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spanish motorways.


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Taffshe - 2015-02-02 1:40 PM


I am sorry if I have ruffled a few feathers somewhere, but I only made the point that to delete any problems in using Spanish toll motorways was not to use them, I have in no way a problem in people using them if they wish, for those people who think I am forcing my views on anyone they are wrong, and should get on with their own life.


Hopefully after only six posts you won't be scared off from posting in the future .... Unlike some other forums this one has it's very own Charles Bronson patrolling and ridding it of what it decides not acceptable , most would leave that to the forum mods but heyho

Don't be scared off !

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Guest Had Enough

I also hope that you won't be scared off as well, as this forum, like others, has a lot to offer. You will also learn that there are certain members, Anthony1969 being a prime example, who, having clashed with someone, will then spend the rest of their lives stalking and attacking them at every opportunity.


These clashes are also normally the result of people such as Anthony1969, popping in to posts simply to make trouble, such as threads on electric bikes for instance where his only input is to belittle those who use them.


You will soon learn who is a contributor and who is here simply to cause trouble, his latest post being a good example.



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I am certainly not scared off,as you say there are always people who think they are the only people intitaled to a view on any subject it is good that they are in the minority as most people especially on this forum view what they see and read with an open mind. This will be the last I say on this subject as it is wasting my time and is really not important to continue, thanks for your support.
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Guest Had Enough
Taffshe - 2015-02-02 2:57 PM


I am certainly not scared off,as you say there are always people who think they are the only people intitaled to a view on any subject ...........................


And I'm sorry to have to tell you that, from your comments in this thread, you appear to be one such person.


Just because you eschew motorways you think that others should do the same, that is made quite clear. In future you shouldn't assume that, just because you have a certain view, others should follow it.


Do you really think that the OP didn't know that he could avoid motorways and thus avoid toll hassles? Why did you feel the need to tell him that?


I hope that you stay with this forum but I also hope that next time you'll think before imposing your views on someone who clearly didn't want them. The OP didn't want to be told that he shouldn't use toll motorways, he asked for help in making payments easier.

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Guest pelmetman
peter - 2015-02-01 4:56 PM


We always use tolls to get to Spain. We can't be doing with the hassle of following a convoy of lorries through all the villages. Sod that for a lark, just to save a few Euros. Far too stressful.


Always a clear road in front of me :-D ...............and when I look in my rear view camera I notice a queue of friendly people waving and flashing their lights :-> ..................they quite often give me a cheery blast on their horns when they eventually overtake B-) ............



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Back to the question posed; I would suggest investigating the VIA T link given by Brian: https://www.autopistas.com/en/prices-and-tolls.


I have the French version of this named Bip and Go. As a solo traveller I find it most useful - no getting out in the cold etc. However, my overhang cab proves a nuisance at times but can be overcome.


Thank you for that Brian - I had no idea that Spain had a similar system so will investigate myself the next time I am planning to go to Spain. With the French version I have a bought the French language one as I have a French bank account and it is cheaper than the English language version.

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"If you are talking about Spain, and I guess the title says that you are, then there are 2 sorts of motorways in Spain. There are Autovias which are motorways without any tolls, and there are Autopistas where there are tolls. Every toll booth on a Autopista has a booth marked 'Manual' above it and there will always be a human being sitting there who will happily give you change. They also usually wish you Bienos Dias and a Gratias, so are invariably very pleasant to deal with.


As mentioned by others the Spansih are far more tolerant than the French and will happily allow you to sort it out, if you drop the money. You will also find that any tolls are far chaeaper than the French equivalent and it is often a plus point to just pay the toll and take the Autopista. Trucks will always take the Autovias for obvious reasons. Serviced areas in Spain usually have some form of security or even the Guardia Civil having coffee, so you are not really at any risk. Of course places such as Barcelona are notorious and best avoided.


Of course if you are mentioning the French version then this is a different kettle of fish. However, they all have a booth that has a machine that will take coins or notes. Look for the logo above the tolls. If it has a double symbol then ti will take cash as well as cards. If someone behind is getting impatient then a Churchill 'ian signal can often help. However, we have never had any problems, and we have a caravan so have even less chance of getting close to the damn thing. Many peopl opt for the tag that you attach to the windscreen. This is a good idea if you plan a ,lot of trips in France, but of course is not vaild in Spain. It all depends on your trip length etc whether it is worth the cost (not excessive) and the fact that the Company issuing them needs your bank details to invoice you.


It is your choice"



Not sure when you were in Spain last, but you wont find any peajes with manned booths anymore, they are all automated, there are sometimes (and only sometimes) staff in a nearby office, but they'll only come out if there is a problem, the exception being the Basque country where they still have manned booths


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Guest Had Enough
markh1 - 2015-02-04 9:19 AM


You can use bip & go in Spain as well, check their website


I can't find anywhere that states this. I had the Sanef tab, which was brilliant and well worth the slight extra cost. Bip and Go seems almost identical but, as I said, I cannot find any indication that either can be used in Spain. Do you have a link? There appears to be nothing about Spain on the B & G site, as you suggested there was.


Last year Sanef was exploring the possibility of expanding its system to Spain and other countries but as yet I've read nothing that confirms that this has been achieved..


I recently bought a larger (Class 3) motorhome and both Bip and Go and Sanef will not accept these larger 'vans, so I have been forced to give up my transponder and close my account.


Let's hope that they find a way soon of allowing larger 'vans. If they do I'll be first in line.

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Had Enough - 2015-02-01 7:28 PM


I would think twice before making any kind of 'Churchillian signal'. If you choose the wrong hothead to signal to you run the risk of getting thumped.


In Germany, making a rude sign to another driver is an offence, as they recognise how something that we may think trivial, can escalate into road rage and violence.


No need to make 'Churchillian signals', if anyone shows impatients with me, by tooting their horn or rude gestures, I ignore them completely and simply 'take my time' and casually check a tyre, or a windscreen wiper or bend down and tie an imaginary shoe lace. Usually frustrates them enough to reverse, and queue elswhere.

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Rayjsj - 2015-02-04 12:10 PM


No need to make 'Churchillian signals', if anyone shows impatients with me, by tooting their horn or rude gestures, I ignore them completely and simply 'take my time' and casually check a tyre, or a windscreen wiper or bend down and tie an imaginary shoe lace. Usually frustrates them enough to reverse, and queue elswher.


Does that happen to you a lot then Ray?...

(If holding up traffic flow for any reason, then surely a smile/wave, with a "mouthed" sorry, is more productive....?..)


No wonder some older drivers get a bad press... ;-)

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Guest Had Enough
markh1 - 2015-02-04 12:04 PM


Found the email!


its Bip & Drive - www.bipdrive.com


Sorry for the confusion


I was looking at the French site, which is pretty clear that the French tab can only be used in France. The Spanish site that you've given us (thanks) also makes it clear that their version can only be used in Spain, so you'd need one of each.


However, the Spanish version also states that you have to have a Spanish bank account, so it's pretty useless for most of us I'm afraid.



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Guest Had Enough
Rayjsj - 2015-02-04 12:10 PM


Had Enough - 2015-02-01 7:28 PM


I would think twice before making any kind of 'Churchillian signal'. If you choose the wrong hothead to signal to you run the risk of getting thumped.


In Germany, making a rude sign to another driver is an offence, as they recognise how something that we may think trivial, can escalate into road rage and violence.


No need to make 'Churchillian signals', if anyone shows impatients with me, by tooting their horn or rude gestures, I ignore them completely and simply 'take my time' and casually check a tyre, or a windscreen wiper or bend down and tie an imaginary shoe lace. Usually frustrates them enough to reverse, and queue elswhere.


I think that that's appalling and much worse than a 'Churchillian' gesture. To deliberately extend the delay by 'pretend problems' is the height of bad manners and shows no consideration whatsoever for other drivers.


If I were holding up other drivers I'd try to get through the tolls as quickly as I could, not string it out.


In my experience people are pretty patient and only resort to beeping their horns if someone is really taking their time and is being unreasonable.


How long should it take to go through a toll booth? Stick in your credit or debit card and it's all over in less than a minute.

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