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Portuguese Tolls - Best system in Europe now?

Guest Had Enough

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Guest Had Enough

When we visited Portugal two or three years ago I didn't use the motorway along the Algarve as the toll payment system was horrendously complicated and I just couldn't be bothered. I had to put up with the dreadful N125.


It is now brilliant and I pass this on for anyone who was put off in the past.


We drove across the bridge from Spain yesterday and huge signs directed foreign drivers to a pull-off section. We drove up to what looked like a typical automated toll payment machine, slipped in a credit card and that's it.


We got a print out showing our registration number and now we do nothing. Cameras will check our journey and automatically add the relevant toll amount to our credit card. No stopping and fumbling with credit cards or cash at every toll booth.


I wish the French would do something similar. I had a Sanef transponder and used to sail through toll booths and got a monthly bill. I now have a van that's over 3.5T so I had to return it, much to my chagrin.


The last bit of motorway up to the Spanish border must have had a toll booth every five minutes, a real pain in the bum constantly stopping and putting in the card.


Well done the Portuguese, a truly brilliant system that took all of one minute to set up! France, please follow suit!


Ps Did something similar at the Dartford Crossing. Just sailed through and my account was debited with £1.67! I opened the account with £10 so I've not got a fortune tied up!

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Guest pelmetman

Bem-vindo Sr. Frank , temos debitada a sua conta para 1 milhão de ter um bom dia ......


PS qualquer resposta por parte do chefe de planejamento ? :D ...........



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