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Chausson 510


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Hi Shosta

If you do a search for Chausson 510 you will find several replies. There is one under Derek Uzzel from Roadrunner who has owned one for a while. He has written a good report.

We are waiting for our Welcome 510 hopefully it will be here by April/May. Ordered end of October .


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Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums, shosta.


This may be the earlier forum-thread Knaus was referring to




(though I’m not sure about the “Roadrunner” reference!)


There’s a review of a Welcome 510 (built on the now-superseded Fiat Ducato X250 chassis) here




and this recent MHFacts discussion may be helpful to you




Even if there is currently no Welcome 510 owner participating on this forum, if you say what aspects of the vehicle you want to know about it’s likely that useful comments will be forthcoming.

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Hi Derek,

I own a Chausson Welcome 510 and I am very happy with it, apart from one thing. There is a tremendous draught coming in through the vent for the oven. There are three grilles on the outside, one each for fridge, freezer and oven and I have winter covers for the fridge and freezer but nothing is available for the oven. I have been inside the 610, which has the same set up inside, but this model only has two outside grilles for the fridge and freezer.

I am contemplating making a plate with cut outs to fit behind the grille for the oven and wondered if or how anyone had solved the problem. As it is, although I had the 'winter kit' as an option, I don't see how I could use the van in winter as the draught is quite bad.

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I assume your Welcome 510 has the same arrangement of ventilation grilles as shown in the photo I have attached.


The grilles are likely to be made by Thetford or Dometic and - if that’s the case - you should be able to obtain a ‘winter-cover’ for the smaller top grille that vents the gas-oven enclosure.






However, I am not confident that fitting a winter-cover (that’s actually intended to maximise the performance of a fridge in cold weather conditions) would cure your draught problem.


Motorhome/caravan manufacturers are notorious for failing to completely isolate the rear of 3-way (gas/12V/230V) fridges from the leisure vehicles’ interiors. Consequently, in windy weather, draughts and gas fumes find their way into the living area. It would be naive to believe that motorhome builders will be any more successful at preventing draughts finding their way past ovens.


A gas-oven will radiate a fair amount of heat and presumably the ventilation grille will have been fitted to help disperse that heat. If you cover the grille you may well be inviting overheating.


If (as seems likely) the draught is coming from around the front edges of the oven, that’s where you should direct your efforts rather than seek to obstruct the grille. If there’s a gap (even a small gap) between the edges/sides of the oven and the sides of the enclosure that surrounds it, when the oven’s ventilation grille is facing into a strong wind you’ll get a helluva draught inside. Basically, you need to start by ensuring that the oven is properly sealed from your motorhome’s interior.


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We've got a high-level grill in our Chausson Flash S2, and managed to get a standard external fridge winter cover to fit on the outside ventilation grill. It doesn't stop all of the draft, but it helps considerably.


It makes a neat job and is obviously easy to remove if ever required.


However, 2 points to note - we don't use the van much in winter, and we NEVER use the grill (other than for storing the first aid and medical kit).





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Hi Shosta,


Yep, had our Best of 510 a month now from new. I know what you mean about the grill draught, very noticeable. In saying that we had a weekend with overnight of minus 3 and daytime hovering around zero and didn't feel it really affected the overall inside temperature, the diesel heating seems vey effective. In fact the biggest issue was getting the overnight temperature regulated well so we weren't too hot.

I guess there is a need to diffuse the build up of heat around the grill area when in use, hence the significant ventilation there.

Planning on Val Thorens first week of Easter holidays so I'm sure we'll have a better idea of the cold draughts then!


Another thought, not sure we'll actually use the grill and may eventually take it out. I'm sure I've seen versions with a cupboard in place of it that might work better for us.


Unrelated - bed. Our control panel was DOA but we chose to take the van anyway and it's now due to go back to have it replaced. Hoping that the 'service' feature we currently use to raise/lower will still be available. We press the up arrow and the space in between the up and down arrows for 5s and it enters service mode. We can then raise lower bed with infinite adjustment and no set positions which allows us to utilise downstairs fully with daughter asleep upstairs. Very useful.



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Hi Shosta


We looked at the 510 and liked it being shorter, we are downsizing. But the garage and the large wardrobe clinched the deal. We normally carry 2 electric cycles on the rear and it now gives me more space in the garage at home while leaving the bikes in the MH garage. Ours is due in March, with a 3 week holiday in France booked for June, can't wait.

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Could you say, please, which make and model of oven is fitted to your Chausson? If installation instructions for your oven are available on-line it might be worthwhile knowing what the oven’s manufacturer advises regarding ventilation.


I notice that you mentioned the 610 model earlier. This is essentially a 510 with a rear garage grafted on and, although some photos show 610s with just two external ventilation grilles, others show three.


The attached photo is of a Ford-based 610 with three grilles, but it’s to be expected that any Chausson design (Fiat- or Ford-based) that has an oven above the fridge/freezer will have three grilles with the topmost one ventilating the oven’s enclosure. And (dare I say it?) if one suffers from draughts from the oven area, they probably all will.


The problem seems to be commonplace with oven-equipped Chaussons





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Hi Derek,

I think that the wife has the solution. She has been watching the 'Sewing Bee' on tv and has made up some nice sausage style draught excluders, the type used for under door draughts. I have attached these to the offending areas with velcro. When we need to use the oven I can just pull them off. Seems to stop the draught and very simple.

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Hi BeefyJ,


I think that we have sorted the draught problem (see reply to Derek) and very easily really.


Interesting note about the bed service mode.


We had our bed stuck at one stage and had to use the cranking handle, which was awkward. It took a fair few turns and then freed itself. Will try the service mode trick if it happens again, nobody told us about that.

I hope your holiday goes well.

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  • 4 months later...


We have had the same problem with our Chausson 610 2015 model. We have had the Dometic engineer to exam this under warranty. He was concerned to find that a service access hatch which gives access to the gas supply pipes, which is located behind the external vent had not had its cover replaced. This uncovered hatch was then allowing air to come into the oven compartment causing the draught on the inside of our motorhome. A cover for this access hatch must be fitted to allow the oven to vent correctly and also to prevent exhaust gases from the gas fridge to seep into the motorhome. The external vent should not be blocked as this is needed to vent the fumes from the fridge when in gas mode.


The fix is quite simple to achieve by removing the white plastic external vent and then covering up the access hole which will be visible (approx 12 inches x3) with a piece of plywood. However this might invalidate the manufacturer's warranty and we were advised to complain to the supplying dealer and get them to carry out the repair.


Hope this helps as it's very windy in the motorhome if it's not fixed!!!!!!!!!

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Just one question to all owners with the drop down bed, what is the size and can you get it down to 'normal' bed height. I also assume it will not stow away with bedding and pillows. My wife will not use a bed wheer you need a ladder, but the idea of the shorter vehivle is appealing to me.
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We have a Chausson 510 and didn't want to use a ladder. The bed comes down as far as the seating area. You need to remove the back cushions and lay them under the bed and of course let the table down to the same height. We leave bed made up with a duvet and 4 pillows which we spread along the centre of the bed. It all goes up without any problems and we even put the flat screen tv on the bed whilst travelling. The bed is a full size 4' 6" x 6'4" a normal double bed size.


Hope this is of help with your deciding.


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