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Solar briefcase


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My wife and I usually stay at sites with 230v. Ocasionally we stay a couple of nights on a rally field. We like to watch our TV (automatic SAT). We have found one night is ok but if we stay two nights we get the leisure battery warning light showing on day two. We have a 100 AH leisure battery and a bigger one will not fit.

I see Maplins sell a 13w solar briefcase. Will this keep my battery topped up?


I obviously do not want to invest on roof panels as we would only need them about once a year.

Any ideas?



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The 100watt portable panel you linked to even includes a regulator, so at £135 it seems really quite good value for this sort of application. But the 80 watt panel which is being auctioned also has a regulator and is currently (with 19 hours to go) £18! I suspect it will go higher.



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One of the more cost effective and trouble free solutions might well be to simply add a second leisure battery and this does not have to be close to or alongside the original as long as the wiring and fuses are correctly installed and the cable used is more than adequate for the current involved.


Depending on the age of your existing battery it might be worth removing it and getting it bench charged and checked with a view to replacing it with two new ones?



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The blokes got a 1997 van, wonder if his battery is 1997 as well. :-S


that's often the problem with these forum questions, you only tend to get half the picture.

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