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securing batteries


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Hi all...


I have 2 x 110Ah Banner batteries which I need to secure to the floor of my bus (2.5l Transit coach-converted 18-seater). Can anyone advise the easiest, MOT-friendly way to do this? I have envisioned ring bolts fixed to the floor with ratchet straps running through and over the top; some sort of clamp using the base lips on the batteries and bolting them down somehow through the floor; the scary thought of hammering a box together (which with my carpentry skills would be a joke) for them to sit in...in short, scratching my head!


Online all I see are kits comprising 2 x J-hooks with butterfly nuts and a top bar across. That's all well and good if you have a battery base plate welded in, but I don't, so these would not work. I can't seem to source a base plate of the correct size to fix in first.


I want to secure the batteries side-by-side into the footwell on the passenger front side of the cab just to the right of the wheel arch (no seat there of course). This is the only space I have for them and they would sit in there snuggly.


Any ideas would be much appreciated!

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Hi gingerwain - have a word with a local steel fabricator / sheet metal workshop. They should be able to fabricate a metal tray to bolt through your floor with provision for the "J" bolts mountings on the tray up-stands. Don't forget you will need Battery vents hole(s) to the exterior of the vehicle.
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great - thanks for the advice. A local fellow is going to fabricate a tray; once on I will just build a simple box structure round them with a vent hole through the bulkhead..


Good one with the 'missing' batteries on MOT!


Ebay were limited on trays that would accommodate the banners; the local guy is knocking one up for half the price of the Land Rover one that I felt might do the job...good advice re. checking out the local metal dude flicka :)


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