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Motorhoming or not


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Guest Had Enough
Joe90 - 2015-01-22 4:43 PM


That's it, the vans up for sale, don't want to take any more chances that another couple in a motorhome approaching us for a chat may in fact be robbers.............or someone may crawl under the van to gas us, or some children nearby at a cash point may be about to mug us. :-S


Jezz no wonder no one talks to one another any longer, or that some of you take a chance leaving your front door



Well, that's hilarious from a man who:


Is scared of using camp site showers in case he catches something.


Is equally scared of public toilets where he might succumb to a dreadful disease.


Is so worried about running out of water and fuel that he takes the trouble to fill up his tanks when they're still half full.


When considering CLs can only think about the one in a thousand chance that he might get stuck on a wet field, even though there's usually a tractor-owning farmer a few yards away.


You're the last person to be making sarcastic remarks about people who, from bitter experience, are wary of potential thieves. Your entire life seems to be spent being terrified of something.


Incredible! *-)

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Ah motorhomers, the ones who smile and wave when driving ...... then blank you and don't speak when parked next to you. :-D


The only sites we use are Temporary Holiday Sites. Thank God for tuggers, at least you have someone to talk to. *-)

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Had Enough - 2015-01-22 5:06 PM


Joe90 - 2015-01-22 4:43 PM


That's it, the vans up for sale, don't want to take any more chances that another couple in a motorhome approaching us for a chat may in fact be robbers.............or someone may crawl under the van to gas us, or some children nearby at a cash point may be about to mug us. :-S


Jezz no wonder no one talks to one another any longer, or that some of you take a chance leaving your front door



Well, that's hilarious from a man who:


Is scared of using camp site showers in case he catches something.


Is equally scared of public toilets where he might succumb to a dreadful disease.


Is so worried about running out of water and fuel that he takes the trouble to fill up his tanks when they're still half full.


When considering CLs can only think about the one in a thousand chance that he might get stuck on a wet field, even though there's usually a tractor-owning farmer a few yards away.


You're the last person to be making sarcastic remarks about people who, from bitter experience, are wary of potential thieves. Your entire life seems to be spent being terrified of something.


Incredible! *-)


Yes, that's me, terrified............although I've never yet run out of water, unlike you ;-) or diesel as many breakdown companies would attest to going out to idiots that do run out. :D nor been robbed or gassed on a French aire even in the centre of major towns and cities, or God forbid a French motorway, why I've even tried one of those new fangled ideas restaurants and lived to tell the tale, who knows I may progress on to public toilets and see what you personally find so attractive about them, perhaps I am really missing out on something as you so often bring them up ;-)

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Once again a thread is disrupted because Frank is unable to control his dislike of One Footed Joe from previous episodes. Why Frank - he didn't attack you - so why attack him?


Going back to the original topic, we have been motorhoming for close on 50 years having started with camping in the 50's - now far too close to the floor for our taste - graduated from towing a caravan - not my idea of a fun way to travel or spending time in one place - may as well have self catering and a hire car.


Which brings us back to why we prefer a motorhome which is because it allows us to wander wherever the whim takes us. For the benefit of resident moaners please note that, as ever, I do NOT criticise others for liking what we do not - each to their own as ever.


We particularly enjoy good scenery, mountains, coasts, rivers and the occasional chateau and old towns and buildings far more than sitting on a site chatting to others - but more importantly we like the absolute freedom to change our plans on a whim and easily go from one region of France to another - or to Spain or Germany if the mood takes us.


On the other hand it could be argued that if you would not wish to chat to a total stranger at home why would you away from home simply because you both have a motorhome and in that respect we seem to meet as many Brits who are in a cafe or chateau on other forms of holiday as are motorhomers? That said, we too generally find that people in general are far less chatty with far less inclination to help others than in years gone by.


We also have our fair share of hotel and self catering holidays but I must say that we both prefer the freedom to roam of a motorhome.

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We use ours from early April to,the end of October. Now we are retired its a god send keeps us fit active and feeling alive.


We meet and talk to so many interesting people. Some we meet on site, some locals when we are out on walks, some in bus queues and on buses and some we simply bump into in towns. I must say the dog is often the catalyst that bears the ice.


We will talk to any one even those in caravans!


It's quite simple to tell who,wants to talk and who does not. If they aviod eye contact they don't want to talk. If they make eye contact and smile they do.


We've met people we know from our village, people who turn out to be distant relations or,who knew relations of ours and people from literally all over the world. We met a Scottish couple whose accent was so broad we could hardly understand them in the morning. They spent all day drinking wine and by the time the evening came we simply didn't have a clue what they were on about.. Even so we enjoyed their company and their wine.

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It may be that my post makes me sound like a miserable (Scots by the way) git - and I can be sometimes, but then who can't?


I don't go out of my way to be sociable with people, either at home or when out in the van. I am a family man and family is enough for me. In saying that, if someone on the site passes and says hello and wants a bit of a chat about the weather or the walking in the area or some aspect of motorhoming or wants a hand with something I am happy to be friendly and chat along for a bit. I just don't want to 'make friends' with them and start popping into each other's vans for a drink or take long showers with them (mind you, that might depend who they are!)


I am also a teetotal Scot so maybe that is part of my problem - my wife would probably agree as she likes a drop of vino now and then and my non - participation in this ritual takes the edge of the full extent of her enjoyment, particularly when I tut, tut and clutch my wallet to my chest.


When I really think about this I realise that when our daughter was a kid and we were camping I was much more sociable as I was trying to make sure that she had plenty of friends round to play games - I would generally end up spending all of my time playing with half the kids from the campsite and this was what camping was all about - relaxed fun with the kids in the great outdoors. I even had a dad come over to me one day and express concern that I was spending all my time playing with the kids, including his, as he felt guilty sitting supping a beer and reading a book in the sun.


By the time we moved on to a caravan my daughter was a young teenager and, as far as she was concerned, this was no longer cool and she wanted to know why we did rent a villa with a pool like her friends dads did. I sold the caravan as my wife and I decided we did not like lugging this thing behind us and we did the vial and pool thing for a couple of years with a friend for my daughter invited along. Cost me an arm and a leg, the girls had a ball and it was good fun to be honest.


So now our daughter is at Uni and we have our camper van on our own again and we absolutely love it - just the best way to spend your free time, whether you want to be on your own or make a few friends to pass the time.


Does not matter one jot how you use your motorhome. If you have one and use it you are part of the clan so we should at least all smile to each other as we pass by as it cost nothing.


Sounds like the sermon according to Don!




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Hi all,

Thanks for all your replies my post was in no way derogatory but when we brought our motorhome and finally got on the road we intended to enjoy ourselves and thought in a way that everyone else would be like minded have a laugh discuss our day sitting in the sun after a day out sightseeing but after your posts that is not the case.

I suppose television has killed the art of conversation and with a lot of people working hard all week when they come to there holidays they just want to relax sit back and kick off there shoes.

We did take our dog with us as when going abroad that is one thing that we can do when motorhoming.

Some asked what do I do "or did" when out in my van I loved to travel and there is no boundaries you just keep going till the money runs out I love to see new places, coastlines ,towns and also communicate with people of all nationalities thats if they can speak english Lol.

And yes before I brought my motorhome I saw people waving as they went by and I thought yes I want some of that it looks as though they are enjoying themselves and are a very sociable group of people.

Anyway when I get my next camper van/motorhome I will be the one with the big smile on my face and if you want to talk or call for a drink you will never be turned away all will be welcomed don't worry I will not invade your privacy you can just sit in your van watch telly or live like a hermit I won't bother you.



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Guest pelmetman
Mickydripin - 2015-01-23 5:10 PM


Hi all,

Thanks for all your replies my post was in no way derogatory but when we brought our motorhome and finally got on the road we intended to enjoy ourselves and thought in a way that everyone else would be like minded have a laugh discuss our day sitting in the sun after a day out sightseeing but after your posts that is not the case.

I suppose television has killed the art of conversation and with a lot of people working hard all week when they come to there holidays they just want to relax sit back and kick off there shoes.

We did take our dog with us as when going abroad that is one thing that we can do when motorhoming.

Some asked what do I do "or did" when out in my van I loved to travel and there is no boundaries you just keep going till the money runs out I love to see new places, coastlines ,towns and also communicate with people of all nationalities thats if they can speak english Lol.

And yes before I brought my motorhome I saw people waving as they went by and I thought yes I want some of that it looks as though they are enjoying themselves and are a very sociable group of people.

Anyway when I get my next camper van/motorhome I will be the one with the big smile on my face and if you want to talk or call for a drink you will never be turned away all will be welcomed don't worry I will not invade your privacy you can just sit in your van watch telly or live like a hermit I won't bother you.




When you've had a camper as long as us ;-) .............you'll realize its no different to life in general :D .......



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Mickydripin - 2015-01-23 5:10 PM

Anyway when I get my next camper van/motorhome I will be the one with the big smile on my face and if you want to talk or call for a drink you will never be turned away all will be welcomed don't worry I will not invade your privacy you can just sit in your van watch telly or live like a hermit I won't bother you.



Good luck with the new van Mike and after previous trials and tribulations as I seem to recall I hope you have a far better experience - unless I've got the wrong Mike in yet another bout of senior moments - as the world is in sore need of folks with a smile on their faces!!


We too would be very happy to stand or sit and socialise inside or out and swap yarns if ever we meet so don't give up because far from all motorhomers are paranoid troglodyte loners afraid to pass the time of day or to offer help when needed for fear of being infected with a smile or dare I even say it - friendship!

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pelmetman - 2015-01-23 5:26 PM


I'd watch out for that Tracker bloke ;-) ................I've met him...........he wears socks & sandals 8-) ........



You're darned right - if it was good enough for the Romans and is good enough for the Germans and David Beckham it's good enough for me and if the fashion police say that it is a 'faux pas' then that is an extra bonus - as well as warm non sticky feet and if I can get socks to match my shirt that is pure perfection, poetry in motion!!

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2015-01-23 6:26 PM


pelmetman - 2015-01-23 5:26 PM


I'd watch out for that Tracker bloke ;-) ................I've met him...........he wears socks & sandals 8-) ........



You're darned right - if it was good enough for the Romans and is good enough for the Germans and David Beckham it's good enough for me and if the fashion police say that it is a 'faux pas' then that is an extra bonus - as well as warm non sticky feet and if I can get socks to match my shirt that is pure perfection, poetry in motion!!


I'm with the Greeks and D'Socrates ;-) ........................



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Some of you puzzle why others don't talk ... lucky you ... I have a son in law who when he visits our house will say nothing at all, occasionally he will answer a question with a single word.


Last Christmas we visited them for dinner and exchanging goodies etc. We were there all of 6 hrs and he said about three words. It wasn't that we were talking all the time, he simply cut himself off from everyone.


I cannot decide if he's ill or hates us, feels inferior or better than us. He just don't talk ... at all. He has an individual job as a quantity surveyor and only needs to take notes.


Not surprisingly I'm not going next year (only 3 miles away).




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Guest pelmetman
Will85 - 2015-01-23 6:55 PM


Some of you puzzle why others don't talk ... lucky you ... I have a son in law who when he visits our house will say nothing at all, occasionally he will answer a question with a single word.


Last Christmas we visited them for dinner and exchanging goodies etc. We were there all of 6 hrs and he said about three words. It wasn't that we were talking all the time, he simply cut himself off from everyone.


I cannot decide if he's ill or hates us, feels inferior or better than us. He just don't talk ... at all. He has an individual job as a quantity surveyor and only needs to take notes.


Not surprisingly I'm not going next year (only 3 miles away).




As the old saying goes Will you can choose your friends but not yer family ;-)...............


Given your some what non usual past maybe he feels a bit inferior in your company?........Just a thought Will as the hints you have given us does indicate a nonconformist approach to life B-) ............





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Why do I motorhome?

I don't believe anyone has said it better than this.


" I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move."

R L Stevenson.

Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. Robert Louis Stevenson.

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