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Of Mice & Motorhomes

peter lambert

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Anyone got any tips for keeping mice out of a motorhome? Our van is kept in storage in a rural environment. We keep trays of poison down after finding mouse damage in a storage locker last year. The van is based on a Fiat Cab, and we think the little blighters are getting in up the wheels, into the engine bay and then through the pedal area of the cab. Are we alone in this problem? It's a 12 month old van, and NO we don't want a cat to keep in it.
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I Had this problem one year I set those pressure pad wooden traps they cost pence to buy from IronMongers, bird seed or a peanut was the best bait. I had four on the go but only caught the one varmint. I was pretty lucky no damage they do like furniture and electrical wiring. I set one on top of the vehicle battery as they nest under the bonnet. I never found how they got in, Ive been told if you can see a slight gap they can squeeze in. Check all your floor vents in the bed boxes and battery drain hole for the overflow pipe. If the plumbing goes through the floor seal them with silicon. Pete
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We have had many visitations over the first 5 years of ownership. Last year we went up in the early winter and found well over 100 droppings but thankfully no chewing damage. We put down traps and caught two mice after taking them on exciting trips away as silent stowaways. Chocolate was their undoing. One lost it's life with the chocolate still in it's mouth. That was all the final straw. Hubby went under the van and filled every *unnecessary* hole with expanding polystuff (in a can for cavities). Any *necessary* holes were covered with mesh. The largest area was filled with mesh and sealed with the poly stuff. There is a heat resistant one too. Pretty convinced ours were entering from the fridge area, rather than the engine. No signs of them at all, since. Wonderful. Traps in a rural situation seem pointless. Never mind the fact that you have you keep checking them to remove the carcass they have many friends and relatives that don't take the hint. I have heard of putting paprika powder down. Didn't try that so can't help. Good luck.
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hi we had a mouse problem at home a few years back, baits the best solution. mouse traps are ok with adult mice, the young ones can walk over the trap/bait, without setting it off. females can be pregnant before giving birth to the litter their carrying. chocolate's a good bait, although fruit can do the trick, mice don't drink so get their drink through the food they eat. pete
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I do know that if any gap is small enough to poke a pencil through its big enough for a mouse to get through ! I once bought some mouse poison which was formulated for them to eat and go back to their nest, where they died, it really worked and they did not come back again, lets hope they do not use your motorhome as their permanant nest Chas
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We have wood mice on the patio. Last year they entered our home so hubby melted chocolate onto traps otherwise they simply took it off the spring! Cats will feed themselves - there are plenty of rodents/birds around once they have sorted the motorhome ;-) The Cavalier King Charles is a good hunter - reasonable rates and you can borrow him :-D
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