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Portugese Motorway Tolls


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Hi All

We are off to Portugal tomorrow and i have been trying to find out what current situation is re paying tolls on Portugese motorways. We will probably cross border near Badajoz then head over towards Lisbon and then down motorway to Lagos; can anyone let me know about tolls on this road? Alternatively we might stay in Spain and go down to Seville before heading into Portugal.


I have searched forum for posts on this subject but everything seems pretty airy fairy so any practical info appreciated.


Many thanks


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Guest Had Enough
Bojitoes - 2015-02-04 12:57 PM


Hi All

We are off to Portugal tomorrow and i have been trying to find out what current situation is re paying tolls on Portugese motorways. We will probably cross border near Badajoz then head over towards Lisbon and then down motorway to Lagos; can anyone let me know about tolls on this road? Alternatively we might stay in Spain and go down to Seville before heading into Portugal.


I have searched forum for posts on this subject but everything seems pretty airy fairy so any practical info appreciated.


Many thanks



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We are in Portugal at the moment. I can only tell you about the A22 Algarve, there is a Toll booth as you come over the bridge, if you are going on to Lagos via that then you will have to register there. Alternatively you can just carry on the A22 and come off at Monte Gordo, which is the last exit before you have to pay, that would then take you onto the N125 which runs along the Algarve, not a well maintained road though.
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Travelled through Portugal last October. Came in from Northern Spain and reached Porto before we realised that the motorway payment system was more complicated than most of Europe. We did go to post office and enquire as to how we could use their system to which the clerk held her head in her hands and said it was difficult. In the end we travelled down via Lisbon to Lagos and back along the Algarve to Seville and up Via Salamanca to Santander without using Motorways. It was fairly strait forward. As a point of interest I have heard of many people using the motorways and not paying a penny indeed a taxi driver told us that 300,000 Spanish are being chased for fees without success. As a further point of interest if your going near Lagos, camping touristo is fantastic and Salamanca is a must.

Happy travelling

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