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Boxer Fuses - Hand book issues


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While installing a different radio in the dash of my Boxer the supply was cut so I consulted the handbook in order to find the fuse. The only reference was on page 158: fuse 49 Audio system - instrument panel controls - drivers electric window 7.5 amps.

The Page heading is: Passenger's side dashboard fuses (remove bolts and tilt the box to access fuses).

The page lists 25 fuses but there are only 21 plus an empty holder and none of the positions is numbered. So I checked all of the 7.5amp fuses and all were intact.

I then searched for the elusive "Driver's door pillar fuses". Do they mean the hinge end or the latch end??, but could find no such thing.

Much head scratching and wasted time ensued. Eventually I checked the 10amp fuse on the left end of the bottom row and this had blown.

How many more people's time will be wasted because Peugeot cannot provide an accurate handbook, I know I am not the only victim!

Hoping this will save someone a lot of bother.





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Hi Derek,

The van is a 2014 Bailey Compact on the prefacelift Boxer, which I have just acquired. Early days yet but we think we will like it. The Peugeot is noisier than the Fiat though (a 2012 Ducato) and lacks one or two refinements. The Bailey build quality seems good overall. However we are not a fan of the water filling system, Occam's Razor still applies in the 21st century! Also Bailey should have employed a proof reader for their handbook.


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It appears that the Owner Handbooks for Euro 5 X250 and Euro 5+ X290 Peugeot Boxers and Citroen Relays are out-of-date regarding the fuse-related information, so it might be worth you downloading the relevant part of the Euro 5 X250 Ducato handbook that you can do through here




You could then check whether or not the Ducato information matches the fusing on your Boxer.

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