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Guest Syd
I have seen enough, I'll go to the CCC to ask for advice in future. It has been a pleasure meeting some of you, thank you for having me
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I note that this forum calls itself the liveliest mh forum on the web, I see why. Anyway back to the point. The way I see things, you should not need a generator. Motorhomes (esp. European ones) are designed to be self sufficient and manage without one. In my coachbuilt the fridge will run on gas as will the heating and hot water and cooking. Most LCD tv's use about 15w only. Lighting is a major consideration but I this can be improved by LED conversions. Water pump use is not a significant consideration. What else do you need? Microwaves, electric kettles, toasters, 230v lighting are all doubling up on existing facilities. I only have one 85AH battery, which will keep me going indefinitely over a sunny two week stay with a suitcase solar panel. The next option would be to increase battery capacity. But in reallity most people move the van for one reason or other every few days which recharges everything. Of course there might be valid reasons such as kidney dialysis etc, no problem, but this is very rare. The fact is most people fill their van full of power hungry tat and then need a genny to run it all. There are enough posts on here that show how offensive some people find these things. It is not just the noise but also the fumes. Using them on a site and taking a s0d you attitude is selfish. Why not just organise yourself properly so you don't need one? I am not anti genny. I have a honda EX350 that I use for wild camping in scotland in winter. 16hr nights, long evenings etc. BUT no-one around to annoy. On a site or aire, having a genny run for long periods next door is akin to your neighbour letting his dog sh1t under your awning IMO.
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[QUOTE]Syd - 2007-05-09 9:18 PM I have seen enough, I'll go to the CCC to ask for advice in future. It has been a pleasure meeting some of you, thank you for having me[/QUOTE]

Hi Syd,

Stay with us.

Sometimes the children will not come in from the playground when the bell rings.

There are a number of contributors on this forum who have a fantastic amount of experience and they have shared this for the benefit of new members (including me) of the forum when raising questions.

TerryTraveller, Dave Newell, Don Madge, Mel E, Mel B, Starspirit, Clive, Kirby, Michelle (straight from the heart), and many, many, many more.

Stick with it and cut through the cr*p, their advice is invaluable. 

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Guest Syd
[QUOTE]Bazza454 - 2007-05-09 10:33 PM

[QUOTE]Syd - 2007-05-09 9:18 PM I have seen enough, I'll go to the CCC to ask for advice in future. It has been a pleasure meeting some of you, thank you for having me[/QUOTE]

Hi Syd,

Stay with us.

Sometimes the children will not come in from the playground when the bell rings.

There are a number of contributors on this forum who have a fantastic amount of experience and they have shared this for the benefit of new members (including me) of the forum when raising questions.

TerryTraveller, Dave Newell, Don Madge, Mel E, Mel B, Starspirit, Clive, Kirby, Michelle (straight from the heart), and many, many, many more.

Stick with it and cut through the cr*p, their advice is invaluable. 

[/QUOTE] Hi Bazza454 Thanks for that, I apreciate your asking but i'm afraid this isnt for me. Visit http://www.campingandcaravanningclub.co.uk/Documents/Electricity%20for%20campers%20and%20caravanners.pdf and many important problems will be solved without all of this crap
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[QUOTE] Hi Bazza454 Thanks for that, I apreciate your asking but i'm afraid this isnt for me. Visit http://www.campingandcaravanningclub.co.uk/Documents/Electricity%20for%20campers%20and%20caravanners.pdf and many important problems will be solved without all of this crap[/QUOTE] No mention of generators.
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Guest Sally Pepper
Guys, If you want to argue about the semantics of usage and punctuation, wouldn't you be better off on the TLS forums or Guardian online? Please avoid getting so personal, it isn't particularly edifying for the non-combatants. Normally, I'd send the protagonists a personal message, but as one of you hasn't shared their email address, that's not an option. Unless this thread returns to the point, I'm minded to freeze it. Your cooperation and consideration would be appreciated. Moderator
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Genny support, We have been known to be stuck in an Aire and have not been afforded the right to walk into the nearest town stroll along the river. (The children ) having special needs are a sleep we have avoided the town for the sake of the other user's peace and quiet . (sincerely) Now we are captive . We know they will wake up in the night screaming hungry ratty tired. Nothing like having a genny to get a bit of heat cook some tea and have the TV on whilst awaiting the next round of waking nights . So, only used twice so far but as long as we continue to respect others wishes and feelings I can't see it being a problem .also being out on our own on a limb I can't see that we upset anyone . This would never be our intention we know that not everyone can abide kids and that most of the M/H's in the latter years their kids have grown up so why should they not have peace & quiet in their M/H's so with that in mind we are very respectful.
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Well said Michelle, You have stated what should be blatently obvious to anyone reading the posts on this thread, it is not generators that are the problem but the attitude of the users and somes inability to consider others and that works both ways. Bas
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Last night I discovered another reason for not liking generators. We were trying to watch a programme on telly when a 'van about 50 ffet away started his cheap genny and our TV picture was ruined by interference from it. The van in question is an '07 plate Kon Tiki with a youngish couple and one child on board, why did they need to run a genny for several hours? D.
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[QUOTE]Basil - 2007-05-10 1:14 PM Well said Michelle, You have stated what should be blatently obvious to anyone reading the posts on this thread, it is not generators that are the problem but the attitude of the users and somes inability to consider others and that works both ways. Bas[/QUOTE]


It is all about consideration for others, and sometimes, as Dave's post above illustrates, that involves a bit more awareness of what may cause annoyance to others, than some posters have (no doubt wrongly) given the impression they bring.  Do as you would be done by?

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Well we look at it this way in the day it wouldn't bother us. All night long it wouldn't bother me IF I knew the person was ill or something . But some people do use these cheap ones and they are rather loud thats not a problem what is a problem is not showing consideration for others . Do un to others as you would have done to youself. Some young families dont give it a second thought sometimes its ignorance (they think no one will mind ) as we are all supposed to be like minded some people do it and it never crosses their minds in inocence *-)
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Guest caraprof
[QUOTE]Mel B - 2007-05-09 7:43 PM Can the two t*ssers, and I sincerely mean t*ssers, get a life, or a room or something and sort themselves out and leave the rest of us out of it please. :-|[/QUOTE] This is quite amusing isn't it? Someone complaining about others being rude by posting comments that are even ruder! Why are some people such b*tches, and I sincerely mean b*tches? And if you don't like the above comment then perhaps you shouldn't call people by such a disgusting name as t*ossers.
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[QUOTE]Dave Newell - 2007-05-12 12:44 PM Last night I discovered another reason for not liking generators. We were trying to watch a programme on telly when a 'van about 50 ffet away started his cheap genny and our TV picture was ruined by interference from it. The van in question is an '07 plate Kon Tiki with a youngish couple and one child on board, why did they need to run a genny for several hours? D.[/QUOTE] we also get a lot of interference from vans with great satellite dishes - although only british ones for some reason B-)
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[QUOTE]caraprof - 2007-05-12 10:11 PM [QUOTE]Mel B - 2007-05-09 7:43 PM Can the two t*ssers, and I sincerely mean t*ssers, get a life, or a room or something and sort themselves out and leave the rest of us out of it please. :-|[/QUOTE] This is quite amusing isn't it? Someone complaining about others being rude by posting comments that are even ruder! Why are some people such b*tches, and I sincerely mean b*tches? And if you don't like the above comment then perhaps you shouldn't call people by such a disgusting name as t*ossers.[/QUOTE] As Mr. Kirby says: 'Do as you would be done by?'
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[[QUOTE]caraprof - 2007-05-12 10:11 PM [QUOTE]Mel B - 2007-05-09 7:43 PM Can the two t*ssers, and I sincerely mean t*ssers, get a life, or a room or something and sort themselves out and leave the rest of us out of it please. :-|[/QUOTE] This is quite amusing isn't it? Someone complaining about others being rude by posting comments that are even ruder! Why are some people such b*tches, and I sincerely mean b*tches? And if you don't like the above comment then perhaps you shouldn't call people by such a disgusting name as t*ossers.[/QUOTE] As Mr. Kirby says: 'Do as you would be done by?' Mel, would you be happy with me playing loud music all night while you were trying to get your children to sleep? I do not need to play my music. You do not need a genny to cook and watch tv when you have a gas cooker and 12v battery system on board surely?
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