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Motorhomeagents.com Experiences


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I recently advertised my MH for a private sale and within 12 hours received contact from the above company from Harpenden asking if I was interested in using their services. I don't collect my new van until June so am in no rush and won't be using them, at least for the time being. I am interested, however, to know whether anyone out there has used them before and what experiences you may have, both good and bad.


I am particularly interested to know whether they are a legitimate company or not.


Many thanks.

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Guest Had Enough

It's actually motorhomeagent.com in the singular, not agents http://www.motorhomeagent.com/#!/c24vq


The fancy head office is, I suspect, the sort of place where you can rent an office. I also suspect that the picture on the end of the building was put on simply to get an impressive shot for the website. The latest Google Earth photo shows that it is likely to be a rented office set-up. http://goo.gl/mWKfV3


This is just a bit of window dressing however and they are a legitimate firm and are listed at Companies' House




None of this is any help as to their record and success rate I'm afraid and you'll have to wait to see if you get any answers from people who know them or have used them.


It's no different from using an estate agent to sell your house. You may expand your client pool and have less hassle but you'll obviously pay commission.


If it's no sale, no fee, and you're happy with what it will cost you've nothing to lose. If it were me it would depend on the terms. I sold my last MH to the dealer I bought it from. I could have got a bit more selling privately but preferred to have a hassle-free experience.


However, to answer your main question, they do appear to be a legitimate but small company.




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The MHAgent logo on the photo of the building on their website has been superimposed after the photo was taken. Look closely and you will see that the perspective angles are wrong. If you copy the image from their website and paste into an image viewer, the logo turns into something quite different, as below.


Maybe they are a genuine service company offering a useful selling service, but maybe they aren't!


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Motorhome Agent Limited Company registration number 07802873 was dissolved in 2012. Director was Graham Orchard


Bottom of their current webpage refers to Motorhome Agent Limited 2013 but can't find a credit file for them.


Reference : Creditsafe


Graham has a profile on linkedin




Office are serviced (http://www.thehotoffice.com/) but nothing wrong with that in itself.

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  • 2 months later...

Dear Budgie

I have recently come across your posting regarding Motorhome Agent Ltd, I work for the company and just wish to clarify that indeed Motorhome Agent Ltd is a legitimate trading company, infact they are very successful in selling motorhomes, caravans and campervans for private owners just like yourself. The added bonus with this company is that there is no charge for the service they provide it’s completely free to you, due to the fact that a price to return to you upon a successful sale is written in a contract between both parties so you know exactly where you are at all times. This is a risk free service that works, you only have to look at the testimonials that the company holds along with the ever increasing number of private

Owners joining up and placing their vehicles in the hands of Motorhome Agent Ltd for sale.

I hope this puts things in perspective a little.

If anyone has any reservations about the company and its credibility, please do not hesitate to contact either Mark or Graham, they are nice guys and will always be happy to talk


Many thanks

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Dear Sydney

Thank you for your comments on this forum, I wish to confirm the following for all who may be concerned as to our credibility:


Motorhome agent Ltd was registered in 2012 at company’s house; we as a company have never been dissolved and believe that to have been a previous company of the same number prior to our registration.


We are advised that our company has an excellent credit rating, and I can confirm we operate from offices provided by a local company in Harpenden. We do not operate with a forecourt like many dealers; we don’t need to as the vehicles we sell stay with their owners until sold. We are effectively an estate agent.


Kind regards



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