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motorhome insurance for beginners


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Just got our first motorhome - Chausson flash 03 and have attempted to get insurance quotes on line.

after several failed attempts and " we 'll get back to you"s I'm losing the plot!

We want to ensure 3 extra named drivers as well as ourselves.

If I go the oldfashion route of speaking to a real person it could take all day with the info they want.....

I only need ballpark figures to start with

Any recommendations?

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As a new customer, you could hope to get attractive quotes from all the insurers but it is quite important not to buy purely on price. The policy conditions and exclusions will vary and some insurers have a better reputation for not quibbling over claims than others - and there are different included bundles, such as longer term foreign touring and breakdown cover.


It can be gruelling covering all the ground but if you don't need to rush then don't; take your time and compare the options properly. You could also consider approaching a local broker and getting them to do some of the legwork for you - getting both quotes and details of the provisions and exclusions.


By definition motorhomers will tend to be happy with what they have chosen and so they will recommend them, but conflicting recommendations could add to your confusion - they will be of different ages, different types and values of motorhome and also different numbers of claims and points on their licences.


Get your extra drivers on the policy from the outset, both to get competitive quotes for them and to avoid the administartive charges which are made for changes once a policy has already been taken out.


The good news is that motorhome insurance is usually cheaper than car insurance!

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Hi, sorry to say, none of them will give "ball park figures"until they have the full life history, names ages and sex of each potential driver, make , value and expected annual mileage of vehicle, engine size, has it got alarms, if so which one, where is it stored, etc etc etc.


the simplest way is to go on to a search engine on line, then fill ALL details in and let on line search do the hunting.


you have to give a contact phone number in the details, and contact address, so expect to be drowned in junk mail, and have phone line nuiscance calls long after you have chosen THE ONE.


it certainly is a pain in the hind quarters answering each companies questions, but insurance must be in place.


for what it is worth, I changed to Caravan Club this year away from Safeguard.a better price but different cover..so check the nitty gritty details.


good luck.



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