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I'm looking for a motorhome in uk with spanish plates


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I'm from Spain and i want to buy a motor home in UK, to spend some time here and later drive on it back to Spain.


Thus changing plates from UK to Spanish one is really hard, I was wondering if someone from UK brought one in Spain (or received one as a legacy, or whatever)

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Guest JudgeMental

hello....chances of finding a Spanish registered van in UK for sale more or less non existent I would think.


as while a LHD can be brought in and reregistered, it has to be done in a very short time and HMRC have to be informed within a few weeks I think... so what you are looking for is someone visiting prepared to sell you there van......cant see it myself.


surely better to buy van in Spain and visit UK in it...

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Blckbird - 2015-01-22 7:30 PM




I'm from Spain and i want to buy a motor home in UK, to spend some time here and later drive on it back to Spain.


Thus changing plates from UK to Spanish one is really hard, I was wondering if someone from UK brought one in Spain (or received one as a legacy, or whatever)

If a foreign registered van is kept in the UK, it has to be re-registered in the UK, so will have UK registration plates.

By far the simplest way to get Spanish registration on a vehicle is to buy it in Spain.

You can then visit the UK and, so long as the vehicle is properly insured, all due Spanish taxes are paid, and it has the appropriate Spanish vehicle test where appropriate, if can be kept in UK for up to six months.

AFAIK, you can re-set the six months clock by leaving the UK for a few days (you do not have to return to Spain), and then re-entering. Subject to Spanish vehicle testing regulations, AFAIK, you can keep doing this ad infinitum, but the vehicle must be kept insured, taxed as appropriate, and tested as appropriate in Spain - meaning a return trip for the statutory vehicle test.

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I believe you’ll find that the time-period that a ‘foreign registered’ vehicle can stay in an EU country without being re-registered there is 6-months in a rolling 12-months period. This was discussed here




The UK rules for ‘temporary imports’ are explained here



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Thanks for the correction Derek, and apologies to Raffa - I'd forgotten the bit about 6 months in any 12!


So, if he buys in Spain he can spend a total of six months out of any 12 month period in UK with the van.


If he buys in UK he will have serious trouble trying to get the van re-registered in Spain, made almost insurmountable if he buys a RHD van.


A previous poster referred to considerable problems getting a LHD van bought in Germany registered in Spain. It seemed it was a highly bureaucratic, and also expensive, process. Not encouraging!

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