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Guest Peter James
.....on the other hand I have just been reading a thread on the money saving forum from someone who objects to paying the £3 a day parking charge near his place of work, and suggests parking in the local supermarket car park all day every day and nipping out during breaks to move to another space *-)
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Muswell - 2015-02-24 8:08 PM


Joe90 - 2015-02-24 6:48 PM


Obviously someone gifted with clairvoyance that knows exactly how many hours parking time they'll need with the average hospital appointment, or how long it may take a relative to die when you get that inevitable phone call >:-( Odd that some companies can make so much money out of other peoples misery.


The Shrewsbury hospitals have an ANPR system and as you come to leave it tells you what the charge is; if you want you can pay on-line after you get home. The first 30 minutes is free so you aren't charged for dropping someone off or collecting them. It works really well.


Quite why you've linked what they do at Shrewsbury with my post escapes me, good that visitors to those hospitals especially those with long term patients that like to see their families would at least get approx 20 minutes by the time they make it to their wards and back without financial penalty.


but all but four hospitals in Wales which is where we live have stopped charging for parking. Those that require still require payment have been told to abolish charges once their contracts with private parking firms expire.


Mirror that with someone in England ( or the four remaining charging Welsh hospitals ) visiting a spouse or relative that's hospitalized where they do charge, as was my late brother for some weeks before he died, that apart from the stress of the situation was costing his wife £3.80 every day for visiting him seems completely wrong at every level.


If stopping abuse of parking sites is the main aim then a barrier system with tokens isn't exactly quantum physics to implement, perhaps Parking Eye would be happy to buy them if their only aim is to dissuade people parking rather than enjoying £100 a go "fines"


Last year more than 20 companies were banned from accessing the DVLA database for periods of up to three months for an array of code breaches, such as displaying inadequate warning signs at car parks they patrolled.

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Joe90 - 2015-02-24 6:48 PM


Obviously someone gifted with clairvoyance that knows exactly how many hours parking time they'll need with the average hospital appointment, or how long it may take a relative to die when you get that inevitable phone call >:-( Odd that some companies can make so much money out of other peoples misery.



My hospital must be different to everyone else`s on here then.

On entering car parks you take a ticket and then park up, go into hospital to get yourself seen to or

to watch one of the relatives finally kick the bucket. Once whichever event has happened you go to

a pay machine, put in the ticket and pay the appropriate fee. This will enable you to exit the said car

park. If that makes me clairvoyant then so be it and i`m gifted.

Or it could be that the little boys club on here don`t like anyone else disagreeing with them.

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Southender - 2015-02-25 6:10 AM


Joe90 - 2015-02-24 6:48 PM


Obviously someone gifted with clairvoyance that knows exactly how many hours parking time they'll need with the average hospital appointment, or how long it may take a relative to die when you get that inevitable phone call >:-( Odd that some companies can make so much money out of other peoples misery.



My hospital must be different to everyone else`s on here then.

On entering car parks you take a ticket and then park up, go into hospital to get yourself seen to or

to watch one of the relatives finally kick the bucket. Once whichever event has happened you go to

a pay machine, put in the ticket and pay the appropriate fee. This will enable you to exit the said car

park. If that makes me clairvoyant then so be it and i`m gifted.

Or it could be that the little boys club on here don`t like anyone else disagreeing with them.


Just like I posted about Shrewsbury. It's good to know I'm not alone. Hospitals use parking revenue to help their funding. If there's no ANPR you park, make a reasonable estimate of whether you want to risk a ticket by saving 50p by going for the shortest time, ot you go out and buy another ticket if your time is running out. I unfortunately had to make very many visits to hospital when my son was ill, probably near 100 and never got a ticket....it's not difficult.

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Guest Had Enough
Southender - 2015-02-25 6:10 AM


Joe90 - 2015-02-24 6:48 PM


Obviously someone gifted with clairvoyance that knows exactly how many hours parking time they'll need with the average hospital appointment, or how long it may take a relative to die when you get that inevitable phone call >:-( Odd that some companies can make so much money out of other peoples misery.



My hospital must be different to everyone else`s on here then.

On entering car parks you take a ticket and then park up, go into hospital to get yourself seen to or

to watch one of the relatives finally kick the bucket. Once whichever event has happened you go to

a pay machine, put in the ticket and pay the appropriate fee. This will enable you to exit the said car

park. If that makes me clairvoyant then so be it and i`m gifted.

Or it could be that the little boys club on here don`t like anyone else disagreeing with them.


I thought that you may have worked out from the many posts how many hospital car parks work. They're like on-street pay and display parking. You have to estimate how long your stay will be and pay for say, two hours.


Most times you will be able to nip out and recharge the ticket, which is easier for a visitor than an in-patient, but the car park may be a good distance away or you may be half-dressed and waiting ages for a nurse or doctor. You then find that you've gone over your allotted time by ten minutes and, if you're unlucky, you'll be hit with a heavy payment charge.


I wish that all hospitals used the same system as Shrewsbury, which is fair and eliminates any chance of a large fine.


But what's amusing about all this is that this isn't some 'greedy capitalist' firms that are charging vulnerable people huge amounts of money, it's our good old nationalised NHS!


I do wonder how some of the chief executives of these hospitals sleep at night. Paying for parking is OK by me as long as it's reasonable and fair, my local hospital is anything but.

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Peter James - 2015-02-24 6:24 PM


Rayjsj - 2015-02-24 5:36 PM


Anyone who parked in my garden without being invited, would find all 4 tyres punctured through the wall. No Notes no threats of court action, just action.

'never saw a thing mate' and exactly why are you parking in my garden anyway ?

And a Notice, anyone who parks here uninvited does so at their own risk. >:-) Ray


Not recommended. Others can be like that you know. People who live in glass houses etc...


I don't park in other folks Gardens, If I did, I would expect harsh treatment. Ray

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Chesterfield Royal also give 30 minutes free. You also pay on leaving. If you need multiple visits then you are able to purchase a ticket which covers 14 visits of any duration and it is not expensive to purchase.

If the hospital did not charge then the car parks would be full of people parking and catching the bus into town.

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Our district hospital had a problem some years ago,cars were left while people took the bus that went to Liverpool,someone even left their car there and went on holiday for 2 weeks!

This was exacerbated when the local council changed the station car park to park and display.

Since the decriminalisation of parking offences,local councils took on the responsibility and looked on it as a revenue earner,hence the parking attendants weren't as adequately train as the old traffic wardens were.

It also opened the flood gates for firms such as parking eye to start fleecing motorists with their dodgy practices,such as placing signs in out of the way places making them impossible to read. Why they have to be operational on motorway service area s is beyond me,especially as you frequently see sign telling you to take a break as tiredness kills,just as long as it isn't more than 2 hours.

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Not a private carpark and only loosely on topic, but in the name of a little humour, the best trick I saw was a Discovery pulled into a (presumably) council parking bay, the female driver and about 5 kids got out and she stuck a parking ticket envelope to her own windscreen and all walked off without paying. Presumably getting her 60 quids worth from a previous ticket.

Maybe she'd found a loophole which allows permanent parking for the cost of a ticket or, more likely, was trying it on. Whichever, it had presumably worked for her in the past.

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Guest Peter James
yeti - 2015-02-26 5:30 PM

Why they have to be operational on motorway service area s is beyond me.

Because, unlike the rest of Europe where they are run as a public service like the rest of the road network, they are privatised to run at a profit because Thatcher sold them all off cheap.

In fairness though most people visit them at busy times when they are raking it in. But since they are legally obliged to provide a range of hot meals 24/7 365 days of the year - much of that time they are losing money, so they are not as profitable as many people think. In most case the profits from a motorway cafe doesn't justify the huge cost of building the infrastructure. That used to be paid for out of road taxes, and the cafe part leased out.

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pheasantplucker - 2015-03-03 2:28 AM


Not a private carpark and only loosely on topic, but in the name of a little humour, the best trick I saw was a Discovery pulled into a (presumably) council parking bay, the female driver and about 5 kids got out and she stuck a parking ticket envelope to her own windscreen and all walked off without paying. Presumably getting her 60 quids worth from a previous ticket.

Maybe she'd found a loophole which allows permanent parking for the cost of a ticket or, more likely, was trying it on. Whichever, it had presumably worked for her in the past.


I can tell you that does not work in my part of North London where the wardens are really on the ball, it helps keep my council tax down :-D

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