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Sargent alarm


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Got brand new caravan on Friday (yes I know this is MH section) seem to have problem with alarm as in it does not beep so difficult to tell if armed or unarmed. I Know I Can do system reset but put of curiosity anyone else had this problem .

I had issues with same unit on last van got fed up so disconnected it.

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ips - 2015-03-17 8:18 PM



From my experience and what I have read they seem more trouble than there worth.


Don't give up - Sargent are really helpful on the telephone and will do their best to provide a solution, just give them a call.


I had a problem with a new Coachman caravan and Sargent alarm with it going off all the time. When I contacted Sargent they said that they had made a small mod on the printed circuit board, sent me the prewired parts to plug-in on the circuit board and talked me through it. Never had a problem again with it.



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Hi, my globecar game with a sargent alarm and its a pain in the ass.keeps going off at night for no reason.then states rear doors are open and bleps at me all the time. I am having it removed this afternoon.alarms are a waste of space these days.the thieves know how to bypass them and know one takes any notice of them.whats the point.michael
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Bit late now Michael, but we had a similar problem on ours after about a year. It would arm OK, but then alarm an hour or so later.


Various remedies tried, and in the end the under-bonnet reed switch was replaced with a different arrangement. Problem solved.


It seems the amount of steel in the area where the magnet was attached weakened its magnetic field, to the point at which the reed switch would close OK when first arming, but would eventually open to set off the alarm. It was very misleading, since all the indications were that the problem lay at one or other of the rear "garage" doors. It emerged that the under bonnet switch was wired into the same loop as the garage doors, but this little gem was omitted from the fault finding codes. Apologies for OT.

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Van has to go back for minor gel coat repair (scratch on rear end) will get em to look at alarm as well. If problem persists disconnect the pesky begger like last time.

I like the awning light switch on fob though that's quite cool.

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