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remis blinds .getting nowhere.


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Hi folks, my last post explained about the problems I have with my rimis blinds,you folks put on the right track. It was not mold or damp but faulty manufacturing. The Problem is that the van is7 years old , they said no chance off replacement. Firstly shouldn't there have been a proper recall as I only found out about the problems on here recently thanks to you guys.l would of had no way of knowing about this as I have only been these forums for the last 2 years.any thoughts of what can be done? Or can I cover these marks that are coming much more extensively now. What shoud I do as replacements are about 1200 pounds . Regards . Tringy.
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You haven't linked to the original thread, which makes it difficult to read back to the advice you've already been given. But from this post it sounds like you are concerned about marks on a product which is now seven years old, which you regard as a manufacturing fault and you are complainig that there was no manufacturer's recall, to help you complain earlier and get a free replacement within the time scale it was (or in your opinion should have been?) offered?


I suggest that you post some photos and more details of the nature and extent of the faults and explain why you think it was a manufacturing fault. Do these marks prevent you from using the blinds or is your expectation that the blinds should remain looking like new for ever?


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This is the relevant earlier thread




The following two links relate to MotorHomeFacts 2007 discussions about the problem






The first MHFacts thread includes the statement “...The problem will not necessarily manifest itself on every blind and is cosmetic only.”


The Remis blinds on my 2005-built Hobby began to show ‘mottling’ relatively quickly and that seems to have been the norm. Remis replaced mottled blinds if asked to do so and one might have expected that any blind made from the faulty batch of material would definitely have begun to mottle by 2010 at the latest. Tringy’s Auto-Trail proves that this expectation is unfounded.


When my Hobby’s blinds began to mottle it did not take too long for the discoloration to spread across the whole of the blind’s inner surface. I’m not aware of any way to halt or reverse the mottling, and trying to disguise it would just be asking for trouble. Fortunately the mottling seems to make no difference to the strength of the pleated material nor how the blinds operate.


Remis openly admitted at the time that the discoloration was due to a flawed manufacturing process used prior to late-2005 and replaced affected blinds over the next several years. In 2015 it appears that Remis has decided that enough is enough and - 10 years on - will no longer replace blinds that are already mottlled or are becoming mottled. Realistically, this stance should not surprise...

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Sorry stuarto but do nott how to link posts yet I am a bit new to thist as wifie normally does this but shes out of action for a few days.it has determined that the blinds are a falulty batch of material supplied to remis.yes the blinds work fine but it is a bit unsightly and getting worse .it looks like mold but is actually an aluminium substance leeching out from inside the material. Lots were replaced by remis.we thought it was condensation or something we was doing,

It looks like the stuff that the police use when they take finger prints, the aluminium powder stuff.regards Tringy.



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tringy - 2015-04-21 3:49 PM


Hi again, from dereks reply do I take that the whole lot of blinds I have will eventually go that silvery grey colour or not? And my van is only late 07 autotrail. Tringy


Possibly unaswerable as the blinds that were affected seem to have begun to ‘mottle’ by 2008 and may well have been replaced by Remis before the discoloration process was complete.


The Remis pleated blinds fitted to my 2005 Hobby’s living-area windows, cab windows/windscreen and roof-lights finally mottled all over their inner surface except for one living-area window blind that was a different design and plainly made from a different material.


As the marking on your blinds is worsening, there’s a good chance they will eventually discolour all over as mine did.

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