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Non-standard motorhomes


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I came across the MH in the picture below, which is currently being offered for sale. The owner has spent quite a bit of money having what was a transverse rear double bed converted into a fore-and-aft pair of singles - and then for some reason given up, leaving the new bed arrangement unused, and put the MH up for sale. Perhaps the arrangement didn't work out to be as usable as anticipated.


The additional high-lever rear projection of the motorhome might not look too bad while drawing a trailer but I suspect this arrangement would have only minority appeal to the general motorhome customer and might devalue the motorhome considerably - and by considerably more than the conversion cost him.


When we were looking around for our current MH we viewed an example of the model we favoured which had been adapted for supporting dirt track morocycling. The waste water tank was being used to carry additional water, so that the dirty bikes could be pressure-washed after use. And the MH had a larger garage door than standard (which he'd got a contact at the factory to agree to fit) so that one of the rear beds would lift up the wrong way to allow a motorcycle to fit into the garage. He specified leather upgolstery, including the rear single beds, to take the wear of a bunch of blokes living in it. It was neatly done and he'd cleaned up well before the viewing but we said thank you but no thank you after the viewing.


We'd been scrupulously polite and maybe that's why he felt able to ring me a couple of months later, to see if I was still interested. He then asked why not so I explained that the adaptations he made would not be attractive to most motorhome buyers and suggested he reversed the changes for purposes of sale, as best he could. He couldn't do much about the larger garage door but that wasn;t so bad - but the waste water tank needed converting back again and the leather bed covers needed replacing with textile. (I also explained that his two year old personally-imported MH was simply not worth what he was asking because a new one could be imported for not much less, as I ended up doing.)


In essence adaptations to a motorhome which will be conspicuously non-standard to suit personal taste need to be carefully thought through unless resale value is unimportant.


But there are perhaps also interesting exceptions, as for example this re-incarnated Bedford bus, which has been finished to a very high standard and would work beautifully for someone wanting to cut a dash at a Goodwood Festival. If I was a millionaire collector i would be tempted:




This one looks like fun too - but maybe not for actually sleeping in!






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