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I run a genny for exactly the same purose as Derek; it seems to me that the anti-genny brigade are the selfish one’s if they can’t be considerate to those that need to run a genie for 15 minutes every couple of days. As for the comment about ‘if you want to use a hair dryer go to an EHU site’, who the hell do you think you are, if the site owners allow the use of gennies I’ll use one. If you don’t like it go to a site that doesn’t allow there use.
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Guest caraprof
[QUOTE]Brian Kirby - 2007-05-06 11:58 AM Cave everyone, the forum's resident intellectual has arrived![/QUOTE] Can I reiterate once again that Victor Meldrew is not Frank Wilkinson. He would never have written ........selfish one's" with a totally superfluous apostrophe in a word that is just a plural and has no possession or substitution necessitating such an apostrophe. Victor Meldrew was formerly known as TC101.
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[QUOTE]caraprof - 2007-05-06 1:20 PM [QUOTE]Brian Kirby - 2007-05-06 11:58 AM Cave everyone, the forum's resident intellectual has arrived![/QUOTE] Can I reiterate once again that Victor Meldrew is not Frank Wilkinson. He would never have written ........selfish one's" with a totally superfluous apostrophe in a word that is just a plural and has no possession or substitution necessitating such an apostrophe. Victor Meldrew was formerly known as TC101.[/QUOTE] And Frank knew his there, their and they're e.g 'there site'
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[QUOTE]Victor Meldrew - 2007-05-06 11:50 AM I run a genny for exactly the same purose as Derek; it seems to me that the anti-genny brigade are the selfish one’s if they can’t be considerate to those that need to run a genie for 15 minutes every couple of days. As for the comment about ‘if you want to use a hair dryer go to an EHU site’, who the hell do you think you are, if the site owners allow the use of gennies I’ll use one. If you don’t like it go to a site that doesn’t allow there use. [/QUOTE] Well look who's back. Hello again Franky babes, how you've been missed. Just hope you don't take that attitude if you camp next to me. How many sugars do you take? Some sites have very few rules because they seem to attract the kind of clientelle that do not have to be told how to behave. Your attitude sums up today's selfish society, I'll do what I want and s0d the rest of you!
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we were on a cl last summer, a lovely day, the caravan on the next pitch to us run their genny from 5pm until 9pm (we arived back on site at 5pm) i went and asked politly if they could turn it off for a bit (unles of corse it was for medical reasons,kidney dialisis etc) only to be treated to a lot of verbal abuse. pete
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If a genny was running near me for a long time, I'd just get out my favourite CD, put it in the player and crank up the volume, having a good sing-song into the bargain ... they'd soon get the message ... me, I'd be happy just singing away in any case! :-S By the way, did I tell you I had a Pinky and Perky album which is brilliant? (lol)
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Guest caraprof
[QUOTE]livewire - 2007-05-06 1:06 PM [QUOTE]Victor Meldrew - 2007-05-06 11:50 AM I run a genny for exactly the same purose as Derek; it seems to me that the anti-genny brigade are the selfish one’s if they can’t be considerate to those that need to run a genie for 15 minutes every couple of days. As for the comment about ‘if you want to use a hair dryer go to an EHU site’, who the hell do you think you are, if the site owners allow the use of gennies I’ll use one. If you don’t like it go to a site that doesn’t allow there use. [/QUOTE] Well look who's back. Hello again Franky babes, how you've been missed. Just hope you don't take that attitude if you camp next to me. How many sugars do you take? Some sites have very few rules because they seem to attract the kind of clientelle that do not have to be told how to behave. Your attitude sums up today's selfish society, I'll do what I want and s0d the rest of you![/QUOTE] Once again, this is not Frank Willkinson but TC101. I happen to know that Frank Wilkinson does not own a generator and would never consider buying one as he prefers sites where possible and only 'wild camps' out of absolute necessity.
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[QUOTE]Mel B - 2007-05-06 5:53 PM If a genny was running near me for a long time, I'd just get out my favourite CD, put it in the player and crank up the volume, having a good sing-song into the bargain ... they'd soon get the message ... me, I'd be happy just singing away in any case! :-S By the way, did I tell you I had a Pinky and Perky album which is brilliant? (lol)[/QUOTE] I'll be OK with my 15 minutes then? BTW are you going to try the 'Aire' in Barcelona?
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No problem Derek, 15 mins is fine. As for Barcelona, we've decided not to 'plan' to get there for this holiday as we don't want to spend a lot of time travelling, that is unless the weather in France is really bad then we might leg it down there! We are hoping to get down over the Millau bridge and on to the southern coast of France, and then do a circular route back up, taking in the Ardeche for a spot of canoeing on whilst we're down there. Ultimately, once we land in France the only things we will be doing for certain are the visit to the vets on the last Saturday morning and getting the ferry back on the Sunday tea-time. Been packing the van today, goodness me, it don't half takes ages to find places for the bits and bobs don't it!!!! 8-) Must admit I've put in plenty of tea-bags and paracetamol in just to be safe as they're a bit pricey in France, oh and a couple of bottles of tomato ketchup!!!. Can't be having pomme frites without can we now. :D
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[QUOTE]Mel B - 2007-05-06 7:23 PM Been packing the van today, goodness me, it don't half takes ages to find places for the bits and bobs don't it!!!! 8-) Must admit I've put in plenty of tea-bags and paracetamol in just to be safe as they're a bit pricey in France, oh and a couple of bottles of tomato ketchup!!!. Can't be having pomme frites without can we now. :D[/QUOTE] I agree totally about the tea bags, we get friends to bring them down with them. As for Tomato Ketchup, well, they sell so many different brands here you lose count. Can't get the brown sauce though. Usual thing here is Mayonaise on frites.
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[QUOTE]Mel B - 2007-05-06 7:23 PM Must admit I've put in plenty of tea-bags and paracetamol in just to be safe as they're a bit pricey in France[/QUOTE] If you get to Spain, buy your Paracetamol here. Two 20 packs of 500mg Paracetamol and two 40 packs of 600mg Ibuprofen (which I understand are too strong to sell over-the-counter in the UK) for 7.40 Euros. Just over a fiver!!
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Brian and Clive Good for you. We were investigating a CL for future use at Amberley West Sussex. The location is idyllic but completely ruined by two inconsiderate users of generators. We returned on another occassion hoping it was a 'one off' but no yet again the ambiance was destroyed by that awful shrill cutting whine I don't need Db calculations. The noise is thoroughly intrusive Chris >:-)
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[QUOTE]Victor Meldrew - 2007-05-06 12:11 PM [QUOTE]Brian Kirby - 2007-05-06 11:58 AM Cave everyone, the forum's resident intellectual has arrived![/QUOTE] Humour, not really your strong point, is it Brian.[/QUOTE]

Dunno, isn't it?  You work it out!

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Guest peter
[QUOTE]Brian Kirby - 2007-05-04 10:40 AM Re Peter's contribution; paints a nice picture of your out of season welcome on an aire, doesn't it?  The beauty of inverters is that they are virtually inaudible inside, give or take the odd cooling fan, let alone outside.  Me: I don't want to sit around inside the van with the windows closed just because some inconsidearte s*d is audibly running a genny!  And I don't care how far away he/she is. 

I just don't want to hear it, period.  I like to be able to hear the sparrows fart, and say pardon!

[/QUOTE]Usual pompous and dictatorial reply from Brian I see. Whatever you do, do not at any time have a view which differs from his or you will be severely reprimanded. Give it rest. >:-)
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Guest Syd
I have followed both of these debates regarding generator use and have to say that getting personal isn't the answer any problem. What I see as the real problem is "Education" Take us for instance, we are reasonably new to caravaning/camping and at first, because we didn't know any better, a generator was used. We soon realised that they were not very convenient, either for ourselves or for other users so, being able to do it, we purchased, large inverter, 2 X 100amp batterys and fairly large solar panel. (hope this isn't taken as bragging) Not everyone is in a position to do that but above all not everyone knows that generators are/can be obsolete things of the past and camping can easilly be managed without them. Fortunately I stumbled onto the MMM magazine, through boredom, one Xmas time and that is where I learned more about camping than anywhere else, even from in the "field" I would suggest a series of articles on sensible power use and provision, I know they have already been before but that is not a sound reason for not repeating them. Maybe the two big camping clubs should produce a joint information leaflet on the subject and include them in all of their mailings then eventually the message might get through that there are alternatives to generators so lobby for that too
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The main problem is some people seem to have to fill their van full of power thirsty gadgets and toys and then have a tantrum if they can't use them. Why do people seem unable to comromise, it is a motorhome not a 5* holiday cattage? I have yet to see why anyone would need to take an electric kettle with them for instance. Are you saying after spending £30-40k on your vaan, you cannot afford the 5-10p in gas to boil a kettle on the hob?
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[QUOTE]peter - 2007-05-07 11:52 PM [QUOTE]Brian Kirby - 2007-05-04 10:40 AM Re Peter's contribution; paints a nice picture of your out of season welcome on an aire, doesn't it?  The beauty of inverters is that they are virtually inaudible inside, give or take the odd cooling fan, let alone outside.  Me: I don't want to sit around inside the van with the windows closed just because some inconsidearte s*d is audibly running a genny!  And I don't care how far away he/she is. 

I just don't want to hear it, period.  I like to be able to hear the sparrows fart, and say pardon!

[/QUOTE]Usual pompous and dictatorial reply from Brian I see. Whatever you do, do not at any time have a view which differs from his or you will be severely reprimanded. Give it rest. >:-)[/QUOTE]

Now, now, Peter.  Pots and kettles?  I do not like noise pollution.  I therefore expressed my opinion on generator noise.  In doing so I did not dictate anything to anyone, except, possibly, awareness!  Is that so bad?

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[QUOTE]livewire - 2007-05-06 1:06 PM [QUOTE]Victor Meldrew - 2007-05-06 11:50 AM I run a genny for exactly the same purose as Derek; it seems to me that the anti-genny brigade are the selfish one’s if they can’t be considerate to those that need to run a genie for 15 minutes every couple of days. As for the comment about ‘if you want to use a hair dryer go to an EHU site’, who the hell do you think you are, if the site owners allow the use of gennies I’ll use one. If you don’t like it go to a site that doesn’t allow there use. [/QUOTE] Well look who's back. Hello again Franky babes, how you've been missed. Just hope you don't take that attitude if you camp next to me. How many sugars do you take? Some sites have very few rules because they seem to attract the kind of clientelle that do not have to be told how to behave. Your attitude sums up today's selfish society, I'll do what I want and s0d the rest of you![/QUOTE] WTF are you on about? How is 15 minutes use of a generator every couple of days selfish? I’d say it’s you that is inconsiderate, expecting anyone who wants to use a hairdryer to use EHU sites. You’re sugar comment shows you for the inconsiderate moron you are, In reality I suspect you’re true response to anyone running a generator would be to mumble under your breath, bloody generator. And as for sites not having a rule about generators because the right clientele know how to behave, this again shows what a pompous, arrogant fool you are. The reason there is no ‘no generator’ rule, is because the site owner accepts that there are occasions when it’s useful to use a generator. Is it sinking in yet?
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[QUOTE]Victor Meldrew - 2007-05-08 3:06 PM [QUOTE]livewire - 2007-05-08 2:59 PM Pathetic little man. That is about all that response deserves. If I met you on site I think I would sugar your m/h as well. [/QUOTE] Yeah yeah yeah, of course you would tough guy.[/QUOTE]

NB.  This Victor Meldrew hologram is not Frank.  Frank was trenchant, and often abraisive, but at least he could spell and construct sentences! 

What we are (were!) supposedly discussing is whether generator noise is a nuisance to others.  It's a bit like smokers, who can never quite understand how unpleasant and offensive secondhand cigarette smoke is to others.  Non smokers, to them, are just whingers who make a fuss about something they, the smokers, cannot detect because their sense of smell is desensitised.  So, it seems, with generator users.

What I cannot understand, in this context, is the definition of "need".  How can one "need" a generator?  Most modern motorhomes will go several days on the battery, all should re-charge while driving, and few remain static for extended periods.  Many have a solar panel to augment battery capacity while static.  To dry one's hair, it is surely cheaper overall to pay for a night at a campsite from time to time, than to buy, fuel, carry and run a genarator?  Is this really about hairdryers, or the telly?

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