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Auto Electrician Retford Nottinghamshire Needed


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I have spoken to notts county campers and he is booked in to do the hab service in a couple of weeks.

Spot on chap, very helpful and even said he will look at my step issue within the time of the hab service (3-4 hours) if he can, if he cant the hourly rate is hell of a lot cheaper than the Tec dealer.

Cant say fairer than that.



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mikkistash - 2015-03-11 4:01 PM



I have spoken to notts county campers and he is booked in to do the hab service in a couple of weeks.

Spot on chap, very helpful and even said he will look at my step issue within the time of the hab service (3-4 hours) if he can, if he cant the hourly rate is hell of a lot cheaper than the Tec dealer.

Cant say fairer than that.

First, check the TEC warranty terms. TEC, AFAIK, are part of the Hymer group and may have similar conditions re the annual damp check necessary to maintain the (presumably) six years water ingress warranty. You may find that only a TEC authorised dealer can complete and record the damp check to TEC's satisfaction, and if it is done otherwise the warranty will be void. As your van is a 2010, the warranty should be good until some time in 2016, and I assume you would consider it worth preserving in force until its expiry date.


Have the hab service done elsewhere by all means, as I believe this will not be a pre-condition for maintaining the warranty in force. But do check for yourself first. If the water ingress warranty terms are as I suspect, a franchised TEC dealer would be able to complete the damp check even if the hab check is carried out elsewhere - though it may be diplomatic not to say you will do this! :-)


With Hymer branded vans it is definitely permissible, within the warranty conditions, to have just a damp check, but it does have to be carried out by a Hymer dealer.


The dealer may argue against doing only the damp check, as he will then lose the benefit of the extra work in the hab check.


Some dealers seem to be under the impression that a full hab check is always required to maintain a water ingress warranty. This may be due to confusion between brands, as with some manufacturers this is the case.


Broadly, warranties cover exactly what they say they cover, no more, and no less, and the concept of reasonableness will not apply. The manufacturer is judge and jury over what his warranty conditions mean, and on how it may be interpreted. Proceed with caution!

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I will check out my water ingress policy but I am sure I was told i can go anywhere.

I have never had any service or hab check done at the dealers and have always used a NCC approved garage for hab side and Ford for the base side.

I hope I am still covered although I am sure it say in my paperwork somewhere that its 5 year water ingress.

Kind regards and thanks for the comprehensive reply.



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mikkistash - 2015-03-12 12:18 PM



I will check out my water ingress policy but I am sure I was told i can go anywhere.

I have never had any service or hab check done at the dealers and have always used a NCC approved garage for hab side and Ford for the base side.

I hope I am still covered although I am sure it say in my paperwork somewhere that its 5 year water ingress.

Kind regards and thanks for the comprehensive reply.

Not to labour the point, but in case we're at slight cross-purposes, I'm not familiar with the TEC warranty conditions, which is why I suggested you check the written word. What someone told you may, or may not, be right: only the written conditions define whether the damp check has to be done by a TEC dealer, and when. If they say it should, based on what you say above, I'm guessing your water ingress warranty may by now be void.


The Ford warranty would not have been a problem: it is from Ford, not TEC, so any Ford authorised dealer could have done warranty work, and any competent garage could, and can, do the base vehicle servicing. That warranty will, in any case, by now have expired.


My point was that if TEC do (broadly) as other members of the Hymer group seem to do, there will, in effect, be two TEC warranties. One of probably two years validity that covered the TEC conversion in general, and then the water ingress warranty that will be for longer (I was guessing 6 years based on Hymer/Hobby/Burstner water ingress warranties) that, based on my experience, will specify a) that an annual check must be made (usually with a defined time "window" within which it must be conducted), and b) that it can only be completed by a TEC dealership. If any of those damp checks is not carried out by the right people, at the right time, it is that warranty which becomes void.

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