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Ducato Motorhome wont start.


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Tried today to start my 4 yr old motorhome for the first time in 2 months after suffering family bereavement. After about 3 weeks of none use, I normally have to jump start it with leads. I used my normal charger booster but failed and also my full leisure battery. Hooked up leads, all dashboard lights up, but on turn of key there's a loud click and all the dashboard lights go out. Fiat Ducato base 2.3 registered 2010. Swift Escape 686. Any advice would be gratefully received. To me it sounds like starter motor or similar. I have breakdown cover with my Safeguard insurance, would I be covered to call someone out?
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Before making any conclusions it would be best to get the battery fully charged and the best way to do that is to use a decent quality staged charger like one of the Ctek range or similar.


A 24 hour charge either in situ with everything turned off or with the battery removed and on the bench should do it after which having let it stand for a few hours the voltage should be at least 12.6 - 12.8 volts. If it has been allowed to go flat too many times it might be beyond redemption and unable to recover enough to hold a full charge - especially if it is now 5 years old


You may well find that once fully charged and the terminals all checked for cleanliness and security it will start OK and if not you will at least know what it isn't.

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Had similar problem with my old Mondeo (Spare car) It sat for weeks not being used it would start with Jump start from my newer Mondeo when needed. On the day I was taking it to the garage to trade in it would not start at all . I left both batteries connected and car engine running the voltage on old Mondeo battery was reading ok but when trying to start similar scenario to you. Had to replace the battery
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Thank you all for your very quick responses. I connect the positive lead to the correct metal part in the engine compartment, the one with a plastic fold down cover as instructed and the negative lead to a long screw as instructed. Nothing has changed. I can remember now that recently, I plugged the van into the house mains for a couple of hours to charge battery but still failed to start it. Then tried again this morning. 
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To test if the engine to chassis earth has failed use one of your jump cables and connect the negative jump point (the long screw you mentioned) to a suitable point directly on the engine, eg a lifting eye or exposed bolt.

If the engine now turns over this will prove your engine earth braid has failed and requires replacing. Do not bother with a genuine Fiat part but go to a local motor factors and get one of a suitable length. Make sure the connection points are clean and use some petroleum jelly or similar to prevent corrosion. It should last a lot longer than the original!



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All excellent advice gents.


Nothing at all to add except that if the home made earth from jump point to engine lifting eye also does not work; and there is power in the battery the next place to look would be the CAL 5 fuse on the battery terminal. These have been known to blow or suffer increased resistance after earth related issues and jump starting.


If you need one; the last time i was looking for them they were still only sold by Fiat/Peugeout/Citroen dealers.


Batteries are a weird and wonderful thing. I have had several that had been left on vehicles that had not moved for a long time and they had not only discharged but had reversed polarity. They have shown as much as 1.5V in the wrong direction! Batteries that have discharged this far are only good for recycling. If it still has a small positive charge it will need 10 minutes on a boost charger at more than 20A and then a standard trickle charger (4 or6A) should be able to get them back to life over 24 hours or so. Batteries are nowhere near as resilient as they used to be but we have achieved some remarkable recoveries. It is always worth trying.



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After checking insurance break down cover, the AA came out earlier. One of the thing he discovered was cabling underneath the engine block had been chewed by rats.....unbelievable, I said...my motorhome is in an open car park, close to the entrance and a footpath. I hadn't seen any sign of rats in our car park at all. Looks like the battery is fairly knackered anyway. He suggested placing on charge for a couple of days at least, just to see. Anyone using a solar panel charger? Can you recommend one.
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kindo106 - 2015-03-02 11:41 AM


I see in my insurance booklet that I am not covered by vermin. Has anyone had a similar occurrence and what was their outcome regarding their insurance claim.


Saga cover for mouse damage.

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