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Long term holiday insurance


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Hi frenchman,

We do not go ‘long term’ to the continent. Our trips are usually 6 to 9 weeks, depending on the mileage involved.

Personally I would never go anywhere outside of the UK without travel insurance. The ‘E111’ only covers you for the same level of care that the residents of that country are entitled to. Oftentimes they have to pay a contribution towards that care. Repatriation, with nursing care is very expensive.

I would also suggest that the longer you are away then the more chance there is of illness or accident.

Cattwg :-D


Also the contribution that you may have to pay when abroad can no longer be reclaimed once back in the UK. The law changed, I think in 2013.


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I broke my nose in Greece a few years ago and used the Greek health service and it was quite frightening how third world it was.


I had travel insurance but I had a great Greek guy drive me around and guide me through the system. They were talking about keeping me in hospital over the weekend, if that had happened I would have invoked my travel insurance.


I always take out travel insurance but would not use it if I could get local national care unless I was desperate. It is good experience and we are never in any hurry, it is not as if we are on holiday, we are just temporarily living in another country.


I have partner plus cover with ADAC breakdown cover which provides medical repatriation and related cover if the travel insurance is a little slow in coming up with help. (Belt and Braces)




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Camping Caravan Club ....single long term insurance or annual multi trip insurance up to 90 days a trip.

Staysure single long term insurance up to 6 months at a time (I think)

Comfort insurance can cover up to a year if you take out their house insurance.

LV for up to 90 day per trip as part of their annual multi trip insurance



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Or, if you have a Nationwide "bank" account, check whether it includes free travel and health insurance. If it does, you may find it cheaper to pay additional premiums to extend the period covered, to increase the age range covered, and/or to add health issues, than to buy stand-alone insurance.
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You must have travel insurance for France. The EHIC only covers you for 80% of your treatment. Just

found this out as I needed to go to hospital last October and had to show the EHIC card and passport,

copies were made.I have just received a bill for 121 euro,s but lucky my insurance is paying this

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You are asking a bit of an open ended question. Long term can mean either 1 trip for up to 1 year, or many trips during that time, usually with a time limit per trip. Depending on what you plan will define the choice of Companies who can offer such insurance. The EU health card (E111, or whatever) will cover you for basics but depending on the nature of your 'accident' or any recurring illnesses, then this will decide whether you need to get extra cover. An annual policy is quite expensive, even if you are fit and healthy. Guess around anyhting from £300 to £500 per shot. Of course if you have a trouble free year then you ask whether it was worth it.


You will also find that acceptance of the E111 varies where you may be. In some areas it is happily taken and no further costs are charged. In others, particularly, France or popular areas, you may find yourself directed to a separate clinic where charges may be imposed. Yes, if you have the receipt then you can recllaim these when you return to the UK.


My personal opinion is to be very wary of so called travel insurance from banks etc as these invariably have 'strings' a mile long, especially if you have had even a mild illness prior to going on the trip. These 'policies' are designed to relieve you of money, not to actually pay out. Despite any cured illness not being the actual cause, it can be used as a get out clause. If you have any doubts then ask a reputable Company for a quote and disclose EVERYTHING regarding your health or otherwise. Then you will get a policy that will at least be worth the paper it is printed on.


Yes, in the past we have done trips without taking specific medical cover, and have been fortunate, but nowadays tend to just pay up and relax.

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