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mot, habitation check, etc


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Just got van back from annual health checks etc.


dissapointing to find that rear nearside /and rear quarter show 20 percent damp readings..


as this was allegedly fixed 12 months ago prior to our purchase, and we have Marquis famous 3 year warranty, we await a decision from them regarding fix again.


Just wondering if there could be some leaking via bike rack fixings on rear wall, and nearside locker door leaking somehow. These points will be checked when Marquis take it in for a fix, just waiting for agreement and date,







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Southender - 2015-03-22 5:49 AM


Marquis sort it out ..... you`ll be lucky ......lol .....I hope for your sake they are nothing like the branch

near me. It`ll come out worse than it went in.

I think what our anonymous friend is trying to say, Tony, is keep a close eye on them, and make sure you are happy with and understand whatever repairs they propose carrying out. The van is your property and they do have to satisfy you as to what they propose, and how they have done it. Maybe some visits to view the work in progress? Hope it all goes well this time.

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Hi, thanks to Brian for the advice.

Before we bought it, the van was sent down to Tewkesbury for fixing this problem which if I remember correctly showed higher damp readings.

The manager of the day told me that they had completely stripped out kitchen and fridge corner and dried it out then resealed everywhere, and claimed that it had cost the firm 6000 pounds to do so.( ifound this difficult to beleive, but I suppose it might be true..nothing in writing to prove the statement)


when it returned back to poole and we inspected it before proceeding with purchase, I asked for demonstration of damp readings, and figures were then down as low as 2 or 3 percent using 2 different meters.


I also inspected underside and could see evidence of resealing work along floor under the rear quarter, so was persuaded that they had done a proper job, and was persuaded to proceed with purchase.


I now await the managers response and she has warned me that it might have to go back to the workshop again.


this could cause a problem as we have a rally booked at easter, and holiday booked starting 28 may..




The current manager has told me that she has to refer back to Workshop at Tewkesbury to seek the decision as to how to proceed now.


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Further to this subject..

paid a visit to dealer and have found out that damp has been referred back to Tewkesbury under warranty as expected.. Response from Tewkesbury was to arrange for retest in 3 months time and then refer results again for further consideration.


I challenged the wisdom of waiting 3 months, explaining that if weather was dry, I would expect readings to have dried out, if on the otherhand , it was a wet 3 months, the further .damage would be caused, and by the they might dispute warranty liability.


local branch unwilling to see the argument, I was fortunate the a man from headquarters was on site visiting their rebuilding work. Heated debate resulted in him being drawn in , and eventually, a compromise was reached, in that local branch would do some temporary extra sealing, but van woud be released to them after easter for return to Tewkesbury for "a properly done resealing, the man from HQ, was not at all happy with first attempt..it will have to be done again and properly."


Reluctantly, I have accepted this suggestion, and will lose use for about 2 weeks.






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Southender - 2015-03-22 5:49 AM


Marquis sort it out ..... you`ll be lucky ......lol .....I hope for your sake they are nothing like the branch

near me. It`ll come out worse than it went in.



---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the above sounds about right. Any time now this thread will be pulled. The truth hurts.

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I just dont understand these habitation checks at all. When I P/Xed my motorhome a few weeks ago.the dealer went all over with his little meter. It was a cold damp day, the van had been layed up for a few months, apart from the drive to the dealers there had been know heat in the van for a long time. Anyway his little meter showed orange, theres a surprise. The dealer made a bit of a noise over this as he was looking to lower the value. Which he did not. But what ever the damp test showed this did not stop him putting the van up for sale the following day with a nice fat mark up.habitation checks are a total waste of money, if you think you have a problem buy a meter yourself and look around, gas checks the same.michael
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