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Dogs in motorhomes on the move


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pelmetman - 2015-02-10 2:43 PM


Never bothered securing our dogs, maybe we've been lucky :-S ..........although knowing that foreign plod can in current climes looking for a reason to turn folk into a nice little earner *-) .........


I have installed a strong point with a harness attached just in case ;-) ..........which we may use it with new pup :D ............



I can see something like that working so thanks for posting. It wont have to be up to the same spec. as what holds/restrains a human so wont have to be 'heavy duty' so to speak.

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Had Enough - 2015-02-09 11:37 AM


Allowing a child to wander around a moving motorhome is irresponsible and foolish. You may have an emergency stop or be involved in a head-on collision that is no fault of your own. A child would be thrown forward with such force that it could go through the windscreen, or at best, injure or kill itself on the 'van furnishing.


Now substitute child for dog. Perhaps these dog owners don't care for their pets as much as they'd have us believe?


If you can't secure a child or a dog in a motorhome, you shouldn't be carrying either.


All dog owners who carry unrestrained dogs should read MJG's link above. This spells it out clearly. One interesting paragraph from it says:


'During a 30mph accident the animal?s body weight also increases by more than 30 times. This means that an average family Labrador sat on the back seat would be thrown forward with a one tonne weight ? easily injuring those in the front. '


Imagine the effect at 50 or 60 mph?





I think your numbers need more attention, in order for the dogs mass to multiply by 30 times it would mean that the vehicle and passengers were subjected to 30gs. the human frame is not able to survive being subjected to this and the restraints would not be effective everything and everyone in the vehicle would be smashed to bits. John.


8-) (^)

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