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an unusual leak in a heki roof light

East Cowes Bill

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Hi everyone I'm a newby to the site,so bare with me if I don't present in the correct manner. I have a 1999 Knaus 685 traveller (norman) very much cherished. Unfortunately while my local M/home service center was working on it,they managed to drive it through their to low garage doors,resulting in damaging the heki roof light. After a little argy bargy they replaced the broken roof light. about 2 months later while touring Portugal and in a heavy storm,the next morning, noticed that we had collected about half a pint of water between the double skin of the roof light,at this point no water had entered the cabin. We have since had this water sloshing about,and sometimes now water seems to be dripping onto our table underneath but is not obvious where this water is coming from. Have now taken the dome off of the van and trying to wick the water out from the tiny vent hole. I cant see how this water can enter between the skins,is this a phenomenon or has someone else experienced this? Would really appreciate some help on this. I apologies for rambling on,promise to keep it shorter next time. Regards Bill
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My van is fitted with a Heki 2 roof light and is now 15 years old. I've recently had to replace the gas struts and one hinge on mine so during searches on those items, came across the madness of sales regarding Heki.


The plastic lid/window part just on it's own retails at £300.....yet for 60 or 80 quid more you can buy the entire roof light complete! Everything.....all brand new. Pretty crazy.


Take your van back to the Service centre you used. They need to dismantle everything and re-install it properly. It doesn't matter how much it costs as they will (or should) be insured. Either way it's their fault, they caused the damage and it's their responsibility to put that damage right.

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Hi thanks for that Stalwart. The problem is that we are not on good terms with the repairers,in fact I really didn't trust them in the first place. Its one of those things ,where you wish we had't used them in the first place. We had taken the van in for a gas-low conversion,which we now know we were badly ripped off for this. While doing this work they tried to drive the van into their workshop without measuring the height of their garage doors. Resulting in two roof lights being smashed,but they didn't have the decency to tell us,it wasn't till we got home and looked out of the bedroom window and saw the damage. we went straight back and they said we must have done it on the way home. after threatening them with legal action they conceded. As we live on a small island of the south coast they were the only dealers.


I have been onto Dometic via email but up till nothing so far. I can't see how water can get between the double skin of the roof light.

Thanks for your words Bill

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Not sure how a Knaus is built roof wise, but our Rapido has undergone a 5 week dryout where water has travelled between the roof surface and the roof structure. The leak caused by loose roof rail and salelite dome foot. Water was coming in around the Heki roof light.


Our Rapido has a flexible covering on the roof laid over a aluminium backed board, strong enough to take the weight of a person on the roof. Water had got under the roof covering and was running from one end of the m/home to the other on the roofing board, dependind on the slope of the roof. Dripping when passing the opening.




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