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Peterborough show?


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Unless the weather turns very wet and the ground very muddy between now and next Thursday we intend to visit the show for the weekend to buy some more goodies for our new toy.


We expect to be in the disabled camping area if anyone would like to come and say hello or fancies a cuppa - there won't be many vans like ours!

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So the rumours that Warners have put an exclusion zone around the disabled area are not true then, Rich? Warners were worried banter would become batter!


If we're about and the weather's nice, I'll look out for you. I've always liked the look of the Anniversary model and was almost tempted but we couldn't get the layout to work for our needs.

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Brock - 2015-04-10 12:08 PM


So the rumours that Warners have put an exclusion zone around the disabled area are not true then, Rich? Warners were worried banter would become batter!


If we're about and the weather's nice, I'll look out for you. I've always liked the look of the Anniversary model and was almost tempted but we couldn't get the layout to work for our needs.


No need for exclusion zones John, everyone welcome no grudges carried!


The Executive layout as ever is a compromise but we find that the loo is just that wee bit more spacious to make it easier to live with than our Warwick Duo was although we now have to slide the cab seats forward a notch or two to make the beds long enough but at least we can pass each other along the middle of the van and get out in the night when we need to without having to clamber over the beds!

The insulation is certainly not up to winter use levels but as we no longer use the van in very cold climes that matters not to us but with more storage and easier access to the storage living with it should be easier - well that's the plan anyway - and we certainly don't miss the sliding door!


Conducted tours available by appointment!

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Thanks Cheryl - it's always nice when people post nice things and I appreciate it. We will certainly keep an eye out for you as we wander, but sadly these days we are not able to wander around as much as we used to and the camping area is huge so it will be a bit pot luck I'm afraid!



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I first joined this forum 9 years ago and in them days groups of us would sometimes meet up at shows for a natter and we had a lot of laughs and got to know some really pleasant, knowledgeable and helpful people - most of whom are no longer on this forum for whatever reasons but hopefully with the apparent advent of more active moderation some may return which will be a very good thing?


I suppose meeting each other was as much out of curiosity to see what we really looked like and how we really behaved as anything else but the forum, as with the real world I suppose, has changed and sadly people seem to be far more insular and less naturally outgoing and friendly these days?

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I echo Tugga"s ( Cheryl) comments, it would be nice to meet a regular contributor to the forum. I never get involved in the banter between you, Tracker, and some "others" - it is not worth it! I would very much appreciate the opportunity to make your aquaintance-- we are visiting the show as "day" visitors on the Friday, staying at the Ferry Meadows CC site from Wed. to Sunday.


Having my M/ Home alarm being checked over first in the Car Park at 9am then coming into the Show.


All being well, will try to locate you during our visit. Perhaps you could PM me for a mobile no?



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Will85 - 2015-04-11 9:12 PM


Is there an airport nearby, I might I just jolly well might but of course I'd have no bed, so sorry you'll have to accept my picture and I'll even include a poem. What happened to Arthur Dent ?




There are dozens of airfields nearby - trouble is most of them went out of use in 1945 - or you could try this one!





Whatever happened to Arfur Dent

Does nobody know just where he went

But did he go or was he sent

Disappeared with rapier bent


Did he go home with cash all spent

And not enough to pay the rent

Unless his mates some dosh him lent

Perhaps he toddled off to Ghent


He did no harm as well he meant

Poetically motivated but discontent

Is he snug at home in Kent

Or is he living in a tent?








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George Collings - 2015-04-11 11:15 PM


Your van is in the same rarity league as mine Tracker. You asked and we are usually nearby.


See you there.


A bit like wives eh George - when you get a good one they are well worth the effort of taking care of and hanging on to!


Look forward to meeting you.

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Well For those going, I have just watched Country-file week`s weather update and The forecast is at least not too wet!.


Up to 23C (poss; Thunderstorm?) Wed but cooling off temperature wise, and staying dry into the weekend. 13 to 15C predicted. (56 to 58 in old money). No Heatwave but better than Drowning!



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George Collings - 2015-04-13 12:23 AM

Wot no mud.


It just isn't as much fun without wetsuit and wellies!


A few years ago when it was abandoned due to 'conditions' and we were living in Norfolk, we had some friends 'drop in' on us after being towed out of the camping ground and their tale was horrific with damaged vans and filthy interiors and we spent a super day having a giggle cleaning their van with them - and then cleaning our drive afterwards!


Oh such fun!


So if a show is REALLY wet we just do not do which is why we never pre book anymore.


But when they are dry, warm and sunny they are great fun with plenty of folk to chat to and new friends to meet, some long lasting and some just for the day.

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Tracker - 2015-04-13 9:03 AM


...A few years ago when it was abandoned due to 'conditions' and we were living in Norfolk, we had some friends 'drop in' on us after being towed out of the camping ground and their tale was horrific with damaged vans and filthy interiors and we spent a super day having a giggle cleaning their van with them - and then cleaning our drive afterwards!..


That might have been the year we were there and had a narrow escape. We got pitched up OK but it was on softish grass and obviously the conditions were going to get worse so I put my rope-ladder things under the dirve wheels as we did so. We arrived on the Friday afternoon and stayed one night. We were lucky that we were pitched only about two vans from a gravel roadway so when we decided to cut and run (after breakfast, without seeing anything of the show) we just managed to get moving and make it on to the gravel, leaving a muddy wake in the grass, then walk back to pick up the gripper. As we were leaving along the roadway we could see that tractors were already in action that morning - at that stage to help people to get on to the camping fields, because the access routes were already churned up and too slippery.


Bit of a Dunkirk Spirit situation really. Once you were into the middle of the camping areas it would have become impossible to get out under your own steam - ceratinly in any front wheel drive motorhome.


Fortunately the forecast for next weekend is looking much better!

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Guest peter
I'm going, anyone want to come and see me instead of Tracker. I'll have a barrel of Speckled Hen on tap and canapes and crisps etc. Offer only open to owners of German vans. (lol)
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StuartO - 2015-04-13 1:32 PM


Tracker - 2015-04-13 9:03 AM


...A few years ago when it was abandoned due to 'conditions' and we were living in Norfolk, we had some friends 'drop in' on us after being towed out of the camping ground and their tale was horrific with damaged vans and filthy interiors and we spent a super day having a giggle cleaning their van with them - and then cleaning our drive afterwards!..


That might have been the year we were there and had a narrow escape. We got pitched up OK but it was on softish grass and obviously the conditions were going to get worse so I put my rope-ladder things under the dirve wheels as we did so. We arrived on the Friday afternoon and stayed one night. We were lucky that we were pitched only about two vans from a gravel roadway so when we decided to cut and run (after breakfast, without seeing anything of the show) we just managed to get moving and make it on to the gravel, leaving a muddy wake in the grass, then walk back to pick up the gripper. As we were leaving along the roadway we could see that tractors were already in action that morning - at that stage to help people to get on to the camping fields, because the access routes were already churned up and too slippery.


Bit of a Dunkirk Spirit situation really. Once you were into the middle of the camping areas it would have become impossible to get out under your own steam - ceratinly in any front wheel drive motorhome.


Fortunately the forecast for next weekend is looking much better!



It wasn't actually abandoned, they just closed it to non-booked units that just turned up, I think all pre-booked were allowed in, leaving hundreds turned away. We had to be towed off along with a couple of thousand others, the tractor drivers must have earned a fortune at the expected fiver a time. Many stall holders didn't bother to open but the entertainment still went ahead.

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paulmold - 2015-04-13 5:53 PM

It wasn't actually abandoned, they just closed it to non-booked units that just turned up, I think all pre-booked were allowed in, leaving hundreds turned away. We had to be towed off along with a couple of thousand others, the tractor drivers must have earned a fortune at the expected fiver a time. Many stall holders didn't bother to open but the entertainment still went ahead.


I sit corrected Paul, thanks!!


Who needs entertainment when they could watch tractors pulling vans out of the swamp - and I shudder to think what fun it must have been walking back to the vans in the dark after the official entertainment!

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peter - 2015-04-13 5:32 PM


I'm going, anyone want to come and see me instead of Tracker. I'll have a barrel of Speckled Hen on tap and canapes and crisps etc. Offer only open to owners of German vans. (lol)


I'll be at the show Peter and I'm kind of part German seen as I have a Swastika tattoo just under my BNP tattoo on my forehead ... Knowing you those crisps will be out of date wonders from pound shop so I'll be spending most of my time with Rich checking out the talent ... Should be fun !

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antony1969 - 2015-04-13 6:52 PM

I'll be spending most of my time with Rich checking out the talent ... Should be fun !


Gosh Antony - talent spotting - such memories!


You are welcome to join us for a tipple and nibble - we have brake fluid, anti freeze or diesel on offer or even the speciality cocktail of all three that I was really saving for Peter - 'the tasteless missing Linc's cocktail' - and there will be tasty nibbles of four kinds of timber offcuts, chipboard, plywood, softwood and, for the real tough guys, hardwood!

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