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2015 IGO Primo POIs


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I've just spent one of my long Winter evenings preparing for the coming season. :-D


(it's fairly easy work, but the volume and requirement to be accurate in editing makes it a bit long-winded).


I have a couple of sets of POIS available for IGO Primo Devices that contain a "nested" set of the following:




-All Archies Europe Campsites (as of today)

-Bordatlas Stellplatze (as of today's 2015 issue)

-CampingCar-Infos Aires (as of today)


Camping-UK (downloads as of today)


- CC Clubsites

- CC CLs

- CCC Clubsites


- CCC Listed Sites

- Camping In the Forest


(note, the UK "Archies" sites are in the EU category of POIs for ease of creation)


All categories have the appropriate individual icon associated.


As these are nested, you can search a category containing several subsets, or at the individual set level (e.g. all CC-Infos Aires, or a specific Aire type).


I've tested briefly on one of my devices with no problems, but need to test on the other for full confidence.


If anyone is interested in a copy, drop me a pm, and I'll put them on a download site (sometime in the near future) that I've used before, and drop you a link back in return.


Use at your own risk! ;-)

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....well....the best laid plans....etc.


The combined EU file above worked beautifully on the first device it was tested on, but the second (of lower power and memory, and really only just man enough to run Primo) didn't like it at all. It simply refused to process it.


Looking through my files it became apparent I'd had the same issue last year (and forgotten it!).


Accordingly, the EU file has also been split into its three main constituent parts (though the Bordatlas and CCI files are still nested by sub-type), and that's resolved the problem.


As a consequence, it will be tomorrow or Sunday before I can zip and upload the files for downloading.


The combined EU file is still best if a device will process it, as it gives (if desired) all options around a location in a single search - the three separate files are not much less convenient, however.


I'll zip and upload both options for selection.


I've only bench-tested the results (as I'm obviously not travelling) but randomly selected searches on the various categories have all worked (and you need to remember that Primo will not display a particular category at all unless there is an entry within a - fairly large - given radius). e.g, if I search CCI Aires around here, only about two sub-categories display - do the same around Calais, and 8 out of the 9 display, for Carcassonne, there are relevant entries in all 9 sub-categories.


Good luck!

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For those that have downloaded already.


The Split EU version has an error on the end of the CC-Infos and Bordatlas files that causes Google Earth to not process them (though my IGO primo device appears to be fine). (The single EU file is fine)


It would probably be better to correct it by editing before Primo use, however.


In each of the two files, the final /folder end marker (the penultimate line in the file) should instead be a /document one (surrounded by the GT and LT symbols).


Easy enough to edit yourself using notepad, but if anyone wants an updated version, pm me back for a new link.



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