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Taking dog to continent

Annie T

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Hi, just wondered if anyone can give us a list of vetenary surgeries South of Calais that we can take the dog to for worming before re entering the UK. We would prefer to stop prior to Calais as we feel that once there it's probably best to keep moving for obvious reasons.

Many thanks ;-)

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Hi Annie T, We use this Vet in forges les eaux he's very good and speaks English. There is also a very nice aire close by.

Cabinet Vétérinaire Saint Nicolas




1, Rue de Neufchâtel, 76440 Forges les Eaux


+33 2 35 90 55 55









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Depends where you are coming from?


We used to use this one in Alencon, inexpensive, English speaking, parking outside, easy to find, by appointment or just turn up and very friendly people. Have not been there since Rosie died in 2013 but reports suggest it is still good.




This often crops up and typing 'vets France' in the search facility should bring up more info.


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If you search this forum for"European vets", roryboys dad has posted a great interactive and printable list.

Be careful, the closer you get to the channel the higher the costs, and several vets will insist on an examination and injection, even if you have the tablets with you. That's where an English speaking vet or good French yourself comes in handy.

It has to be more than one day and less than five before your journey.

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Hi Annie, we have used the

Vet at Marquise just a couple of miles outside Calais off the 16 We park at the Supermarket next door


Marquise Clinique Veterinaire


Avenue Farber


62250 Marquise


Tel 33321928912


They are very friendly and-inexpensive in fact around the same price as the Vet we used further out at Mouzon or Stenay ( same practice) it doesn't matter which way your coming from as its near enough not to be far out of your way !


Only thing is you then have to find somewhere to stay in the area but we always manage somewhere near.

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This is all very useful thanks, we got a dog last year and have just got it a passport.


What I want to know is, are French worms really that dangerous?


There is no legislation in the UK to worm your dog.


What is the average price I need to expect to pay for a vet to give my dog a tablet that costs £5. Or are they special French worm tablets?


Thanks in advance.

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Short answer is yes, French tapeworm is different, and not present in the UK, so, like rabies, the government are trying to keep it out. There is also heart worm over there, and ticks, big wasps, mosquitos and processionary caterpillars, we don't know how lucky we are.

The tablets, and injections, are the same as over here. But you need to find a sympathetic vet. I presented the Drontal tablets to the vet in Ypres, but he insisted on an injection. It was about the same cost as over here.

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Personally we have never had a problem offering the Drontal tablet , the Vet in Mouzon said to me it is better for small dogs as the injection hurts ! My Sons dog which is a Parsons Jack Russell has the injection no problem though.


It depends on the Vet also it's best just to take their advice you can't argue with them! And a couple of years ago my youngest dog was sick ten minuets after the tablet was given so I had to do her again as soon as we got back just to be sure.

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