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spanish motorways.


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Bojitoes - 2015-01-26 3:44 PM


We have always found that the navigator with long arms. long legs and a well filled purse relieves the driver of any problems.




Until they drop their purse and coins roll all over the road or they put a fifty euro note in for a five euro fee and the machine starts to dispense the change in one euro coins which end up spewing all over the road and there's irate drivers being as patient as possible waiting behind. Oh and there's policemen watching quietly chuckling away to themselves whilst you are trying to remain calm.

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I jump out run round and get ticket or pay, Spanish drivers are not impatient, they will sit quietly and a friendly wave on the way round will elicit a return wave and smile.


Do not do as I did once, I didn't understand the machine so I pressed the red button, a voice answered in rapid Spanish and I replied that I did not speak Spanish and asked if he spoke English, there was a pause and the barrier went up and through I went.


50 miles on I realised I needed a ticket to get off, I hadn't got one. So once more I pushed the red button and this time the man came round in person. In English he asked where I had got on, only being able to remember the town at the last exit I gave the name. "€2" he said and let me off. I felt a bit guilty but hey ho.



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If my navigator is taken by surprise at the imminent toll both that has been signposted for the last 100 or so K, I put the hazard warning lights on as I approach the lane, in fact I've taken to doing it as a matter of routine. Other drivers divert to other lanes and and there is less stress all round. This has worked for me on the continent and here in the UK.



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They ignored hazard lights because they use them all the time when they park illegaly to nip to the cash till etc.and then drive off with them still on .Nobody will bother to let them know they are still on, so flashing lights mean nothing here they assume you forgot to turn them off :-D
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Guest Had Enough
Taffshe - 2015-02-01 1:27 PM


I have learnt do not use the toll motorways that way you don't have any problems.


Apart from having to fight your way through congested towns and having a much higher risk of accidents, not to mention taking a lot longer of course. Still, I suppose it saves you a few bob.


Nevertheless, I'm sure that the OP is grateful for your very helpful suggestion as to how he can make it easier to go through the toll booths.



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Yes of course you are quite right I cannot argue with that but I thought the object of owning a motorhome was to see some of what the world has to offer without speeding down a motorway which has no doubt cost an arm and a leg to gain a few more hours at the end.
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Guest Had Enough
Taffshe - 2015-02-01 2:39 PM


Yes of course you are quite right I cannot argue with that but I thought the object of owning a motorhome was to see some of what the world has to offer without speeding down a motorway which has no doubt cost an arm and a leg to gain a few more hours at the end.


I'm off to Portugal in a couple of weeks. I have a limited time to spend. Are you suggesting that the preferred route for me would be to wander in the middle of winter through parts of France that I've seen many times?


I prefer to transit France as quickly as possible as it isn't a pleasant journey in winter. Even in summer if I'm going to Spain, I want to get to Spain, not explore regions of France that I know well.


Of course if I'm holidaying in a region, I won't hurtle round on motorways, I'll explore the countryside.


How do you get to Dover? Do you wander through the leafy lanes of every English county that you go through, or do you hit the motorway and get there as easily as possible? I think I know the answer!


The object of owning a motorhome is to use it as you see fit, without people suggesting that if you don't use it as they do, you're some kind of unthinking idiot.


I suspect that you have only one reason for avoiding certain motorways and it's the cost. If you were going to Spain for instance and the motorway network in France was free, I also suspect that you'd be hurtling down it just like many of us do.


I don't care how you travel. If you don't want to spend money on tolls that's fine, but some of us are happy to and consider it the best, safest and most stress-free method of travelling a long distance to our destination. Some of us have a limited time for our trips and wish to spend as much time as possible at our destination. We don't want to waste half of our holiday fighting our way through what can be some very boring areas.


But to stress once more, I'm not going to criticise anyone who doesn't want to pay tolls, good luck to you. I just wish that you'd give those of us who do the same consideration.

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We always use tolls to get to Spain. We can't be doing with the hassle of following a convoy of lorries through all the villages. Sod that for a lark, just to save a few Euros. Far too stressful.
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Guest Had Enough
artheytrate - 2015-02-01 4:48 PM


When Travelling down to Spain, I don't use French tolls because of the cost, but once in Spain Tolls all the way.




I admire your honesty. If people have the time, don't mind the hassle and don't want to pay tolls that's fine, no one can argue with that?


But we get so many people who come up with utter b*llox about how they love driving through France and seeing the pretty little villages blah, blah. Most of the route is boring, the villages are bypassed with a dozen roundabouts and the roads more dangerous, frustrating and congested. And don't get me going on navigating the big cities!


The irony of course, is that when driving to Dover or Portsmouth they don't drive through the lovely villages of Kent or Hampshire, they use the motorways, because they'e free. When going to Scotland they use the motorways, because they're free.


Your honesty is a breath of fresh air!


When I go to Portugal in a couple of weeks I'm considering a route that uses tolls for certain sections to avoid major hold ups and big cities, and non-tolls for some of the route. I'm doing it for one reason, which is that I'm now likely to be charged Class 3 on toll roads and, although I can afford it, it will still be an expensive trip. But I'm not going to try to tell people that it's about enjoying rural France, it's about saving money!


Then again, I may find it such a pain that I'll be back on the toll motorways all the way, we shall see!



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I Will be interested in your route down Frank. We plan to get to Portugal this year, as have not been for some time now, tend to stay in Spain. I believe that in Portugal they have now made a lot more roads toll roads? We will drive down through France, as living in Portsmouth we don't have to do the bit to get to the ferry, as you people that live up there do


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PJay - 2015-02-01 6:56 PM


I Will be interested in your route down Frank. We plan to get to Portugal this year, as have not been for some time now, tend to stay in Spain. I believe that in Portugal they have now made a lot more roads toll roads? We will drive down through France, as living in Portsmouth we don't have to do the bit to get to the ferry, as you people that live up there do



My route will be from Calais but I got it from here, a very useful site http://about-france.com/travel.htm


If you look at the section 'Routes through France avoiding tolls' you'll find the route I'll be trying to Bayonne. These are sensible routes as they don't penny pinch and avoid tolls completely. They recommend tolls where it will avoid congested cities and difficult non-toll routes. There're sections on Spain as well. The routes seems a great compromise between all tolls or non.


In Portugal we don't use tolls at all. This is because the system is a total hassle and we're only going to the Algarve region this year, and from past experience in the last two years we don't need them.



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fesspark - 2015-01-26 3:36 PM


Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to pay for tolls without paying at the booths that is less troublesome for right hand drives.



If you are talking about Spain, and I guess the title says that you are, then there are 2 sorts of motorways in Spain. There are Autovias which are motorways without any tolls, and there are Autopistas where there are tolls. Every toll booth on a Autopista has a booth marked 'Manual' above it and there will always be a human being sitting there who will happily give you change. They also usually wish you Bienos Dias and a Gratias, so are invariably very pleasant to deal with.


As mentioned by others the Spansih are far more tolerant than the French and will happily allow you to sort it out, if you drop the money. You will also find that any tolls are far chaeaper than the French equivalent and it is often a plus point to just pay the toll and take the Autopista. Trucks will always take the Autovias for obvious reasons. Serviced areas in Spain usually have some form of security or even the Guardia Civil having coffee, so you are not really at any risk. Of course places such as Barcelona are notorious and best avoided.


Of course if you are mentioning the French version then this is a different kettle of fish. However, they all have a booth that has a machine that will take coins or notes. Look for the logo above the tolls. If it has a double symbol then ti will take cash as well as cards. If someone behind is getting impatient then a Churchill 'ian signal can often help. However, we have never had any problems, and we have a caravan so have even less chance of getting close to the damn thing. Many peopl opt for the tag that you attach to the windscreen. This is a good idea if you plan a ,lot of trips in France, but of course is not vaild in Spain. It all depends on your trip length etc whether it is worth the cost (not excessive) and the fact that the Company issuing them needs your bank details to invoice you.


It is your choice.

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Guest Had Enough

I would think twice before making any kind of 'Churchillian signal'. If you choose the wrong hothead to signal to you run the risk of getting thumped.


In Germany, making a rude sign to another driver is an offence, as they recognise how something that we may think trivial, can escalate into road rage and violence.

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I am sorry if I have ruffled a few feathers somewhere, but I only made the point that to delete any problems in using Spanish toll motorways was not to use them, I have in no way a problem in people using them if they wish, for those people who think I am forcing my views on anyone they are wrong, and should get on with their own life.
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