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Spanish Traffic Police Site DGT


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StuartO - 2015-02-12 5:03 PM


Tracker - 2015-02-12 11:56 AM


....Another valued and frequent contributor who got fed up and left.


Can't say I blame him?


If that's a hint that you are thinking of leaving yourself Tracker please accept my heartfelt encouragement.

Mine also. Anyone else please sign up below, and we will have a whip round for his sub's on Fun. :-|
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Oh dear, he's off again.


Meanwhile, back on topic, this Spanish effort, in the English language to boot, seems to be a very useful thing for traffic policemen to be doing on a Facebook Page. It's interesting to read and new things seem to crop up quite quickly.


Difficult to see a group of british Traffic Cops trying to do the equivalent in Spanish though. :-S

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StuartO - 2015-02-12 7:05 PM


Oh dear, he's off again.


Meanwhile, back on topic



Quite so and let's all just look back a few postings and see who took it off topic in a vain attempt to provole a spat and make it personal again.


This thread along with many others today had been progressing nicely with constructive posting so why did you feel the need to go off topic again and then pretend that it was not down to you?


I'll tell you again. if you do not provoke me without due cause I will not provoke you but I will always point out the error of your ways when you deliberately set out to disrupt.


Now please let this be an end to it.


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If anyone does take the trouble to track back on this Thread they will see it was taken off track with this post:


Tracker: "Such a pity that we no longer have the benefit of Bruce's (BGD) local knowledge of the Spanish Police and of practical solutions to off site camping. Another valued and frequent contributor who got fed up and left. Can't say I blame him?"


Which implies there are problems on the Forum, nothing to do with this Thread, and invites comment, by means of the question mark at the end. So he got a comment, took it hard, despite the smilie, then sets off on a typical tirade of doubtful relevance and very doubtful rational integrity. Again. And he wonders why some of us would like him to leave the Forum.


Now can we get back on track?


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Well done Stuart, distorting the meanings of previous postings simply serves to highlight your self confessed obsessive desire to have me leave the forum and I conclude that you are indeed a selfish and bigoted individual well beneath contempt.

Reference to Bruce was very relevant in the context of this thread but somehow you managed to be 'offended' by it, easy I suppose when you are seeking to be offended?

But of course you joined us long after Bruce left so you would not know about his in depth knowledge of the country and its laws and customs that he and his wife have made their home in as well as the help support and information he provided to many especially regarding the joys of off site camping and the locations of Aires and similar wonderful places to camp for free without offending anyone.

I have news for you Stuart I was here long before you decided to pollute this forum with your continual unwarranted unprovoked and unpleasant personal attacks on me and I expect to be on here for as long as it suits me as I will not be bullied by the likes of you continually disrupting every thread that I post on just because it suits your warped agenda.

I'll say it again - for the benefit of the forum and it's users stop stalking me, stop attacking me without cause and start behaving like an adult instead of a spoil brat who cannot get his own way.

You post plenty of long winded crap yourself but nobody complains as it is your right to freedom of speech as you see it just as it is my right to post my views on without all the rubbish and snide I have to endure from you.

And of course Peter Poodle will always find any passing bandwagon to have a another cheap dig as that is what he does, in fact it's about all he does.

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You might argue that introducing what a former contributor on this subject was relevant, although whether quoting 7,000 odd words of his on a similar subject, having intrioduced them as "saying the same sort of thing" was stretching things.


I quoted the whole of your post to show I was not editing and I then focused on the second bit, in which you took the opportunity to introduce you lament about his passing (which someone subsequently challenged as untrue) with the implications of problems on the Forum which were a source of continuing disquiet to you. That was the side track. You had a side-tracking, non-specific, moan, placing yourself as you did so among the sufferers from these unspecified problem. You laud yourself as one of the good guys but haven't you nticed that no one else praises or even excuses you.


Stop kidding yourself. (Incidentally I don't think you are kidding very many other people either.)


Now can we get this Thread back on track?

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markh1 - 2015-02-14 10:18 PM


The post is extremely useful, why a bunch of old guys use it for a bit of keyboard fighting is beyond me, maybe you should meet up for some cage fighting to see if your balls are as big as your online mouths


And on another thread, at about the same time, you wrote:


"Don't be silly and waste your time it's never going to happen"


Wasn't that an unnecessarily insulting and argumentative way of getting your point across?

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