op), NFU Mutual, and Comfort......prices have ranged from £228 to £387, Co-op are the cheapest, with Comfort the highest. The downside with the Co-op is that while its still 60 days this can be "reset" by someone, not one who is usually resident staying in the property for 1 night and the 60 days start again. However the policyholder, in the event of a claim would have to prove that someone has stayed...and they gave me some examples. Not happy with this proposal so....


I'm now going to speak with Swinton, and a local broker and finally....or hopefully someone you folks suggest..but on no account the CC or CC&C whom always find are far too uncompetitive. Need some outfit who provides a choice on the length of time you can leave our home unoccupied for, is 60, 90, 120, 180 days if possible.




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bounty hunter - 2015-01-20 4:11 PM


We pay £247 for a 3 bed semi in Skelmersdale with C&CC which as you know allow 180 days away from home with no conditions.




Good, I'm glad you're sorted. The Clubs have never been any good for me, as I said, always too expensive.


Swinton, came back with the highest quote yet, almost £200 more than Comfort!!



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It's not really difficult to have the Home insurance "reset" by having someone at the house.


Get someone you trust to enter the house, late in the evening and get them to make one or two telephone calls, preferably to someone at another exchange (so that they have to dial 0123 etc)


Then get them to do the same the next morning.


There you have it.


How could an Insurance Co. argue with that.

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emmitdb - 2015-01-26 4:57 PM


It's not really difficult to have the Home insurance "reset" by having someone at the house.


Get someone you trust to enter the house, late in the evening and get them to make one or two telephone calls, preferably to someone at another exchange (so that they have to dial 0123 etc)


Then get them to do the same the next morning.


There you have it.


How could an Insurance Co. argue with that.


Wouldn't that in the event of a claim amount to lying?? ie fraud. There is a difference between risk taking and being stupid.

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